Celebrating the Salmon Season 2025

March 1st and the commencement of a new salmon season on North Devon’s Taw and Torridge. I joined members of Barnstaple & District Angling Club at Newbridge to celebrate the occasion at their bankside hut. Warm spring sunshine brought smiles and optimism a contrast to last season’s start with a raging torrent of dirty water combined with hail and thunder.

A Hang glider drifted high above in a clear blue sky. We chatted warmly of seasons gone and those who had walked the river banks at this very spot. It was good to share the spring day with a band of fellow piscators those stories of silver bars bringing hope for the season for anglers are an eternally optimistic bunch. A cool beer, hot dogs, Lemon drizzle and a cup of afternoon tea.

The river was running high with that healthy aqua tinge of spring. With the biggest tides of the season any salmon were likely to be well upriver by now but it was perhaps still worthwhile savouring the throb of a spinner as it traversed the currents or the drift of the fly over well-known taking lies.

Daffodils, celandines and primroses brought that touch of yellow to the lanes and river bank. We will soon glimpse the first martins and swallows and who knows perhaps that silver tourist will bring a touch of silver to enrich some lucky anglers life.   I look forward to reporting on the first spring salmon of 2025.

Barnstaple & District Angling Club – AGM Report

Barnstaple & District Angling Clubs AGM was held at the Ebberley Arms in Barnstaple with a very good proportion of the membership in attendance. The clubs committee are undoubtedly a hard-working and dedicated team full of optimism despite difficult times on the river.

The club has purchased a new stretch of fishing on the Middle Taw that was for many years owned by John Saunders affectionately known to local anglers as ‘Gandy’. Sadly no salmon were landed from the beat this year. Fortunately the wild brown trout fishing was superb with plenty of stunning fish over 1lb caught.

Alan Jump works tirelessly working to enhance South Aller Lake the clubs sole remaining coarse fishing lake. The lake offers excellent fishing for tench, crucian carp, roach, perch, eels and carp to mid doubles. The secluded lake set in an old quarry surrounded by mature trees is a wildlife haven far removed from some of today’s commercial lakes with their platforms and gravel paths.

Don Hearn gave a passionate and detailed report on the clubs fishing at Newbridge. Three salmon were caught from the beat this year one of the worst in living memory. There were positive reports of roach and dace being caught from the club water which is an encouraging sign as the river was once a thriving coarse fishery renowned across the country for producing huge roach many of them over 2lb.

The numbers of shad entering the river is of great interest to scientists and the presence of these fish is likely to offer conservation funding and protection for this iconic North Devon river.

The official proceedings were followed by fascinating talks from Lucy Robinson and Mike McNally both from the Devon and Cornwall Police Wildlife Team. Mike and Lucy explained how important all information is and how it can be used to piece together the complex and intricate jigsaw puzzle of crime detection.

The illegal netting of elvers was a fascinating part of the talk with the massive value of these fascinating fish fuelling a vast criminal network that exports to the Far-East.

Sadly the Wildlife Crime department is underfunded as is the Environment Agency and other regulatory bodies that try to protect our natural world.

In this day and age poachers have sophisticated technology at their disposal such as thermal imaging that can target a deer at over mile distance.

Reporting of incidents is 100% anonymous and can be reported via Crime Stoppers 0800 555111  Crimestoppers-uk.org

To report pollution incidents call the EA on 0800 807060

Club Members at the Gandys Beat


A difficult year for all game rivers it seems and no exception on the Taw.

Opening day at Newbridge

We started the season with a first day meet and BBQ at the new club hut in a hail shower!  A good number attended though, including Gary Herbert who drove all the way from Guildford for it. Good effort and despite the weather a brilliant social occasion enjoyed by all who came. Hopefully we can repeat this event next year. Game fishing can be a solitary affair and sharing tall tales of days gone by with like-minded people is always worthwhile as it keeps us all in contact with each other and is one of the reasons our club life is so appreciated.

We start the season full of hope, as ever, but had little reward after the spring.

