Angling Trust – Marine – Wyvern Region Open Shore Slapton, South Devon,

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Angling Trust – Marine – Wyvern Region

Open Shore Slapton, South Devon,

On the 5th Jan 2025.

The South West’s first major event in 2025 attracted 104 anglers, along with 20 teams to the South Hams to fish the annual Angling Trust Wyvern Open Festival, with some competitors traveling from South Wales, Hastings & Bradford the weather conditions on the day saw a Strong to almost gale South  Westerly with heavy rain,  Small Eyed Ray, Bull Huss, Pouting, Whiting &  Lesser spotted Dogfish were caught during the event, 56 competitors returned to the scales with fish to record. The results were announced within half an hour of the close of scales at the Festival Headquarters at the Stokeley Farm Shop.

The main sponsor was Julian Shambrook of Anyfish Anywhere Ltd, a major fishing tackle manufacturer, based in Torquay.  All of the sponsors for the day were thanked for their continuing support each year, also a big thank you to Stokeley for their hospitality & providing an excellent venue.

The worthy winner, of the event was Ben Bradstock from Honiton SAC, he recorded a L.S.D. of 2.095lb & a Whiting of 1.175lb giving him a total of (162.13%), he was presented with the top prize of £200 cash and the Brixham Bowl, other tackle prizes were awarded down to 13th place, these were announced by the Chairman of the Wyvern Region Alex Parker and presented by Julian Shambrook.

The Region promotes the Angling Trust “Take Five” anti litter campaign and encourages all anglers to leave the beaches cleaner than they found them.


The first Thirteen Places are as follows:-


First :                              £200                            Brixham Bowl

Ben Bradstock                 Honiton SAC              Whiting                       1.175 lb

                                                                              L.S.D.                        2.095 lb               Total: 162.13%

Second:                           Pick of the Prize table   & Bideford Cup Cup

Archie Sweetland            Honiton SAC              L.S.D.                         2.135 lb

                                                                             Whiting                       1.13 lb“             Total: 160.73 %

Third                               Pick of the Prize table &   Appledore Cup

Damien Close                  Outcasts                      L.S.D.             1.98 lb

                                                                             Whiting           1.16 lb

                                                                                                                                          Total:  156.53 %


       Fourth                             Pick of the Prize table & Sidmouth Cup

James Madsen                 Outcasts                      L.S.D.             1.665 lb

                                                                             Bull Huss        7.875 lb

                                                                                                                                          Total:  145.35 % 

Fifth                                Pick of the Prize table

Lee Hemmings                T.S.A.S.

                                          Whiting          0.940 lb

  S.E. Ray        7.3125. lb                  Total:  143.92 %


Sixth                                Pick of the Prize table

Tom Stebbens                  Kingsbridge

                                          Whiting          0.960 lb

  L.S.D.           1.830. lb                  Total:  137.20 %


       Seventh                           Pick of the Prize table

Dave Bowering                Caerau                         Whiting           1.180 lb

 L.S.D.            1.445 lb                    Total:  136.47 %


Eighth                             Pick of the Prize table

       Till Hall                           Outcast           Whiting           1.075 lb

 L.S.D.             1.585 lb                     Total:  135.07 %

Ninth                               Pick of the Prize table

Jeff Fisk                           Wareham                   Whiting            0.860 lb

                                                                             L.S.D.             1.900 lb

                                                         Total:  133.33 %


       Tenth                               Pick of the Prize table

Dave Nicholls                  Blackdown

                                          Whiting          0.755 lb

 L.S.D.            2.070 lb                  Total:  133.13 %


       Eleventh:                         Pick of the Prize table

Joe Walton                       T.S.A.S.

                                          Whiting          0.895 lb

  L.S.D.           1.650. lb                  Total:  125.67 %


        Twelfth                           Pick of the Prize table

Andy Kershaw                 Bradford

                                          Whiting          0.715 lb

 L.S.D.            1.795. lb                  Total:  119.47 %


Thirteenth                                  Pick of the Prize table

Joe Plumstead                 Hastings

                                          Whiting          1.005 lb

  L.S.D.           1.275. lb                  Total:  118.00 %

Best Team           Team Shield:  ( Team of four anglers, Best fish by each angler)

Team:   Weston Outcast 1


       James Madsen

       Jason Brown

       Damien Close

       Till Hall

                                                          Total    290.22%.

Kindly donated by Steve Puckey from Plymouth, an additional 2 prizes were awarded for best Junior & second best junior.


