Additional Pike Fishing Rules (all of the above apply also).
- Permitted methods of fishing are: Plugs, Spinners, Jigs, worms or dead sea fish
- Do not discard dead sea fish into the reservoir when leaving to avoid pollution and false alarms
- Treble hooks are allowed but have to be semi barbless. One hook on each treble may be barbed to holddead bait on and no bigger than a size 6. No more than two trebles on a rig.
- Braided mainline to be used (Minimum 40lb), Snag leader to be used dead baiting where necessary, mustuse a break away lead system.
- Hooks must be mounted on a wire trace
- Anglers must have forceps
- No gaffs allowed
- Pike must be weighed in a sling or net. They must not be hung by the gills
- No sacks for holding fish – flotation slings only for setting up photographic equipment
- Fish must not be held in a retaining sling for more than a few minutes while cameras are set up.
- Unhooking mats must be used.