Spurdog still there to be caught

There is still time to land a spurdog from the shoreline this winter with several landed during the past week by anglers targetting the species. James Atkinson landed a brace of spurs weighing 10lb 7oz and 8lb 4.5oz both fish were tempted using a squid mackerel and herring cocktail.


Jon Patten also enjoyed success landing a brace of spurs weighing 11lb 1oz and 12lb 10oz using large mackerel baits.

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There is still time to hook into a spurdog from shore marks all along the North Devon Coast and with things roughing up this week and evening tides and expect to get a few reports. Kevin Pike rose early at the weekend to tempt a fine spurdog of 10lb 4oz. Many thanks to Kevin for letting me use this excellent image.


Combe Martin SAC members fished their roving match at Clovelly on Saturday 28th January and it was Matt Jeffery who won the mixed brace competition with a plump dab of 11.5oz and a whiting of 1lb. The hoped for spurdog failed to materialize though Matt confided that something grabbed a whiting on his last cast of the night.

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Jon Patten has a knack of finding the big fish and enjoyed success this week landing a fine spurdog of 14lb.

The fish was tempted with a large slice of mackerel presented on 6/0 Varivas Big Mouth Xtra hooks.


Spurdog Days

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Times they are a changing! There was a time twenty odd years ago when winter saw anglers flock to the North Devon Coast in search of big cod and in those far off days they were caught by those who put in the hours. With the demise in cod along the North Devon coast it is now spurdog that seem to be flourishing and providing the incentive for anglers to brave the cold nights. Unfortunately it is not just the spurdog that seem to have increased in numbers for their relative the humble Lesser spotted dogfish also seem to have increased in numbers as I found out last night when I hoped for a spurdog and wound in numerous LSD’s!

The last couple of weeks have seen numerous spurdog landed in addition to Michael Toogoods stunning haul of eight reported earlier this week.

Top tips for spurdog – Deep water, whiting shoals and use fish baits with a wire trace hook size 4/0 to 6/0…


Ross Stanway – 11lb 10oz

15977422_1753997131293277_4475001582153190503_nOllie Passmore 9lb 4oz

16114346_1189222231114359_1672615354783991472_nDan Miles Redmore 11lb 1oz

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Appledore Shipbuilders and Bideford 24 hour Rover Results

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Michael Toogood’s terrific haul of eight spurdog that included seven double figure fish took the top three places in Appledore Shipbuilders twenty four hour rover. The three biggest scaled13lb 4oz, 12lb 8oz and 11lb 7oz. Cameron Atkinson landed a fine flounder of 2lb 4oz and returned the fish having heard of Michael’s staggering haul of spurs.


Phil Vanstone won Bideford and District Angling Clubs twenty four hour rover with a specimen whiting of 1lb 81/4oz. Dick Talbot was runner up with a whiting of 1lb 71/2oz and Phil Vanstone third with a bull huss of 8lb 15oz.

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CATCHS FROM THE COAST – Topped by spurdog haul

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A bitterly cold North West Wind battered the North Devon coast last weekend making fishing conditions difficult. Those that ventured out did manage to find a few fish that often move close inshore during rough weather feasting upon food dislodged by the surging waves. Michael Toogood fished a local shore mark in the early hours to make a terrific haul of eight spurdog seven double figure fish the best 13lb 4oz.


Michael Toogood -13lb 4oz spurdog

Combe Martin Sea Angling Club postponed their club event at Clovelly as a result of the conditions. A few members did venture out though and fished various marks along the coast that they judged to be safe enough to fish. I enjoyed a short session and was pleased to land a bass on my first cast a change from the more seasonal codling I was hoping for. A reminder, all bass have to be returned alive now with a total ban on retaining fish until July 1st. Rob Sciones landed a near specimen dogfish of 2lb 11oz.

Rob Sciones 2lb 11oz dogfish
(Above) Unseasonable bass
(Above) Dan Welch – Winter codling




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January can be a tough month weather wise for the shore angler but if the correct clothing is worn then there is no reason not to get out there and catch a few specimens. I get a steady stream of reports from successful forays to the coast with some anglers traveling long distances to enjoy their sport.

Combe Martin SAC member Dan Spearman enjoyed a succesful shore foray to a local rock mark landing a fine specimen whiting of 1lb 14oz and specimen spurdog of 8lb 11oz.


David Alsop travelled over to the North Devon Coast from wales and was rewarded with fine specimen spurdog weighing 11lb 6oz.( Below)

Many thanks to Robert Young for allowing me to share his picture.