These were awarded as follows:


Harvey Plumstead, Hastings, Whiting 49.07%

Chris Stokes, Weston Outcasts Whiting 43.33% 

Ends:-  Press Officer : Mike Spiller [email protected]

Angling Trust – Marine – Wyvern Region Open Shore Slapton

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Angling Trust – Marine – Wyvern Region Open Shore Slapton, South Devon, On the 15th Jan 2023.
The South West’s first major event in 2023 attracted 130 anglers to the South Hams to fish the annual Angling Trust Wyvern Open Festival, with some competitors traveling from South Wales & the Isle of White, the weather conditions on the day saw a strong to gale force, west / south westerly wind with occasional heavy blustery showers for the five hour event. Whiting, Dogfish, Smoothounds, Spotted Ray & Small Eyed Ray were caught during the event, 52 competitors returned to the scales with fish to record. The results were announced within half an hour of the close of scales at the Festival Headquarters at the Stokeley Farm Shop.
The main sponsor was Julian Shambrook of Anyfish Anywhere Ltd, a major fishing tackle manufacturer, based in Torquay. All of the sponsors for the day were thanked for their continuing support each year, also a big thank you to Stokeley for their hospitality & providing an excellent venue.
The worthy winner, of the event was Tom Travers of Honiton S.A.C., he recorded a Whiting of 1.225lb & a Spotted Ray of 3.25lb giving him a total of (153.89%),he was presented with the top prize of £200 cash and the Brixham Bowl, other tackle prizes to the value of £800 were awarded down to 12th place, these were announced by the Chairman of the Wyvern Region Alex Parker and presented by Julian Shambrook.
It was also very encouraging to see a junior Archie Sweetland from Honiton SAC take 11th place in a competition which attracted 130 anglers.
The Region promotes the Angling Trust “Take Five” anti litter campaign and encourages all anglers to leave the beaches cleaner than they found them.
The first Twelve Places are as follows: –
First: £200 Brixham Bowl
Tom Travers Honiton SAC, Whiting 1.225 lb, Spotted Ray 3.25 lb
Total: 153.89%
Second: Pick of the Prize table & Bideford Cup Cup
Adam Slack Brixham SAC, S E Ray 6.69 lb, Whiting 0.855 lb
Total: 131.31%
Third: Pick of the Prize table & Appledore Cup
Julian Shambrook, Torquay, L.S.D. 1.785 lb, Whiting 0.755 lb
Total: 121.73%
Fourth: Pick of the Prize table & Sidmouth Cup
Rob Marshall, Unattached, Whiting 0.670 lb, L.S.D. 1.845lb
Total: 118.47 %
Fifth: Pick of the Prize table
Liam Teppett, West Bay S.A.C. Whiting 0.805 lb, S. E. Ray 5.75 lb
Total: 117.56%
Sixth: Pick of the Prize table
Matt Werbitzky, West Coast S.A.C. Whiting 0.570 lb, L.S.D. 1.970 lb
Total: 116.80%
Seventh: Pick of the Prize table
Joe Walton,Teignmouth SAS, Whiting 0.590 lb, L.S.D. 1.825lb
Total: 112.33%
Eighth: Pick of the Prize table
Adam Green, Plymouth Sound SAC, Whiting 0.635 lb, L.S.D. 1.670 lb
Total: 109.13%
Ninth: Pick of the Prize table
Gavin Hitchcock, S.W.A.F.S.A.C, Whiting 0.645 lb, L.S.D. 1.565 lb
Total: 105.60%
Tenth: Pick of the Prize table
Paul Rohrabaugh, Sidmouth S.A.C. Whiting 0.685 lb, L.S.D. 1.430 lb
Total: 102.87%
Eleventh: Pick of the Prize table
Archie Sweetland, Honiton SAC, Whiting 0.730 lb, L.S.D. 1.290 lb
Total: 100.27%
Twelfth: Pick of the Prize table
Johnathon Bray, unattached, Whiting 0.830 lb, L.S.D. 1.110 lb
Total: 99,73%
Best Team: Team Shield: (Team of four anglers, Best fish by each angler)
Team: Anyfish Anywhere:
Rob Marshall
Julian Shambrook
Marcus Ward
Pete Hutchins Total 251.87%.
Pool (best individual species)
1/ 50% Alan Hobbs Roving Rods SAC 92%
2/ 30% Tristan Rowe Cormorants SAC 90.33%
3/ 20% Tom Travers Honiton SAC 81.67%
  As a member of the Wyvern committee, I attended the event and was nominated as the end marker at the Strete end of the beach. I also acted as a steward but saw very little action at this end of the beach until the final hour witnessing just 2 dogfish and a couple of whiting. Despite the lack of action, (I blanked) it was a very enjoyable day.

Coming from North Devon it was great to be able to set up on the beach without having to chase the tide up and down. The sight of beach shelters are rare up on the North Devon Coast where the tides make them impractical. And up North we are of course more hardened to the cold weather shunning the need for shelters!

         Slapton is a superb competition venue having plenty of parking and easy access along its 3 miles of course sand. There are a wide range of species caught from the beach throughout the seasons.

