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The Atkinson Family Fished a local rock mark in search of an eel, huss or a late spurdog. Andrew Atkinson caught 3 spurs to 11lb 12ozs and Cameron Atkinson caught not only his first shore caught spurdog but he managed 2 spurs to 11lb 14ozs (new pb), Josh Atkinson managed to tick off the eel with a small one around 15lb and the huss with one about 4lb meaning we achieved all target species. Also had loads of dogfish!


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I have heard a few whispers of fine ray catches by shore anglers up Channel on the Somerset coast. Kevin Legge and Craig McCloughlin paid a visit to a shore mark after dark and landed several ray including a specimen blondes of 13lb 9oz for Craig and a 12lb 10oz blonde for Kevin.

15841161_10154905375377533_956758943_nJames Atkinson was thrilled to get the New Year off to great start landing his first spurdog of 8lb 7.5oz. This just a few days after landing a 20lb 9oz cod off Minehead.



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Combe Martin SAC – Chay Boggis landed a fine spurdog on a recent shore fishing session weighing 10lb.

15747466_1477329375615183_2748119511442104691_n Shore fishing is proving sporadic with a few good fish being caught amongst a lot of small fish. Triple Hook Club members fished their Hangover Rover Mixed brace match and failed to find a brace of fish worthy of the scales. Club member Steve Luxton fished over the Christmas period and hooked a conger of 17lb.

The estuary flounder fishing seems to have slowed up though there should still be every chance of big flattie; it could well be worth trying the lower estuary at Crow Point.

Up Channel anglers are finding a few quality cod including this specimen of 12lb 11oz to the rod of CMSAC Club member Stuart Taylor.