A few Salmon and sea trout were caught/lost early on but little showed after June. The summer of course was low water and plagued with algae blooms as ever. We did see fish moving up in the last week of September in the spate and assume they went straight upriver. As in previous years the rain came too late for us and that seems to be the pattern these days. There is much discussion as to why so few fish are seen and the more we discuss the more complex it becomes. I had a report from the Tamar, which is a monitored river, that the return of fish was very low. It’s assumed something is happening at sea. Not sure if that is the case but it seems the west country is suffering more than the East coast. Super trawlers, climate change to gulf stream, dirty rivers or maybe a combination of everything. We haven’t had any late season sea trout reported either. I and others spent many nights on several Taw beats without a sign of one, so it wasn’t down to of lack of effort. The only thing for sure is that there is always a chance of a fish and nobody ever caught one watching the T.V.!

It has been noted that the Brownies seem to be doing ok with several fish in the 2lb to 3lb range being reported and many members have scaled down to enjoy good sport with them. More brownies have been reported than ever before in recent times and often save a blank which is welcome. The Shad showed again early in the season and are of great interest as it’s another important protected species and reports of any captures are welcomed as it helps in the fight for our water quality. The recent industrial farming introduced into the Lower Taw valley is putting a lot of pressure on an already troubled river and hopefully there is a way to make it more acceptable. The EA farm inspectorate are investigating this process and we can but hope it can make a difference.

 The Southwest rivers trust have asked us for permission to install water monitoring equipment on our waters and of course we welcome it and will assist them all we can. We are not sure where it will be at the moment, but we’ll keep you all posted. If you do find telemetry in the river, please know we are aware and avoid disturbing it. If you haven’t sent in your catch report, please do so even if it’s nil. Please include all species, also an indication of AGM attendance would be helpful.

As most of you know our AGM will be held in the Ebberly Arms, Bear Street, Barnstaple on Tuesday 12th November at 7.30pm. There is free evening parking in the car park at the rear.  This is always a friendly social evening, and we are expecting a good attendance as in previous years.

For those struggling with downtime, a reminder that Bass, Mullet and Pike on the fly are always an option and we are lucky enough to have good access locally. We hope you enjoyed your time on the water and wish you tight lines for next season.

Don Hearn

and all at B.D.A.A.

Colin Ashby presenting Dave Winter with the Salmon Trophy

The evening concluded with an auction of fishing books donated by the late John ‘Gandy’ Saunders widow. An amazing £205 was raised has been donated to Devon Air Ambulance.

Several awards were presented including the best salmon  of 13lb to Dave Winter.

Steve Maddox was awarded the Claude Pugsley roach cup and Jim Simpkins the bass trophy for a fly caught bass of 5lb. The sea trout trophy was won by Matt Cooper.

After the meeting members enjoyed reflecting upon past glory’s and future aspirations.


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Website Launch

   We have had a long period with no communication as a result of technical problems with our website. The problem has finally been resolved. Richard Nickell gripped it and commissioned a new website with a new address: www.rtfca.co.uk:. This modernised, cleaner, sharper website has been launched to allow us to communicate again. I would like to thank Richard and our web designer Elizabeth Walsh (www.elizabeth-walsh.co.uk), who collaborated so effectively. Liz will hopefully boss us into more regular communications.

Click on image below for website :-

Landscape Recovery Scheme – Thoughts

We are working on the idea presented at the AGM and, steadily in the background, on a thoughts document. Ian Blewett’s continuing involvement in the North Devon Catchment Partnership helps us stay engaged with other stakeholders. Landscape Recovery projects require an energetic and enthusiastic farmer as a starting point; one has emerged. Large acreages need to be signed up to enable funding to be applied for. This appears to be happening. We are in discussions with the right partners to keep this ambitious and long-term opportunity in our sights. An overview of the Landscape Recovery Scheme is shown as an addendum to this letter.

Our river has many critical Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species, from our salmon and sea trout through to freshwater pearl mussels as well as increasing numbers of rarer species like shad and otters. There will be more and for those with time on their hands, do look at https://jncc.gov.uk/our-work/uk-bap-priority-species/and see if you can identify all the species we host in, on and above our catchment’s rivers. As regards UK fish species, it is likely we have 7 of the15 listed. These BAP species add weight to our application.

