Sea Angling Round Up

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Plenty of fish to chase from the North Devon Shoreline at the moment with ray, bass, rockling and mullet amongst the specimens caught over the last week.

Paul Lorrimore caught this stunning blonde from a local rock mark using bait bought High Street Tackle.


6lb 13oz bass was caught by Nick Job from a North Devon shore mark using a pulley rig on a size 3hook on sandeel

John Shapland landed this fine thick lipped grey mullet of 3lb 8.5oz from an estuary mark

Sea Angling Round Up

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Prospects are excellent for the next few weeks with a wide variety of species to target. Bass, grey mullet and flounder should provide sport on lighter tackle with conger, tope and ray for those using heavier beach rods. I welcome your news and pictures for North Devon Angling News and Sea Angling News.

Ali Laird caught this hard fighting 24lb 8oz tope from a North Devon Rock mark it is his second of the year. Ali lost another tope that picked up a spider-crab and squid cocktail chomping through 80lb mono!

(Below)Dan MIles Redmore enjoyed a successful session on one of North Devon’s local beaches catching six small eyed ray to just over 7lb & a blonde 11lb 10oz.

(Below) Ian Hooper and Nick Job set out in search of spotted ray and enjoyed success with Nick landing this pleasing ray of 2lb 8oz.

(Above) Ian Hooper 2lb 14oz spotted ray


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Josh Atkinson took the top two places in Appledore Shipbuilders monthly Rover with a fine brace of black bream scaling 3lb 13/4oz and 2lb 123/4oz. In third place was James Atkinson with a black bream of 2lb 51/8oz. The two anglers landed the bream after travelling to a shore mark in Dorset.


Graham Snow continues his success with Bideford Angling Club winning their latest Monthly rover with a grey mullet scaling 3lb 61/2oz. Nathan Clements took second and third places with a bull huss of 7lb 31/2oz and a dogfish of 1lb 141/2oz.

Stefan Jones reports on a hard days  weather was great but fishing slow, mackerel didn’t play the game so frozen Ammo Baits was first choice, with spider crab collected last month to tempt a hound or huss . Managed to make a day in the end , roll on the next trip !

Dan Hawkins took a party of anglers shark fishing off Ilfracombe aboard Reel Deal and they successfully caught three shark to 55lb.

Latest news from the coast

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The recent change in the weather could bring a few opportunities for bait fishers in particular as the water colours up following a couple of months of calm hot weather. Several reports of mackerel from marks along the coast. A big mackerel bait will often sort out that monster bass with the next couple of months the prime time to get that double figure specimen. Bideford Angling Clubs Festival next weekend see poster below.

Bideford Angling Club 24 hour results

Graham Snow took the top two spots in Bideford Angling Clubs twenty four hour rover

1st Graham Snow mullet thick 3 lb 9 1/2oz

2nd Graham snow mullet thick 3 lb 2 1/2oz

3rd  kyle Blackmore dogfish 1lb 14oz



(Below)Daniel Welch enjoyed an excellent evening  session at a local harbour landing nine mullet to 4lb 15oz.

(Below)Stefan Jones spotted a window in the weather and decided to venture out on his boat. With a lively swell and big tide options were limited but a sheltered venue produced several smoothound, a bass of around 5lb, plenty of mackerel and a fine tope of close to 38lb.

Combe Martin SAC Member Kody Chugg landed this fine bull huss of 10lb 9oz during a session at a local rock mark.


Mullet and smoothound at Bideford and Appledore Rovers

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Bideford monthly rover results
1st   Stephen Found  thick lipped grey mullet  3 lb 13 1/4oz
2nd  Graham Snow thin lipped grey mullet thin 3 lb 8oz
3rd    Andy Sanders  mackerel 1 lb 13/8oz

Appledore Shipbuilders Rover

1st – James Atkinson – smoothound 13lb 8.1/4oz

2nd – James Atkinson – smoothound12lb 75/8oz

3rd – Josh Atkinson – smoothound    12lb 3/4oz


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(Above) Ollie Passmore tempted this fine specimen thin lipped grey mullet weighing 4lb 8oz on a baited spinner in the river Taw Estuary.

Ollie Passmore with a stunning wrasse caught on a recent session. I suspect wrasse fishing will slow down for a few days after the rough and windy weekend. I suspect we will see a few big bass, smoothound and huss in the coloured water, don’t be afraid to use a big bait oozing plenty of scent!

Triple Hook Club – Shaun Foster Cup –  Woolacombe Beach

Dennis Toleman secured top spot in Triple Hook Clubs Shaun Foster Cup beaching a fine small eyed ray scaling 9lb 4oz in runner up spot was Kevin Hancock with a small eyed ray of 4lb 6oz.






Lynmouth Open Competition Result

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The Lynmouth Open Competition was a week long event suggested by Lynton angler James Gubb Fradgley to run in conjunction with the Lynmouth Regatta and Maritime Festival. Promoted by North Devon Angling News and Combe Martin SAC the first three prizes were cash prizes of £100, £50 and £25. The proceeds were to be shared between Combe Martin SAC, Lynmouth Sailing Club and Lynton Primary School.

The presentation was held at The Ancient Mariner at Lynmouth where large crowds had assembled to celebrate with a party atmosphere prevailing as live music drifted  across the harbour.

The winning angler was Daniel Welch who caught a boat caught tope of 38lb 2oz, grey mullet of 4lb 7oz and a spotted ray of 4lb 8oz.  (296%)

In runner up spot was James Gubb Fradgley who caught a tope of 37lb 2oz, bull huss of 9lb 10oz and a small eyed ray of 9lb 10oz. (260%)

Very close behind in third place was Ross Stanway who caught a tope from the shore of 35lb 7oz, a bull huss of 8lb 10oz and a dogfish of 2lb 5oz. (259%)

The prize for the best specimen of the week went to Ross Stanway for his shore caught tope of 35lb 7oz.

A raffle was held at the presentation that boosted funds raised for the Lynmouth Sailing Club and Lyntom Primary School. Many thanks to the Ancient Mariner for hosting the weigh in.

Combe Martin SAC plan to repeat the competition next year encouraged by the enthusiasm of competitors. It is to be hoped that sponsors can be found to boost the prize table.

(Above)Ross Stanway(Left) and Daniel Welch at the presentation



Weekend Sea Angling Results

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Grey mullet and smoothound dominated results of the weekends sea angling competitions with thck lipped mullet enthusiasts tempting fish from both estuary and harbours on the open coast. There are still a few smoothound showing on the coast though with crystal clear water it is likely that after dark sessions will be more productive.

Bideford Rover

1st Stephen Found thick lipped mullet 3 lb 11 1/4oz

2nd Andrew Clements thick lipped mullet 3 lb 8 1/2oz

3rd Andrew Clements think lipped mullet 3 lb 7 1/4oz

Appledore Shipbuilders Monthly Rover

1st –  Kevin Pike         smoothound 10lb 11.5oz

2nd – Kevin Pike         smoothound 10lb 1oz

3rd – Andrew Atkinson  smoothound 9lb 12oz

Junior Winner – Jack Pike with smoothound of 10lb 5/8oz and 7lb 13.5oz


Combe Martin SAC – Summer Rover

1st – Wayne Thomas – Thick Lipped grey mullet 3lb 14oz

2nd – Callum Gove – thin lipped grey mullet 2lb