  Slapton sands has an interesting history with a very moving story attached to it. In 1943, the beach was used by the allied forces as a rehearsal area for the D-Day Landings. Unfortunately, a combination of live ammunition and poor visibility resulted in the deaths of 749 American servicemen. You can visit a stone monument which was set in place on Slapton Sands to commemorate the ill-fated.

        Whilst I had never fished the beach at Slapton I have fond memories of pike fishing in Slapton Ley before angling ceased under the stewardship of the Slapton Ley Field Centre. The Ley once held huge shoals of rudd and pike to twenty pounds. Its reed fringed waters provided a fascinating and atmospheric venue.

            As is often the case in large sea angling competitions the weigh in reveals plenty of fish at the scales with dogfish and whiting dominating. The introduction of catch and release for ray, smoothound and spurdog was in my view a positive step towards conservation. I intend to fish again next year and hopefully tempt a brace for the weigh in.

            Congratulations to all those who won prizes. And big thanks to those who organised the event and to the generous sponsors.

Angling Trust Wyvern Region Fisheries and Conservation Report

Angling Trust Wyvern Region Fisheries and Conservation Report

by David Rowe.

The report has been compiled from information obtained where I have a personal involvement and from the various information issued by DEFRA, the Devon & Severn IFCA and the Angling Trust

Devon & Severn IFCA: – The Netting Byelaw Review has been completed and the proposed Byelaw is now in the hands of DEFRA and the Minister for a final decision. The time this part of the process has taken is unacceptable and to date, over nine months has passed between the submission of the completed review and a decision on its introduction. We understand that the lack of DEFRA staff and the Brexit negotiations have been cited as the cause for the delay it does not encourage the IFCA Staff and the voluntary members of the IFCA, who have worked very hard over eighteen months to get to this point.


The next activity to be reviewed is to be hand gathering, which covers some very diverse methods, from removing cockles, mussels etc, and spear fishing to bait gathering. The Marine Bill dictated that we have a fully managed fishery where it is inappropriate to remove large quantities of any species from the sea shore, such as the huge effort placed on the mussel beds in the Exe some years ago without consideration of its effects, we have, to consider every activity within and outside the Protected Areas.


Please do not run away with the idea that the sea anglers or the general public will have draconian measures to contend with, for that is not the aim, but rather to examine the need to introduce measures to protect the whole marine environment from large scale exploitation.


Sea Angling Zones: The three angling zones, two local to us, the Skerries Bank, and the Emerson Wreck in Torbay and in the Bristol Channel at Burnham, Berrow and Brean Beaches continue to be monitored. Since their introduction over two and a half years ago, many checks have been made and anglers interviewed by the IFCA Officers and a review is underway and we await the report which should be available middle 2018. It is expected that the report will show positive results for the angling community and I encourage all who use these areas to cooperate with the IFCA Officers and provide useful information to enable them to record a true picture of the activity within those areas.


You will be aware that the Angling Zones are operated under Codes of Conduct and whilst some have been sceptical about such codes, it is a DEFRA dictate to use codes of conduct wherever possible when management issues are being considered. However, when Codes of Conduct are unsuccessful or unsuitable, for managing an area or fishery, then further legislation may be necessary.

This could happen when the conditions of the codes are not being met, and as I have mentioned in earlier reports, pictures in the press or on social media of huge numbers of plaice caught by anglers from the Skerries Angling Zone, which includes the shoreline, when there is 10 place bag limit per angler per day will invite tougher legislation.

Emerging Live Wrasse Fishery:

At the last Wyvern meeting I reported on the Emerging Wrasse Fishery and the proposals to change the potting permit conditions passed by the IFCA in April, well! the measures are now in place. The wrasse is a very important species for the sea angler and up to now has had little or no value to the commercial sector other than for pot bait in some areas.

The changes to the potting permits to regulate the fishery are: –

A Fully Documented Fishery has been introduced whereby those potting permit holders who wish to engage in the live wrasse pot fishery are required to provide relevant fishery information to the Authority. This information must be provided in two formats and permit holders have to provide fisheries data through daily logbooks, to include the following information:

  1. Date and time of deployment and recovery of each string
  2. Start and end latitude and longitude of each string of pots hauled c. Number of strings fished d. Number of pots per string e. Number of times per day pots are hauled f. Number of each species of wrasse retained on board g. Number of live wrasse supplied direct to Salmon Farm Industry/Agent

This information from each fisherman has already enabled the IFCA to understand the location and level of effort and to provide more detail on the removal of the different species of wrasse and numbers retained. The D&S IFCA officers are undertaking on board catch surveys on a regular basis to observe the total catches and the fishermen are assisting to collect this data collection by allowing D&S IFCA officer on board their vessels.