Sewage Treatment Works (STWs)

          Alex Gibson has been waging war on South West Water because of the inadequate STW system in our catchment which is in part responsible for our water quality problems. We all know that the expansion of our towns and villages town puts additional pressure on already inadequate  \\\\|\|||||AASTWs. Alex continues to harass SWW ,trying to hold them to account and pressurise them into cleaning up their act. South Molton and Chittlehamholt STWs appear to be the most problematic STWs at the moment, but there are shortcomings all across the Taw catchment which contains about 35 STWs. All these outflow into the Taw and its tributaries. Alex is putting together a table to show the sewage discharges in our catchment. This will be put on the website when finished. To see how the STW in your area has been performing go to The Rivers Trust website –


– and check on their sewage map.


As referred to earlier, shad are returning to our river and are useful as a lever to acquire funding and bring pressure to bear on improving the water quality in our river. You cannot legally target this rare species when you fish, but if you do by chance catch a shad please return it to the river  as quickly as possible. If you keep catching them, I suggest you fish elsewhere on your beat. They won’t be there for long. Please report their presence and recover any dead shad you find for post mortem analysis as we need to prove they are spawning and demonstrate which species we have. We are confident we have the Allis shad; we may have Twaite shad as well.


Landscape Recovery Scheme – Overview

There are 4 main distinguishing features of the Landscape Recovery Scheme:

  1.     Large scale projects: the scheme is designed to deliver outcomes that require collaborative action across a big area, such as restoring ecological or hydrological function across a landscape.
  2.     Long-term public funding (for example for 20years or longer); the scheme will support outcomes that take a long time to deliver, such as peatland restoration, woodland management or habitat restoration.
  3.     Bespoke agreements: the scheme can fund activities that contribute to priority outcomes but are specific to the locality and so difficult to facilitate through other schemes.
  4.     Blended funding: the features above and the provision of development funding should enable projects to attract private investment


Landscape Recovery projects will be selected in rounds, which will involve a competitive application process.


Barnstaple & District Angling Club – NEW WATER

Barnstaple and District Angling Association have acquired half a mile of prime salmon fishing on the middle Taw that was once owned by the late John Saunders. On March 22nd members met with John’s widow Pam and their son Chris to hand over the fishing,  Pam warmly wished members many happy hours at the water’s edge.

The following day I joined members at the rivers edge for an introduction to the clubs new water. Club member and long time keeper on the water Chay Boggis gave a valuable introduction to the water. Pointing out known salmon lies and safe wading areas. The river was at the top end of its fishable range but as river levels begin to drop and Spring gets underway prospects for salmon and sea trout are excellent. As the warmer days and lighter evenings arrive there will be the chance to target the plentiful wild brown trout that rise freely.

The club established close a century ago welcomes new members and has water on the Lower Taw at Newbridge and a coarse fishing lake near South Molton. Access to the new water for club members is via syndicate membership that is currently full.


Chay Boggis gives valuable advice on where the salmon lie.


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       The River Taw Fisheries and Conservation Association held their annual general meeting at the Mole Resort (formerly High Bullen House Hotel) on Friday March 22nd.

Richard Nickell and Andy Gray

       Members from across the region reflected upon a disappointing season in 2023 with catch returns indicating very poor results for both salmon and sea trout. Sixty salmon and around one hundred sea trout were caught throughout the river season. River flow had been low during the early spring and summer but had been good for the second half of the season. A good number of kelt’s caught at the start of the season gave some cause for optimism for future seasons. Redd counting during the winter had been difficult due to high flows.

       Chairman Andy Gray delivered an outline plan for working closely with the North Devon Catchment Partnership to focus on improving water quality and habitat. This ambitious project aims to unite all who have an interest in the River Taw and its tributaries. Farmer clusters are now receiving payments to invest in environmentally beneficial projects and practices that will benefit the rivers. The Environment Agency are also focussing on agricultural issues with increased officers to both police and enforce regulations.

Measures to reduce flooding and slow the flow are being introduced on tributaries of the Taw investment in leaky dams and buffer zones.

       The recent North Devon District Council meeting was discussed with a recognition that there is greater public awareness regarding sewage discharge incidents by South West Water.

       An increasing run of shad into the river Taw each summer is a positive sign that the weir removal project partially funded by the RTFCA has benefitted the river.

