COMBE MARTIN SAC – Six Hour Rover Result

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David Brooke secured top spot in Combe Martin SAC’s six hour rover landing a spurdog of 9lb 12oz. Runner up was Daniel Welch with a dogfish of 2lb 6oz. A cold North East Wind made conditions difficult at many marks along the coast. Several Bull Huss and large numbers of dogfish were landed by club members who have their early Spring Rover next weekend.

One of several small Bull Huss caught during the competition.


Spurdog Specimens

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Combe Martin SAC members Martin Huntingdon and Stef Jones enjoyed some exciting spurdog fishing on a Private boat off the North Devon Coast. The best at 16lb 8oz fell to Stef with Martins best scaling 15lb 8oz.

Stefan also enjoyed some excellant pollock sport off Beer aboard Orca Charters boating a pollock of 9lb 2oz.

Monster Spurdog

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Combe Martin SAC member Kyle Bishop has landed a huge spurdog of 18lb 1oz equalling his previous club record caught last winter.

Fellow angler Dan Spearman also enjoyed great sport with several spurdog up to 15lb.

As we head towards the Spring attentions will start to turn to spring ray and huss. The stormy weather might hopefully extend the winter season bring some big fish close inshore.

Hectic Spurdog Sport off Ilfracombe

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John Barbeary’s Bluefin has been taking anglers to deep water marks off Ilfracombe where packs of spurdog are giving great sport along with huss and conger. Catches exceeding one hundred spurdog per day between eight anglers is not unusual with plenty of fish into double figures. Pete Robinson boated one of the biggest so far this season at 17lb. Craig McCloughlin also joined a party of anglers taking numerous fish to 15lb.

Craig McCloughlin spurdog 15lb
Pete Robinson – spurdog 17lb

Specimen spurdog, conger and huss in CMSAC Competition

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Aaron Brooker 13lb 15oz spurdog

Aaron Brooker took the top two places Combe Martin SAC’s week long Blow Away the Excess competition. A fine specimen spurdog of 13lb 15oz taking first and a 23lb 11oz conger taking the runner up spot. Shane Pavio Hookway was third with a specimen bull buss of 11lb 3oz.


Aaron Brooker conger 23lb 11oz


Shane Pavio Hookway – bull huss 11lb 3oz