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Combe Martin SAC’s annual Open competition at Putsborough sands is a popular event in the local angling calendar. The weather is looking ideally set for a good nights fishing. Small eyed ray are top of the agenda and with the amended dogfish specimen size anyone catching ray or bass will be well rewarded with a splendid array of prizes on the prize table from the clubs sponsors Sakuma, High Street Tackle and Chillcheaters.

This is a catch and release competition with all fish weighed and witnessed before being released. Remember that only one bass can now be retained per day for the table.

Please send your pictures taken on the night to me at North Devon Angling News either via facebook or on my email – [email protected]

Combe Martin Sea Angling Club

Presents Our

Putsborough Sands

Open Fishing Competition 2019

Saturday June 1st

Fishing From 10.00pm to 2.00am

Book In From 8.30pm to 9.30pm

Weigh In By 2.30am

Cash Prizes Of £100 & £50

Sakuma, High Street Tackle, Chillcheater





And Many Other Donated Prizes

2 Rods, 4 Hooks, Specimen Sizes

Entry £5 plus £1 Pool Best Brace

Phone Nick 814703 Or Wayne 850586

For More Details Please Check www.cmsac.co.uk Or Our Facebook Page

Please Respect Putsborough & Remove All Litter

Huss wins spring rover – Club record turbot

Kevin Legge took top spot in Combe Martin SAC’s Spring Rover landing a specimen bull huss of 10lb 15oz. Mark Jones took the runner up spot with a new club shore record turbot scaling 4lb 4oz.Mark also took third place with a bass of 5lb 2oz. Members also landed numerous dogfish and several pollock fishing on a boat off Ilfracombe.



(Above) Combe Martin Club Record – Shore Caught turbot 4lb 4oz

Smoothound are hunting the shoreline

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Summer fishing has starting to take off with smoothound showing in good numbers from many North Devon marks. Whilst peeler crab is undoubtedly the top bait hardbacks can work just as well and have the advantage that they discourage the dogfish that seem to be about in plague proportions.


(Below) Kyle Blackmore has been enjoying some top rate sport from the North Devon Coast landing numerous smoothound to just under 10lb, a stunning bull huss and several codling and bass.


(Above) Ian Hooper and Nick Job have also been getting amongst the hounds!


Big Rockling as Storm surges in

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Opportunities are often short lived and at times a short session is all thats required. I joined Rob Scoines for short after work session hoping to get a couple of hours fishing over high water before the forecast rain and wind moved in. Arriving an hour before the top of the tide there was a slow surging ground swell that is often the precursor to an approaching storm. We cast out our baits and proceeded to catch the inevitable dogfish. Rob dropped a squid and black lug bait close in and a rattle on the rod tip was rewarded with a fine rockling that pulled the scales to 1lb 10.5oz.

As the tide began to ebb the wind started to increase and the unnerving swell surged ever stronger. As the rain started to fall it was a unanimous decision to call it a night. On retrieving I felt a weight on the end of the line and was pleased to swing in a dogfish attached to a rig I had lost earlier in the evening. Heavy rain beat against the car window as we drove home pleased to have grabbed a couple of hours on the shoreline.