David Jenkins fished a North Devon Beach to land a specimen smoothound scaling 12lb 1oz.
Late October but summer species are still about. Kevin Kirby sent me this report of smoothound caught from a North Devon shore mark. The hounds scaling 10lb 6oz and 8lb 9oz were tempted using whole squid baits. I have noticed that each autumn the hounds are staying later with some specimens showing light up until Christmas they also seem more inclined to take squid baits at this time of year.
Wild Frontier had a couple of 8 hour trips earlier this week that have been challenging at times. Managed to pluck out a few different species such as dogfish, bass, pollock, conger, huss, spotted ray, small eyed ray and this beauty of a smoothie at the end of today, just shy of 18lb on the scales.
Back out on the hunt for tope tomorrow evening and Thursday.
For bookings please call 07447060036 or see the website.