Sea Angling Result

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Richard Jefferies first and second places Bideford Angling Clubs 48 hour rover landing smoothound of 12lb 8oz and 11lb 13oz.

This is a very encouraging indication that Spring is on its way as these members of the shark family normally trat to show in numbers in late April or early May.


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Jon Stevens took first and second in Bideford Angling Clubs Monthly sea rover with  specimen smoothound of 10lb 10oz and 10lb 1oz. Andrew Clements was runner up with a small eyed ray of 8lb 14oz and Antony Smith forth with a smoothound of 8lb 11.5oz.

Several anglers fished Appledore Shipbuilders August Rover but no fish of over 60% were registered. Members did catch several small bass conger and huss.

Jamie Steward – Big Fish and fundraising

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Combe Martin SAC member Jamies Steward is having a good run at the moment tempting this fine specimen smoothound of 13lb 3oz on his latest trip to the coast. He also caught a specimen thin lipped mullet of 4lb 14oz from the Taw estuary.

Jamie and his family have been raising funds for the RNLI following a near miss on the coast during the winter. Jamie has organised various events including two raffles and a 100km charity walk that have raised over £1700 for the Ilfracombe RNLI. The local angling community have been generous in supporting Jamies efforts appreciating the wonderful work undertaken by the RNLI.

Rescued Angler Launches Crowdfunding for the RNLI

Big Hounds

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Richard Jefferies caught the is 16lb 1oz smoothound whilst fishing for bass at  a North Devon rock mark. The fish was tempted using a large spider crab hook bait. Richard told me that the fish siezed the bait within seconds of tbe bait hitting the bottom almost dragging him off his feet. As he was landing the fish a large bass seized the bait that was hanging free from the hound. The bass came off! The fish was one of several hounds and double figure bull huss caught.