       Pete Tyjas introduced guest speaker Nick Measham CEO  Wildfish. Nick delivered a passionate and enlightening talk and presentation about its work to protect wild fish. Nick highlighted the dramatic decline in salmon stocks estimated at close to 90% between 1970 and 2016. Nick highlighted the three essentials for salmon in our rivers. Clean water, enough water and no barriers. Pollution, over abstraction and barriers to migration are the key issues. Wildfish are working extremely hard to tackle all these issues with data monitoring via their smart rivers project, working to ensure compliance with existing regulations and campaigning to get farmed salmon off the table.


       The talk was followed by the associations annual auction to raise valuable funds for river improvements. Discussion  around the dinner tables after the meeting undoubtedly included debate on the preceding presentation and the prospects for the coming season.

A Visit to The Arundell Arms at Lifton a longstanding Country Hotel with a rich history for shooting and fishing

The Arundell Arms at Lifton is a longstanding Country Hotel with a rich history for shooting and fishing. When I saw that a new Orvis outlet was opening there in mid-March a visit for Pauline and I was undoubtedly in order.

After one of the wettest February’s on record and an exceptionally wet start to March the 2024 start to the salmon season has been very much  a non-starter. And as we drove through Devon crossing the Torridge and Tamar enroute we noted the muddy and swollen bank high rivers. There would be no fishing for a few days at least.

We arrived at the Arundell Arms mid-morning and walked into the new Orvis store to be greeted warmly by David Pilkington. A gentlemen I had not previously met but a name that is synonymous with West Country Fly Fishing.

David Pilkington joined the Cornwall River Board as a trainee bailiff at the age of sixteen and joined the team at the Arundell in 1976 as assistant river keeper and fishing instructor. We chatted with David about his years at the Arundell and inevitably reflected upon the catastrophic collapse in salmon and sea trout numbers. Like many anglers of our generation I feel that we perhaps share both a deep rooted sadness at what we have seen and an acknowledgement that we were lucky to fish through such wonderous days of abundance.

A wide range of salmon, sea trout and trout flies suitable for West Country waters were available  and I inevitably succumbed to temptation purchasing a few salmon and trout  flies. I just hope they appeal to the fish as much as to me! An impressive rack of Orvis fly rods and reels were on display, clothing waders and tackle adorned the opposite wall all exuding quality that was reflected by the price tag.

After chatting with David we engaged in conversation with the Arundell’s new owners. Simon Village and Arabella Munro. They took over the Hotel in 2020 during the height of the Covid pandemic a challenging time to embark upon such a venture for sure.

Simon was undoubtedly well versed in the Hotels rich history and traditions and recounted the glorious days when the Hotel was under the stewardship of Conrad Voss Bark and his wife Anne Voss Bark. The Arundell Arms is one of few remaining Country Sports Hotels left in the West Country. I recall with fondness the Carnarvon Arms and Tarr Steps Hotel  on the Barle in Somerset and several other establishments that were once thriving hubs of country life.

Simon and Arabella’s passion for preserving this rich cultural heritage was evident as we chatted about the river, its fish and its fishers. These Country Hotels with fishing and shooting have over the years hosted many with wealth and influence upon the land along with many of anglings greatest writers. Unlike many large country historic houses that are now preserved by the National Trust or run as theme parks these establishments still maintain a real beating heart of Country life and tradition.

Whilst the demise of salmon and sea trout is undoubtedly very sad. The thriving wild brown trout and grayling give hope for a bright future at the Arundell. Twenty two miles of glorious river meandering through the border lands of Devon and Cornwall.

After booking Sunday lunch we headed to the famous Cockpit to grab a fresh coffee before trying out one of the new Orvis rods on the lawn. The cockpit was once used for the barbaric sport of cockfighting. In recent years it has been the Hotels rod room and location for pre fishing briefings. There is a great deal of research carried out before these rods are released and it was a joy to have a few casts with a rod of undoubted quality.

Pauline and I enjoyed a delicious lunch in the Hotel Bar as warm spring sunshine beamed in through the windows. A smouldering log fire, Spring flowers, Suitably piscatorial pictures on the walls along with cheerful friendly staff made it a perfect way to spend a Sunday lunch.

