North Devon Match Group – Final Match

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Some super nets of small silver fish from Upper Tamar Lake a fine match and specimen fish venue.

The final Summer League on Upper Tamar Cornish Bank.


1st Shaun Stenton  44lb 8oz

2nd Nathan Underwood  38lb 8oz

3rd Chris Morris  31lb 10oz

4th Wayne Mitchell 30lb 12oz

5th Duncan Edwards  30lb 6oz

6th Kevin Shears 30lb 2oz

The 14 anglers who took the long walk up the Cornish bank enjoyed hot still conditions and landed an average of 25lb a man. Shaun Stenton landed 50 odd skimmers on the tip on worm for a convincing victory. Nathan Underwood fished the long pole and long whip with groundbait and worms to land a mixed net including several large perch for 2nd place, Third placed Chris Morris landed a similar net also on pole and whip tactics

The top 3 final summer league positions are Neilsen Jeffery 160pts Martin Turner 115pts Chris Morris 90pts.

Upper Tamar Twenty

Aaron Bunning targeted Upper Tamar lake on the Cornwall and Devon border and caught this lovely mirror at 21lb exactly. Aaron also had a double figure common and both fish fell to Scopex Squid fluro pop ups over 2kgs of 20mm freebies. This continues Aaron’s fine run on the venue…….



A Handsome perch

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Ashley Bunning has followed up his capture of a common carp called ‘The Don’ at 34.04 from Upper Tamar Lake with this cracking Perch of 3.12 caught on an Eco Gear Ikajako soft lure fished from the perch boat.

Kevin Smith has also been in the action with this lovely 3.08 Perch from the same venue.

Upper Tamar Carp catches

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Roger Maher has been getting stuck into some of the new stock in Upper Tamar Lake Roger has landed three of the new fish which were stocked a month ago and they are doing well and looking great. A 19.06 pale looking fish which was stocked at 19.04 and a chunky mirror of 24.04 which was stocked at 22.12. Roger’s third new fish was one of the commons at 23.14 which was stocked at 23.04. Roger topped it all off with an original common golden coloured common of 19.06. Great work Roger!

North Devon Match Group Summer league

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No 3 Upper Tamar Devon Bank.

1st Neilsen Jeffery 30lb 9oz

2nd Martin Turner 27lb 12oz

3rd Christopher Morris 23lb 13oz

4th Paul Ware  21lb 12oz

5th Paul Elworthy 20lb 11oz

Neilsen fished a 5mt whip , near the bench peg on the Devon arm, with groundbait and caster, Martin caught a mainly roach net shallow on hemp. Chris fished a top kit to hand for 3rd and Paul’s 4th place was a feeder caught net of bream.

Upper Tamar Charity Pairs Match

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Below is a letter I received from Melissa Thomas North DEvon Angling News is always pleased to promote angling related good causes.

I am in the process of promoting Hft’s first charity Fishing Competition, taking place on the 12th- 13th August at Upper Tamar Lake near Launceston. I understand you probably receive a lot of requests for free publicity – and cannot support them all – nevertheless, if you are able to include the attached press release and/or a poster in one of your forthcoming issues/online we would be extremely appreciative.

Hft is a national charity supporting more than 2,500 adults with learning disabilities across England to live the best life possible. Our services range from supported living to residential care – from a few hours a week to 24 hours a day – and we support people with a range of needs, challenging behaviours and specific syndromes like autism spectrum disorders and down’s syndrome. Hft also helps people with learning disabilities to take part in daily activities, make friends and develop relationships, find work, and gain independence. You can find out more about our work on our website: <>

A lot of our core work is reliant on voluntary donations, so we organise a series of fundraising events across the year to help support this work. The Carp Open Pairs competition is just one of these events, and is raising money to support the services and facilities at Chy Keres short stay and respite centre in Tregadillet, Cornwall.

It would be hugely beneficial to have some advertising and/or coverage of our charity fishing competition – as it will enable us to: get more people registered to participate and, therein, to raise more money to support our key services at Chy Keres. In return we would be happy to mention you in any online publicity and, of course, would love to have you come along to the event itself. I would also be very happy to show you around Chy Keres if you would like to find out more about the support we provide, or would like to find out more about what we are fundraising for. Please let me know if you have any other ideas that you would like to explore.

Thanks so much for your time and please do let me know if you have any questions or would like more information.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks and best wishes,

Melissa Thomas
Support Worker, Hft Chy Keres

Melissa Thomas
Support Worker

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Every day we help people with learning disabilities live the lives they choose

Follow us on social media
Registered Office: HF Trust Limited, 5/6 Brook Office Park, Folly Brook Road, Emersons Green, Bristol BS16 7FL

Tel: 0117 906 1700
Fax: 0117 906 1701

Registered Charity No. 313069 – VAT No. 609 6687 00 – Company Registered in England no: 734984
Royal Patron HRH The Princess Royal


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14203112_1833161906970379_7210847280172533144_nNorman Martin and Jim Lawries won this years Continental Pairs Match at Upper Tamar lake. Norman putting together a fine net of mostly roach totaling 48lb 12oz and JIm a net of 43lb again mostly roach a paired total of 91lb 12oz. The runners up had a total of 77lb.

Stewart Lister had the biggest individual net of the day at 51lb.

Andy Seery also commented on the match result where the two anglers used his new bait to great effect.

Norman Martin and Jim Lawrie fish Simon Poynters first ever continental pairs comp,the two boys fished an incredible match just 6ft apart and landed an incredible 93lbs of silvers at 3.6m to hand ,both lads fed small balls of GB sprinkled with our Little Red Devil Micros! This outstanding performance won them first place in the pairs! All of these new baits are now available direct from myself ,the Little Red Micros are a 2.3mm slowbreak down bait ,ideal for the summer and hot weather when you get pestered by small fish and you want a bait not to just dissolve,it has good holding powers of the Go-nut smell and attractant ,when you damp they release bright red plumes when entering the water,they seem to be working really well with the carp and better skimmers!

Andy will have a website to promote the baits where people can order direct from Andy of all the bait used on Facebook on his fishing adventures.


CARP Competition Upper Tamar
CARP Competition Upper Tamar