Variety on the coast

I often comment that one of the joys of sea angling is the unexpected. During late Autumn and winter the coast certainly has a few surprises along with the target species. Kevin Legge tempted this specimen pouting of 1lb 9oz on a recent visit to the shoreline.

The beaches can still produce bass when the conditions are right but its not always bass that find the bait. This small turbot was a welcome surprise on a recent trip.

This conger estimated at 18lb put a good bend in Kevin legges rod on recent session on the rocks.

On the same session I was pleased with this small spotted ray.

December mullet were once rare yet mullet fishing now seems well worth the effort throughout the entire year.



14 members fished Appledore Shipbuilders December Rover.
The winner was Andrew Atkinson with a specimen Flounder of 2lb 4 3/4ozs.
James Atkinson secured second spot with a club specimen 3 bearded Rockling of 1lb 8ozs and Josh Atkinson was third with a Dogfish of 2lb 5ozs.
As winter storms sweep in its time to take great care when fishing North Devon’s Open coast. Rather than repeat previous words on safety please see link to a previous article that still holds good.
Between winter storms with the water stirred up there is every chance of catching good sized winter specimens. I relish the winter shore fishing at this time launching big baits out into the dark waters hoping to tempt a predator hunting the food rich water. I enjoyed a session on a rough night recently choosing a mark that gave some protection from the strong North West Wind. As the light faded a couple of small whiting seized my mackerel and squid bait. Then as darkness descended dogfish and small conger rattled the rod tips. As the tide pushed in and large waves pounded the shoreline we moved to a more elevated position and cast our baits into the rocky bay hoping for a late bass. A few more small conger were tempted along with a pleasing huss of around 7lb.
     Spurdog should show soon with every chance of a tope, big conger, huss or ray. Reports of a few whiting are encouraging as these fish will undoubtedly have those big predators in pursuit. It’s time to fish heavy, wire traces, heavy leaders and a tough main line of at least 20lb b.s.
Combe Martin SAC member Alex Mcleish tempted a specimen rockling weighing 1lb 9oz during his latest trip the coast.

Bideford Sea Rover Results

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December Rover results

11 angler’s fished 

10 fish registered

1st Andrew Clements Whiting 1lb 12 1/2oz 118.749%

2nd Dick Talbot Small Eyed Ray 9lb 10oz 106.994%

3rd Andrew Clements Whiting 1lb 7 1/4oz  96.874%

4th Julien Stainer Bull Huss 7lb 15oz 79.375%

5th Terry Dymond Flounder 1lb 7 1/2oz 73.437%

6th Terry Dymond Flounder 1lb 7oz  71.875%

  ####### NEXT COMPETITION #######

Bidefords annual Christmas competition 

It’s are biggest one yet.

Around £1000s work or prizes/draw prizes 

Optional pool for £1 winner to be drawn out the hat.

Please make sure all Buckets/bags have their  tags on.


Stay Safe at Sea

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As we enter late autumn it seems a good time to reiterate a few words on safety on the shoreline.

The rugged North Devon coast needs to be treated with great respect sensible precautions should be taken to minimise risk. Always check the tide times and weather conditions before setting out and consider how this will impact upon the mark you choose to fish. Magic sea weed and the Met office are good sites.  Wear suitable warm, weatherproof clothing and footwear with a good grip. Always carry a mobile phone and ensure that you have a spare light if fishing after dark. Consider wearing a buoyancy aid and let someone know where you are intending to fish and the approximate time you expect to return home.


SEA ANGLING – Weekend Report

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October signals the start of sea anglings most exciting season with a wealth of opportunity for the angler. The choices are endless with the humble flounder offering consistent sport in the estuary along with a sprinkling of silver bass. The beaches are likely to reward persistent anglers with the chance of a big bass or ray. From rock marks tope, conger, huss and ray are all likely. Scaled down rigs can bring a range of species including red mullet, sole and whiting with Ilfracombe Pier well worth try. Rock marks and harbours will bring great sport for mullet anglers.
Bideford Angling Club
October’s 24 hour results
1st Andrew Clements  Flounder 2lb 0 1/2 101.562%
2nd Terry Dymond  Flounder 1lb 14 93.750%
3rd Tony Gussin  Thornback Ray 8lb 5 92.361%
4th Terry Dymond Flounder 1lb 13 1/2 92.187%
Combe Martin SAC – Lyn Fish
Rob Scoines took the top two places in Combe Martin SAC’s Annual Lyn Fish boating  Bull Huss of 11lb 3oz and a blonde ray of 11lb 15oz. Jack Phillips was third with a thick lipped grey mullet of 2lb 12oz. The competition was concluded with members enjoying a delicious platter of chips, sandwiches and drinks at the

Sea Angling Round Up

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Cooler temperatures a bit of fresh and the flounder season is well underway. Flattie fanatic David Jenkins has been targeting the Taw flatties catching close to 100 up to 1lb 8oz during a weeks fishing for his favourite fish. He also caught several bass with several over 3lb.

Steve Finn with a good sized Taw flounder.

Bideford Angling Clubs monthly Rover was dominated by flounder.

1st Julien Stainer – flounder 1lb 8.5oz 76.562%

2nd  Andy Sanders – flounder 1lb 7oz 71.875%

3rd Dick Talbot flounder – 1lb 5oz 65.625%

3rd Julien Stainer flounder –  1lb 5oz 65.625%

Appledore Ship-Builders

Fourteen members fished the clubs October rover. Andrew Atkinson was victorious with a Pouting of 1lb 3 1/4ozs. He also claimed second place with another Pouting of 1lb 1 1/4ozs. Michael Hammett was 3rd with another Pouting of 1lb 1oz.
 A reminder to club members that the Agm is on Friday 22nd. October. This will be held at The Royal Appledore 7pm start. Agenda will be emailed out to the members soon.
October is great month for the sea angler with a vast range of species available from both the estuary and the Open coast. The next two months offer the best chance of a double figure bass so I look forward to receiving a few reports from North Devons angling fraternity.

Sea Angling News Round up

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Andrew Clements secured victory in Bideford Angling Clubs monthly sea rover with a specimen thick lipped grey mullet of 4lb 10oz. Runner up was Dick Talbot with a ballan wrasse of 4lb 11oz and third Graham Snow with a thick lipped grey mullet of 3lb 10oz.

Josh Atkinson won Appledore Shipbuilders rover with a black bream weighing 2lb 4oz. Richard Boon was runner up with a ballan wrasse of 4lb 13oz and Graham Snow third with his thick lipped grey mullet of 3lb 10oz.


Combe Martin SAC member Kevin Legge took a trip to the Somerset shoreline were he enjoyed sport with smoothound,  sole, ray and silver eels.