The Mainline Baits Open Carp Match at Upper Tamar

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 Final Results July Mainline Competition. 
Friday 11am arrived, the draw for the July Mainline Comp was completed, all anglers were transported to their swims. The mood amongst the anglers was upbeat and raring to go.
The horn was sounded at 2pm for the start of the competition, around 15:45 the phone rang, fish been caught peg 12 Dave Bellew with a cracking 22Ib 6oz Mirror, within minutes the phone was ringing again, this time peg 14 Dan Hole & Jack Chillingworth 18Ib 15oz Mirror.
Things went a little quiet until around 19:00 when peg 14 had another fish, followed swiftly with peg 12 recording its second fish.
Former winner Nigel Woods fishing peg 10 recorded his first fish of the day. The Devon bank seemed to be dominating the competition with peg’s 10, 12, & 14 producing the fish. This carried on into the late evening.
Saturday morning arrived with fish being caught on the Cornwall bank, but still pegs 10,12,14 dominating the leader board.
Saturday evening arrived and the leader board was very close with six pegs recording 3 recorded fish. During Saturday late evening 11 fish were recorded and the leader board was still very close.
Aaron & Liam Jones were on 2 fish and not far behind the leaders.
Sunday morning arrived and peg 14 was in the lead with peg 12 second and peg 10 3rd. Nigel Woods peg 10 starting catching and there was 6oz’s between second and third place.
Aaron & Liam Jones peg 27 were unlucky losing 2 fish in the last hour. With 10 minutes to go Nigel Woods, peg 10, landed 23Ib 14oz fish putting himself into second place 15oz’s behind the leader. Top weights were recorded by 8 pegs making it an exciting competition. Out of the 18 pegs drawn only 2 pegs did not record any fish. Over 50 fish were recorded, all in all a very close contest.
The format of the prizes this year were changed, to give anglers more chances to win prizes. First, second, and third prizes remained the same.
A big thank you to all that took part, thank you John Kneebone and Mainline Baits for sponsoring the event.
A massive thank you to our volunteer marshal’s who gave up their time to help run this event. Gary, Laura, Bob, Ken and Mark, you made my running the event easy. ( Mervyn )
Results below:
1st: Dan Hole & Jack Chillingworth peg14 58Ib 1oz.
2nd: Nigel Woods peg10 57Ib 2oz
3rd: Dave Bellew peg12 48Ib 6oz.
Section winners:
Section 1 Richard Voisey. Tim Frost peg 11.
Section 2 Rod Sanders. Corey Mills peg17.
Section 3 Simon Fowler. Stuart Morrish peg 22.
Section 4 Liam Jones. Aaron Jones peg 27.
Biggest Fish: Craig Hunt. George West peg 21 18Ib 15oz.
Smallest Fish: Simon Fowler. Stuart Morrish peg 22 7Ib 13oz.

Mainline Baits Pairs competition – Friday 19 July – Sunday 21st July 2024

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Mainline Baits Pairs competition – Friday 19 July – Sunday 21st July 2024 The Mainline Baits Carp Pairs competitions are held at our fantastic 81-acre fishery, Upper Tamar Lake. This is a fun, friendly competition, open to all, with some fantastic prizes up for grabs!  The competition is limited to 34 pairs so book your place now to avoid disappointment 👇 or 01566 771930 1st Prize – £2000 2nd Prize – £1000 3rd Prize –  £500 There are also prizes for biggest fish and section winners up for grabs.  Each person who enters will get a goody bag with some fantastic Mainline products inside.  All tackle and equipment is transported to and from your swim. There is also a full menu for the weekend with food delivered directly to your swim!


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Aaron Bunning’s has enjoyed success on trips to Upper Tamar banking several fine carp including fish of   20lb 14oz, 19lb 14oz, 19lb and 18lb 12oz. All fish were caught using Nash Bait scopex squid. Great result Aaron!

A good stamp of fish are being caught from the venue at the moment, with the first South West Lakes Trust Mainline Baits pairs competition of the year next month, I don’t think many would argue if they managed to get these fish in the competition.

Places are still available for the March competition. With £3500 worth of prize money and Mainline Baits goodies available, visit our website to book a place:

The Carp Fushing removal project is also being repeated at Roadford this coming season!


