North Devon Match Group at Stafford Moor

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The match this weekend was at Stafford Moor Fishery. A bitter easterly wind was the main foe of the day mainly.
Winners on the day were
1st Graham Currington 155lb 08oz
2nd Ian Croxton 149lb 13oz
Section A. Tom Downing 143lb
Section B. Mark Lynch 85lb 12oz
1st Roger Ackroyd 129lb 14oz
2nd Paul Whitehead 90lb
Section A. Darren Polden 86lb 13oz
Section B. Daniel Underwood 75lb 14oz.

Stafford Moor Carp Catches

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Barry Smyth & Steve banked 14 carp between them  on Lodge Lake swims 2 & 3.  Barry landing new pb 31lb! All caught on Sticky baits Manilla boilies over a bed of house pellets.

(below) Ryan Turner & friends fished up on Lodge lake for 48 hrs lots of fish between them biggest being 31lb 14oz from swim 1 , 3 & 5 all caught on a mixture of Mainline baits & Sticky baits.

(Below) Jack Burrett who travelled all the way from Norfolk to fish Beatties Lake, Jack had 33 Carp from the Inlet Swim over 4 nights, with the biggest being 31lb 2oz.




The match weights at Stafford Moor are outstanding as can be seen from a summary of results over recent weeks with weights in excess of 150lb needed to win every match in recent weeks. This is surely the South West’s most productve Match fishing venue?

JUNE 30th The winner of the day was Lee Dance who bagged 300lb 1oz from peg 20 on Tanners lake

JULY 4th – The winner of the day was Mark Layzelle who bagged 221lb 9oz from peg 5 on Woodpecker lake

JULY 6th – The winner of the day was Mick Myers who bagged 233lb 7oz from peg 20 on Tanners lake

JULY 7th –  The winner of the day was Paul Golding who bagged 205lb 8oz from peg 10 on Tanners lake

JULY 11th Open match on Woodpecker lake at Stafford Moor.
The winner of the day was Gary Webber who bagged 197lb 12oz from peg 16
JULY 12th Residents match results on Tanners lake here at Stafford Moor.
The winner of the day was Wayne Batkin who bagged 159lb 13oz from peg 14
match results for our open match on Tanners lake here at Stafford Moor.
JULY 14th The winner of the day was Steve Ford who bagged 190lb 4oz from peg 17
JULY 17th open match on Woodpecker lake  at Stafford Moor.
The winner of the day was Joe Duckworth who bagged 161lb 1oz from peg 19
JULY 20th Residents match results on Tanners lake here at Stafford Moor.
The winner of the day was Joe Duckworth who bagged 255lb 3oz from peg 17

 JULY 22nd

Open match results on Tanners & Woodpecker lakes e at Stafford Moor.
The winner of the day was Wayne Grinney who bagged 287lb 2oz from peg 20


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Glenn & son banked 47 carp out from Silver Birch lodge on Beatties lake 26 in the 20’s and 2 in the 30’s.

All caught on sticky baits krill & mainline cell boilies over house pellets

Pete & Hannah  on Lodge lake on the double swim peg 1 for 48hrs Hannah managed to get a PB of 33lb 4oz & Pete had a few one which was 30lb 1oz all caught on Royal Marine Wafters and double cream seed boilies by munch baits.

Stafford Moor’s over 50’s Festival 2024

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Stafford Moor’s over 50’s Festival 2024 and the worthy winner was…Doug Richardson with a total of 5 points and a total weight 901lb 4oz!
In 2nd place was Nigel Rhodes with 5 points and a total weight of 834lb 14oz.
In 3rd place was Lee Werrett with 5 points and a total weight of 762lb 5oz .
The winner of the largest bag of the week was Nigel Rhodes with 311lb 10oz on day 4 from peg 20 in Tanners lake.
The winner of the largest silvers bag was Dave Stockton with 68lb 4oz on day 5 from peg 1 on Woodpecker lake.
Jo says “Wow been another fab week, hope everyone enjoyed the week 🙏 thank you for your support as always ❤️
A huge shout out to all the guys who helped weigh in all week who were:
Mark layzell
Lee Werrett
Nick Jones
Nigel Rhodes
And also everyone who helped with the boards your help is soooooooooo appreciated !”

 The final of Stafford Moors May Festival 2024

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 The final of Stafford Moors May Festival 2024

The consistently high weights caught during matches at this superb venue never cease to amaze.

Joanne Combes wrote :-
 Our worthy winner is ……… Steve Ford who had a total weight of 954lb 4oz with 5 points a huge well done to you! 🥇
In second place was Lee Werrett with a total weight of 740lb 7oz and a total of 6 points well done! 🥈
In 3rd place was Ben Evenden with a total weight of 731lb 5oz and a total of 6 points well done! 🥉
Just want to say what a fantastic week it has been with the company and weights this week wow some fab weights all week. The total amount of fish caught this week was 36,590 lb !!!!!!!!! Wow that’s a few fish ! 🎣
Thank you so much to all the guys who helped weigh in this week your help is so appreciated ❤️