  1. Pot Limitations A limit on the number of pots per vessel should is set at 120 pots, per permit holder, this would allow a viable fishery to continue at this level and provide greater opportunity for diversification amongst members of the fishing industry.
  2. Marking of Gear: Every pot used for the capture of live wrasse must be marked with a tag, that is issued by D&S IFCA, to allow for identification of the wrasse pots and aid compliance of the effort restrictions.

All strings of wrasse pots to be used to capture live wrasse must be marked with a buoy or dahn, and each buoy or dahn must be marked the letter ‘W’ together with the vessels PLN. To enable the wrasse pots to be identified. And the c. the Strings of pots used for the capture of live wrasse must be used solely for that purpose.

  1. Closed Season:

The period between 1st April and 31st June is closed to the live wrasse pot fishery because the Authority believes that a closed season will protect the spawning stock of each species of wrasse and allow for the sustainability of the stock of each species. A closed season, as a measure of management of the fishery, has been introduced in other live wrasse pot fisheries. From previous studies and research, the dates proposed reflect the main part of the spawning season for all five species and will support the continued sustainability of the fishery.

  1. Minimum and Maximum Conservation Reference Sizes

From information gathered on the biology of the five-wrasse species found in our district and to meet the demands of the Salmon farms, the Authority has introduced the following minimum and maximum conservation reference sizes for each species.

Min and Maximum Conservation Reference Size Rock Cook 120 230mm Goldsinney 120 230mm Corkwing 120 230mm Ballan 150 230mm Cuckoo 150 230mm

The fishery is being fully documented, and the 2017 fishery is well under way and comprises of four boats, all based in Plymouth all small boats some under 25ft, who are prosecuting the fishery catching the smaller wrasse. The Ballan wrasse is being supplied by the Weymouth and Cornish Boats although I suspect some of the Plymouth Sound Ballan’s may be landed in Cornwall, but to date there is no evidence of this. The monitoring is ongoing and in the Spring of next year the IFCA will consider the findings of the officers via their report and decide whether further controls are necessary to manage this new wrasse fishery.

The AT Marine Conservation Group and Devon Wildlife Trust have both launched a campaign to stop all commercial exploitation of the Wrasse, and this may be an admirable ambition supported no doubt by all. However how admirable these incentives are, and however popular with members, a total ban cannot be possible without consideration of the whole available evidence and that is exactly what the D&S IFCA has set out to obtain. If that evidence is strong enough it may well be possible that a total ban could be introduced.

Why introduce a Byelaw and not code of conduct for the management of the Emerging Wrasse Fishery?  I have been asked why the Devon and Severn IFCA decided to go down the road of a byelaw when other IFCA’s elected to introduce a Code of Conduct for the Wrasse fishery. I can answer this by saying that the “Southern IFCA who manage the Weymouth Wrasse Fishery and the Cornish IFCA, both who have had a wrasse fishery within their Districts for at least two years, have not felt it necessary to introduce stronger measures. They do not have the flexible legislative powers to do so because they prefer full byelaws to manage their fisheries.

They could bring in an emergency byelaw, but that only lasts, for I believe six months, when adequate evidence must be produced to warrant such action and collecting evidence of the impact on the fish stocks and the eco system would take time and much longer than 6 months to establish.

The Devon and Severn IFCA, very early in their Byelaw Review which was a direction of the Marine Bill on the creation the IFCAS’s, elected to go down the Permitting Byelaw route to manage fisheries within its District. It was felt that a single byelaw based on each activity, Trawling, Potting, Netting, etc, managed by permit conditions was a flexible, innovative and more effective way of managing its fisheries. The benefits are that whilst it takes forever to introduce a byelaw, ie. it must go through many processes before it is signed off by the Minister as experienced by the netting bylaw mentioned earlier, permit conditions do not. They can be varied provided that pre- laid down conditions are met which include a Risk Assessment of the consequences and full and inclusive consultations with interested parties. Once this has been done as with the case of the Emerging Wrasse Fishery, the permit conditions can be changed and the measures introduced within two months, three as a maximum.

Bass:- In December the EU will consider the BASS management measures for 2018 and already there are calls by the scientists for further measures, and here I am pleased to report that the AT Marine Conservation Committee along with the BASS Society have been very proactive taking the argument to DEFRA and the EU through the European angles Alliance, for tougher controls on the commercial sector whilst insisting that the recreational sector has a fair access to the Bass fishery. However, it is likely that the one bass per angler per day will continue to be a measure used to manage the recreational sector.


Sea Angling 2017

I again encourage sea anglers within the Region to take time to participate in the online study at which runs for the rest of the year and to continue to cooperate with the studies, because if not our lack of participation will be interpreted as being that we are not interested and therefore unimportant. The old saying, you should be in it to win it, comes to mind and if what we have been saying for 25 years and more is correct, “that the recreational Sector deserves better recognition in the management of fisheries”, we must continue to cooperate.