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Jamie Steward kick started his perch fishing campaign in style on Upper Tamar by landing these two cracking perch of 3lb 8oz and 3lb 3oz feeder fishing prawn.

The lake has great form for big perch and its great to see some quality fish still getting caught on the lake. Two 3lbers isn’t a bad way to start your campaign, best of luck to Jamie for the rest of the winter.


South West Lakes Trust hosted Mainline Baits Upper Tamar Carp Open Pairs Match with the £2000 first prize taken by John Kierle and Sam Fowler who banked nine carp for a total weight of 117lb. In runner up spot were Karl Yates and Allan Jones with four carp for 56lb 5oz winning £1000  and in third David Bellew and Josh Bellew with four carp for 51lb 15oz receiving £500.




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QUALIFIER 1 – Results
Great day had by all on Saturday:
With every section being won with over 25lb there was 700lb+ of silvers between 39 anglers.
Winner on the day was Paul Purchase, Paul was on peg 20 on the Cornwall bank, Paul fished for everything, caught a few nice perch, skimmers and roach (around 100 fish) for a 32lb 4oz total. Well done Paul.
Section Winners:
Cornwall Bank
1-7: Garry Thornton 27lb 7oz
8-14: Scott Russell 28lb 5oz
15-21: Paul Purchase 32lb 4oz
Devon Bank
1-7: Nick Chedzoy 28lb 4oz
8-14: Nigel Garrett 25lb 13oz
15-21: (joint winners) Chris Ware & Graham West 25lb 14oz
Top 2 in each section book a place on the TWO DAY GRAND FINAL in August, please see qualifiers below:
Nick Chedzoy
Alex Murray
Nigel Garrett
Stuartshelley Burridge
Chris Ware
Graham West
Garry Thornton
James Carty
Scott Russell
Christian Whitfield
Paul Purchase
Jack Jones
Congratulations to all of the winners.
Massive thanks to Simon Poynter for running this great competition series.

Upper Tamar Thirty

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Aaron Bunning fished overnight session at Upper Tamar Lake between work and had this report for us: ‘I had a 31lb common and 19lb 8oz mirror, part of a 4 fish catch I had sunday night. All fish fell to Nashbait Citruz pop ups over Scopex Squid. I am over the moon to have now had a 30+ common and mirror from Upper Tamar!’

Upper Tamar Carp

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Daniel Scranage has recently put in a bit of time on Upper Tamar. This weekend his efforts have been rewarded with mirrors of 25lb and 23lb, these were backed up with commons of 18lb and low double.

The South West Lakes  well stocked shop at Upper Tamar is open Friday, Saturday and Sundays 8am-4:30pm. If you have any enquiries please give us a call on 01288 321 712

West and Woon scoop £2000 with Mainline Pairs win……in brutal conditions

West and Woon scoop £2000 with Mainline Pairs win……
What a weekend here at Upper Tamar for the Mainline Baits carp open pairs!
42 carp caught by 19 pairs in brutal conditions!
Massive thankyou to our sponsor Mainline Baits and John Kneebone in particular for their ongoing and generous support. The prize winners were:
1st place George West and Andy Woon peg 12 with 7 fish for 84lbs. They win £2000
2nd were Ben and Matt Cooper with 7 fish from peg 20 for 74lb 13oz. They win £1000
3rd place were Jamie Woods and Richard Chalke who had 5 fish for 63lb 10oz from peg 26. They win £500
Largest fish (not finishing in top 3) was Jason McEvoy with a 24lb 11oz common. He won a box of Mainline PVA and spod mix and a Baseball cap.
Smallest fish (not in the top three) was Matt Pepperell with a 7lb 15oz mirror. He won a box of Mainline PVA and spod mix and a Baseball cap.
Section winners winning 5kg of Mainline freezer boilies were:
pegs 1-9 were Chris Hudson and Matt Pepperell. 4 fish for 60lb 15oz peg 9
Pegs 10-18 were Barry Hazleden and Mark Brett with 2 fish for 32lb 11oz
Pegs 19-26 were Scott and David Bowden with 2 fish for 23lb 8oz
Pegs 27-35 were Karl Yates and Allan Jones with two fish for 30lb 13oz
Full results are in the pictures.
Next competition is Mainline singles 6-8 November. Entries on 01566771930