Suitably refreshed we headed to Arundell’s Tin Hay Lake half a mile down the road. The lake is an old flooded quarry its gin clear waters providing superb fishing for stocked browns and rainbows. Today Orvis and Arundell team members were offering expert tuition to a mixture of experienced anglers and keen novices.

We chatted with members of the Orvis team and local anglers. We also conversed with Luke Bannister maker of fine split cane rods, we delved into the joys of fishing and how those magic wands that deliver flies to the trout are instruments of delight. I pondered upon the worth of rods with price tags upwards of £1000. My own analogy was to liken the difference between a cheap run-around car and a Ferrari. The distance can be covered just the same with both cars as a trout fly can be delivered with equal effect to the wily trout. And so the question we are left with is not in relation to the catching of fish but more the delight in using tools that ooze that essence of quality that cannot always be seen or quantified.  The difference between a true diamond and cubic zirconia ring perhaps.

We also drifted briefly into the toxic world of modern politics and the fight to clean up the nation’s rivers. There is certainly a growing and united movement of protest about the state of our rivers.

After a pleasant and engaging conversation we headed off for a walk along country lanes. The road took us over a bridge that crossed the River Thrushel a tributary of the River Tamar. The hedges and riverside banks were brightened with the carpets of yellow celandines. Daffodils were still in bloom but past their best an indication of increasingly early springs.

The river was alluring despite its turbid brown colour its gurgling sound adding a pleasing symphony to the spring day.

The country scene is one that will linger in my minds eye until the day I depart this earth.

         After a pleasing and engaging day at Arundell I have plans to return later in the Spring rod in hand to explore waters that to me are uncharted. I will of course call into the store for some sound advice and maybe a fly or two recommended by David and the Arundell team.


01566 784666


The hour long film is a fascinating documentary made by rewilding charity Scotland The Big Picture https://www.scotlandbigpicture.com/riverwoods, about the current challenges Atlantic Salmon are facing in Scotland’s rivers, and the project that is trying to solve these issues.
Riverwoods is equally applicable to solving Atlantic Salmon decline in North Devon’s rivers, and the hope is that a community based solution will emerge from the North Devon screenings.
The film will be followed by a short presentation by Wayne Thomas of North Devon Angling News on his experiences of fishing for West Country salmon, and an audience conversation about how to reverse salmon decline in North Devon.
The Riverwoods film tour of North Devon is being run by Adrian Bryant of Earth Collective community interest company, founder of the Caen Catchment Beaver Project at Braunton, who will introduce the film

Celebrating a new start – Salmon Season 2024

On March 1st 2024 members of the Barnstaple & District Angling Association assembled beside the River Taw celebrating both the start of a new season and the re-opening of the clubs fishing hut.

Some members had even brought their tackle with them despite the raging brown torrent that was racing towards Barnstaple the estuary and its eventual meeting with its sister river the Torridge at Instow.

As I walked to the river I savoured the birdsong as blackbird’s delightful tune filled the early Spring air.  Primroses, wood sorrel, celandines and other fresh green shoots of spring were evident in the roadside hedge.

I have a wealth of memories regarding the old fishing hut and you can read my account of a visit to the old hut fifteen years or so ago at the end of this article the account can also be found in my book I Caught A Glimpse that can still be bought at the Little Egret Press.

There is something reassuring about the return to the river at the start of each season. There is that eternal optimism of the returning angler. For despite the constant decline in salmon numbers and concerns about water quality there is a resilience in nature.

I negotiated the road bridge and headed down the familiar fisherman’s path to the old hut. A bright red gazebo seemed slightly surreal erected at the front of the newly refurbished shelter.

It was good to hear cheery voices as I approached and I smelt the smoke lifting from the BBQ. There was a cheery greeting from fellow members and a welcome hotdog as talk of the new season and past adventures did the rounds.

Water quality was high on the topic list as we chatted about the council meeting held at Petroc college a few days before. All agreed that it was good to place the state of our rivers higher on the political agenda. The integrity of our local MP and local water companies was discussed but I will steer clear of politics on this platform!

The jovial camaraderie of the assembly had a touch of ‘Last of the Summer Wine’ or ‘Dads Army’. Don Hearn the club river keeper brings a refreshing air of optimism and whilst he acknowledged the dwindling salmon numbers compared to the past he also talked of the joy of club life on the river bank.

