Paul Dunn has landed a fine mirror carp of 30lb fishing Stafford Moors Beatties Lake. Mainline cell boilie’s were once again the successful bait.
Paul Dunn
Brandon Galley fished Beatties Dam wall to land a 19lb Mirror using home made boilies. Brandon’s grandad Warren also enjoyed success as pictured below.
Harry Collins (Below) with 2 of his catches from Beattie’s lake using mainline cell one is a 22lb 10oz & 22lb 5oz.
Josh Vernon with his son Charlie fished Stafford Moor’s Beatties lake using Sticky Baits Krill boilies 16mm purchased from the sites well stocked shop. These are some of the specimen carp they tempted!
Mark Mead with his 28lb catch from the Dam wall on Beatties lake using mainline cell boilies.
Dave Morrish with his 28lb 8oz catch from the dam wall on Beatties lake using sticky baits krill.
Mark Grinney and Ellie had 8 fish from the inlet swim on beatties lake up to 29lb 3oz using home made chocolate boilies and strawberry pop ups.
Chrissy Waring who was here with hubby Geoff (AKA 2 of the Carp Busters ) had 10 fish out up to 21lb 8 oz on Beatties lake in a day session using mainline cell and dynamite baits monster tiger nut flavour purchased in the on site tackle shop .
Harris Sawyer who fishing Staffords Woodpecker Lake with regular Jason Hammond who had this fab catch from woodpecker lake today.
Latest match results from the ever prolific Stafford Moor
Andy Boffin
Wednesday August 3rd Open match at Stafford Moor on Tanners and Woodpecker lakes. Had 32 fishing with a continental payout . Had 6 main payouts plus 4 X section payouts.
Winner of the day was Andy Boffin Tanners peg 6 with 154lb 15oz fishing the conker & paste.
2nd Kev Walters Woodpecker peg 3 with 104lb 6oz
3rd Herbie Tanners peg 3 with 116lb 5oz
4th Tony Nallie Woodpecker peg 32 with 86lb 8oz
5th Ben Evenden Tanners peg 36 with 110lb 4oz
6th Chris Haines Woodpecker peg 10 with 84lb 13oz
Our section winners were:
Tanners steve Kedge peg 32 with 95lb 15oz and Kev Osbourne peg 27 with 61lb 12oz
Woodpecker Rob Hendrick peg 12 with 34lb and Mick Wheatley peg 26 with 43lb 7oz
Stephen Crocker
Friday August 5th residents match Stafford Moor on Tanners and Woodpecker lakes. Weather was sunny most of the day , had a continental payout today , had a great winning weight from Stephen Crocker peg 36 with 132lb 4oz fishing 11mm on the lead, well done Steve ! (Who won it last year too )
2nd Chris Birch Tanners peg 35 with 122lb 5oz
3rd Keith Simpson Woodpecker peg 10 with 51lb 3oz
4th Rob Hendrick AKA MOS Tanners peg 13 with 90lb 12oz fishing 8mm & paste down the edge
5th Mark Betteridge Woodpecker peg 28 with 49lb 11oz
6th Richard Gere AKA Michael Wheatley 😜 Tanners peg 18 with 79lb 3oz
Anthony Madden landed this stunning ghost carp from Stafford Moors Beatties Lake the fish weighed 22lb 8oz and was tempted using using mainline cell boilie’s.
Winner of Stafford Moors fisho festival was Dave Stockton who fished on peg 1 to land 164lb 2oz fishing 8mm pellet on the waggler who won £1000 .
The festival had one main winner then 4 more winners which were one in each of the four sections who each won £365.
These were :
Lee Werrett
Zac Newton
Chris Cameron
Pete Randall
Joanne Combes keeps a steady stream of carp captures coming my way with some stunning images of captors and their successes.
Phil Bate with one of his catches a 20lb 15oz beauty fishing BQ Wafters in the dam wall on BeattiesInch Morgan with one of his many catches from the summerhouse swim on Beattie’s lake using sticky baits krill boilies here is his 20lb common (just one of his catches )Eddie Scott with just one of his 6 catches from lodge lake peg 14 using shoreline baits protein boilies .
Sundays Open match on July 24th was fished Tanners and Woodpecker lakes. Both lakes fished hard today especially Tanners lake. Our winner of the day was Phill Harwick Woodpecker peg 34 with 107lb 6oz fishing 8mm pellet on the waggler well done Phill ! Full match results are shown below.
1st Phil Harwick Peg 34 Woodpecker: 107lbs 6oz
2nd Ricky Johnston Peg 16 Woodpecker: 79lbs 2oz
3rd – Paul Tidbal Peg 24 – Woodpeacker 76lb 9oz
4th – Dave Stockton Peg 6 Woodpeacker
Wednesday 27th July
Mid Week Open open on Tanners Lake, Winner was Mark Hayman peg 36 with 115lb 10oz fishing 11mm on the bomb. In in second place was Paul Goulding next door to Mark on peg 35 with 112lb 14oz fishing 8mm on the bomb.
Stafford Moor is in fine form with specimen carp regularly being tempted by visitors to the complex. Here are a few of the latest catches.
Lily Hammond with her 14lb catch from lodge lake using sticky baits krill boilies. Lily was here with dad Jason Hammond who is a regular here at Stafford moor.Scott Vern who had 7 fish out up to 15lb from lodge lake using mainline cell boilies .
Paul Hutchings who had 9 fish out up to a weight 29lb 7oz (pictured) from Beattie’s lake in a 48 hour session using krill & sweetcorn topper.Adam Price with one of his 4 fish out of 20lb from Beattie’s lake using krillDanny Hayman with one of his catches from Beattie’s lake a 26lb 8oz using cell over a area of cell & pellet.