Ray and Hounds off Minehead for CMSAC

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Six members of Combe Martin SAC enjoyed a boat trip off Minehead on board Osprey Skippered by Steve Webber. The day started off with a cool North East breeze that made for an uncomfortable lop on the water. Despite this fish came steadily to the boat all day with smoothound the dominant species at our first mark in Porlock Bay. The biggest of the hounds was a low double. A range of baits worked for the hounds with crab, prawn and squid all tempting these hard fighting members of the shark family.

As is always the case banter flowed freely throughout the day that kept spirits up when heavy rain fell for a short while and grey skies shrouded the hills. John Shapland boated a fine huss of 11lb 8oz. (Below)

After a couple of hours targetting the hounds Steve suggested a move to the sandbanks to try for a few ray.

It wasn’t long at our new mark before we found a few ray with small- eyed ray, thornback and spotted ray finding our baits.

(Below)The best specimen of the day turned out to be a fine small eyed ray that gave a spirited tussle before reaching the net that was expertly wielded by Skipper Steve Webber,


As the tide flooded we made a couple more moves before anchoring off Dunster to try for the hounds again. The hounds here in the murkier water were very light in colour and whilst not so numerous appeared to be a slightly bigger stamp of fish.

As the day started to drift towards its conclusion the sun eventually started to break through and enable us to peel off some of the layers. Nick and his son Jack were not up until now enjoying good sport and seemed to have a knack of finding the dogfish that punctuated every ones day as always. Fortunately persistence eventually paid off  and something bigger nailed Nick’s bluey hook-bait.

After several minutes of tension there was some disappointment when the hard fighting fish turned out to be conger of perhaps 10lb.

Everyone on the boat by now really wanted Jack to catch a decent fish and Steve baited Jack’s hook with a generously donated helping of peeler crab. After a few minutes Jacks rod was bouncing on the gunnels and at last Jack enjoyed a bending rod as a hound fought strongly before reaching the boat.

Shortly after this it was time to head back to Minehead with its tourists crabbing down the harbour wall and devouring ice creams in the hot sun. We couldn’t help but wish it had been this calm and still all day. We ended the day with a flourish as several hounds came to the boat with John Shapland having an uncanny knack of finding the hounds.








Bideford Club Record hound

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Rob Harris writes:-
Fished A North Devon surf beach early hours this morning. Smashed my pb hound! Poor quality pictures as I was on a solo mission and had to strap my phone to my seat box! a couple doubles landed along with dogfish and this beauty weighing 21lb! Caught on spider crab and squid. I actually missed a couple good runs whilst dealing with dogfish so decided to fish with my reels in gear, this paid off as the fish hooked its self in the corner of the mouth, all be it nearly ripping my rod out the rest

Rob Harris has landed a huge shore caught smoothound of 21lb 1/2oz to set a new Club record for  Bideford Angling Club. The was an easy winner in the clubs 24 hour rover that was dominated by smoothound. The above pictures are not the best but they do give a good indication of the proportions of this very special fish. It has been an unprecedented start to the season with the potential for more outsize specimens over the coming months.

1st – Rob Harris smoothound 21lb 1/2oz

2nd – Lee Watts – smoothound 12lb 71/2oz

3rd – Andrew Clements Smoothound 11lb 73/4oz

All the smoothound were released alive after weighing and photographing.

(Above) Lee Watts
(Above)Andrew Clements

Boat Fishing Sport Round Up!

Thomas Atkinson won Appledore Shipbuilders Boat Competition with a fine smoothound of 17lb 10oz. Andrew Atkinson was second with a hound of 13lb 4oz and third Michael Hammett with a hound of 12lb 6oz.

(Above)Andrew Atkinson with a smoothound of 13lb 4oz
(Above and Below)Thomas Atkinson smoothound 17lb 10oz

Appledore Shipbuilders enjoyed  a great good day on the hounds with the average size around 9lb they also had a couple of tope around the 20-25lb mark along with a few small pollack and a few small huss.

Anglers are also finding goof sport off Ilfracombe aboard Dan Hawkins boat Reel Deal with beautiful weather and flat calm seas hard fishing at times but some good early sport  The Tope are starting to show more often now along with Huss, dogs and bass.


Top Smoothound Sport

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The smoothound season has burst upon us with some superb catches from recognized marks all along the North Devon Coastline.

Combe Martin SAC member Kody Chugg enjoyed a great session with smoothound landing twelve of the hard fighting members of the shark family to 10lb 4oz.

(Below) Paul Hutchings landed seven hounds to 12lb 14oz.