Club Chairman John Webber declared the hut open with the ceremonial cutting of a green ribbon that threatened to disintegrate in the wet conditions.

Dark clouds and a ferocious hail storm failed to dent the optimism of those  gathered and I left with joy in my heart for a new season. The smell of wild garlic lifted from the ground a pleasing scent heralding the onset of spring and warmer days ahead.

When I wrote of the old club hut a decade or more ago I was saddened at its demise. Today the old hut and spirit of the angling brethren had risen like a phoenix bringing optimism for the future. It is my hope and fellow club members hope that the rivers problems will be solved and that a new generation of club anglers will continue to gather memories as the rivers eternal flow continues.

I have just finished reading a book about the Chalk Streams of Southern England. ‘The Lost World Of The Chalk Streams, by E. A. Barton tells of an enchanting riverside world between the wars. A selection of atmospheric black and white images capture a bygone age. There are extracts of prose that bring poignancy and inspiration  as I write this and look back over fifty years beside the Taw.

The Test In August – “The season has turned and like the first grey hairs of middle life, signs of approaching age cannot be overlooked.”


“The enjoyment derived from a day’s angling should never terminate with the day but should linger in the memory like a pleasant taste, to be reconstructed with but the smallest effort of will at times when there is little else to distract. Over the fire on winter evenings. When one’s book is finished, or with a friend in retrospective mood, one reverts back to those days spent together by open loch or quiet river. The habit of visualising accurately a picture of the surroundings of some specially interesting incident at the moment of its occurrence is one well worth cultivating. After a time it becomes so reflex and automatic that it is easy to recall vividly. Even to the smallest detail, the passage of some memorable event. Such a habit becomes a priceless possession, for by its aid can be conjured up, with photographic accuracy, a collection of moving pictures of everlasting delight. So that when the afternoons of life are beginning to draw in, and the wheel creaks at the cistern, that habit cultivated in youth becomes an ever delightful resource by which one lives again with little less than reality the golden experience of the  past

I stopped on the bridge as always to peer into the river below. The sun shone and the river took on that blue green translucence typical of springtime. A few martins and swallows swooped above the river seeking nourishment following their long flight from far off lands. After a brief survey of the pool I moved on and came to the old gate that leads to the river bank.

            The gate hung partly unhinged, it’s fastening asp broken, a few bits of litter caught my eye discarded by some ignorant motorist. A problem that blights our countries hedgerows tarnishing our land with an urban feel, continuing down the steps I glanced at the old fishing sign, rusting and grimy, the clubs name still present above the words, “Private Fishing Club Members only”. The pathway beside the river had always been well trodden at this time of year (Early April) yet now it was partly grown over. Celandine flowers brightened the waterside meadow with their bright yellow hues. It felt good to be walking the river bank again after a long break but strange melancholy feelings drifted into my being. I glanced at the old corrugated fishing hut its door was open, someone was about I thought, tidying up or fishing somewhere down stream.

            My club membership had long since lapsed and I was heading to fish the free water a hundred yards or more downstream. I had fished this section of river heavily twenty five years ago hoping for a silver spring salmon but had visited rarely over recent seasons. However a river is like a long lost friend familiarity returns quickly and certain things retain a core character. The constant flow of a river towards the sea has always given me an almost spiritual reassuring sense of stability. A feeling I had always treasured each spring as I trod the banks rod in hand hopeful of one of anglings greatest prizes, a fresh run silver salmon. The grass flourishing, buds bursting into life on riverside trees and spring birds filling the air with song, migrants returned from a long cold winter, a sign of the coming warmth of summer.

            I had very little time today just a grabbed moment from life’s busy schedule no time to fish methodically, just a few random casts into favourite lies. I remember long ago seeking a salmon a prize that seemed unattainable. Eventually after many days by the river I had tempted a salmon, what had seemed so difficult I realised was really quite easy. You just had to be in the right place at the right time with a little good fortune. Salmon are a perplexing fish, totally ignoring all offerings one minute then suddenly erupting from the water to seize your bait, lure or fly with an unbelievable determination. After catching that first salmon an angler will forever be able to cast in hope for he believes in the impossible. This faith remains forever fuelling the desire for cast after cast.

