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It’s great to get out on the winter shoreline and during these strange dark days its a welcome escape to normality for the familiar seascapes I have enjoyed throughout my life are reassuringly constant. It was also good to be on the rocks before darkness fell savouring the view of a porpoise hunting close to the shoreline.

The fishing has been hard going lately with large numbers of strap eels seizing the baits and today was little different with several small eels succumbing in the first hour of fishing. A spotted ray was a welcome catch as the tide started to flood though its pale colouring and lack of spots was a little unusual. Bites came steadily with a small huss, dogfish and more slightly bigger straps.

Autumn hound 15lb

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Combe Martin SAC member Dale Kiff tempted this personal best smoothound scaling 15lb whilst fishing a North Devon rock mark with peeler crab. Smoothound have been a regular feature of Autumn fishing in recent season with fish caught right into the winter months.