            I climbed down the river bank entering the water above a sweeping bend in the river. An old tree stood, its roots exposed from constant attack annual winter floods. Beneath the tree was a favourite lie that had held many salmon and sea trout over the years. I waded out into the river, relishing the feel as the cool water pushed against my legs. I extended my fly line above the water and dropped a bright orange Ally’s Shrimp fly near the far bank. I allowed the fly to swing tantalizingly across the flow, took a step downstream and repeated the process. Many times in the past I had seen salmon and sea trout leap from the water at this spot. I hoped to see one now, I really didn’t need to catch to glimpse the prize would suffice.

            Strange  really, since the introduction of catch and release in the early season I have lost much of my determination to seek salmon. I always used to relish taking that first fresh Springer home to enjoy with new potatoes and lashings of butter. I regularly fish for a wide range of species and return ninety percent of the fish I catch. I have no problem returning a coloured salmon in the autumn but I somehow struggle with returning a bar of silver sea liced salmon. I often think of Hugh Falkus’s comments on catch and release and his views that it was somehow wrong. Somehow I feel he had a point there is something undignified in toying with a fish so magnificent as the Atlantic salmon. Perhaps I just don’t like being told I have to return the fish, I remember catching a well mended Kelt several years ago. It had inhaled the Mepps spinner to the back of its throat and was bleeding profusely. I gently returned it to the river, to my horror it keeled over and drifted away to die. How would I feel if this happened to a prime fresh run fish?  

            This leads me on to another restriction that has been imposed to preserve stocks. In the early season I and most other anglers used the spinner to fish for salmon. A Mepps spinner or Devon Minnow was cast into the cold waters and retrieved slowly its throbbing reverberated through the line to the rod giving a physical transmission between angler and river. At any moment there was the anticipation of the electrifying take as a bar of silver attacked the lure. I fully support the need to preserve salmon stocks and if that impinges on my pleasure then so be it I guess, I just wonder about the long term effect of these restrictions on our freedom?

            I continued to fish on down stream, ice cold water started to seep into my chest waders. I realised that my repairs to the holes had failed and a new pair of waders would be needed before my next trip.

            It was time to leave I had to collect my young son form his cricket coaching. I climbed from the river my boots squelching as I retraced my way along the riverside path. I came again to the old fishermen’s hut, the door was still open, inquisitive I strolled over and peered inside. The door had been broken from its hinges, the old leather seat was torn, old mugs stood in an old wooden cabinet where mice had made their home the old hut was damp and derelict. A feeling of sadness came upon me. I immediately understood the melancholy feeling I earlier sensed. Twenty odd years ago I had spent many hours beside this river and talked with the club anglers of the day. They were generally anglers in their fifties or sixties who had fished the river for many years. They generally had a tale to tell of the good old days, of encounters with huge spring salmon, some won some lost. They had intimate knowledge of the river and a deep respect and love for the salmon. Each year working parties would trim troublesome branches and carry out repairs to gates and stiles. The fisherman’s hut was a meeting place where tales were swapped over cups of hot tea. Fishing magazines sat on the table to provide inspiration during break in fishing or tending to the river bank. There was always a rod leaning against the old rails that segregated the front of the hut from the bank side. A bench dedicated to an angler invited one to, “rest here and find pleasure”.

            It dawned upon me that a generation of anglers had passed away. Few anglers now trod these banks in search of spring salmon. Upriver on prime beats people still pay large sums to fish but here on the club and free water few bother to cast a line. Perhaps restrictions have taken away the motivation for these anglers to fish or perhaps people no longer have the patience to chase dreams. I realise that back then we seemed to have time to talk, time to fish, time to dream.

            The faces of a host of anglers fill my minds eye as I walk away from the river and the derelict old fisherman’s’ hut. I realise that whilst the river flows relentlessly on we anglers are just passing spirits. The comfort of the rivers immortality is temporarily shadowed by the realisation of our own fleeting visit to its banks.

            As I walk across the bridge I again pause as always for one last look at the river. A car races past, a train thunders along the nearby track I re-enter the modern world and walk back to the car. On getting home I think back to the old fishing hut and vow to jot down my thoughts before they get lost and drift away like the old anglers who once fished the river.