Torridge Rivers Association News

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The Torridge Rivers Association AGM will be held at The Half Moon Inn Sheepwash on Friday 21st March: 7.00pm for 7.30pm.

This is always a most enjoyable evening with the usual excellent buffet after the meeting. The North Devon Fishery Officer, Sam Fenner, will be joining us. The hatchery has been a great success this winter and the Association will be stocking out over 35,000 swim-up fry towards the end of March. Fishing!

The 2025 Fishing Season has begun and the river is in excellent condition. Charles anticipates a great fishing season and has suggested a strong chance of an early Salmon, proven on Sunday as regular visitor Reg Lawton caught a 15lb fresh run cock Salmon at Madeira. A beautiful Bar of Silver. Congratulations Reg!


To hear Charles’ full introduction to the season click link below:…


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56 Fishing 20 fish caught 

1st S.Taylor 1lb 13 1/4oz

2nd Tom Downing 1lb 6 1/2oz

(Above) Tom Downing with his runner up flounder

3rd Craig Crash Lamey  1lb 5 3/4oz

4th A. Masters 1lb 3oz

5th S. Taylor 1lb 2 1/2oz

6th M. Sheldrake 1lb 2 1/2oz

7th G. Hooper 1lb 1 3/4oz

8th J. Dixon 1lb 0 1/4oz

9th C. Lamey 1lb 0 1/4oz

10th J. Dixon 1lb 0 1/4

11th R. Walker 14 1/2 oz

12th Mathew Druce 14 1/4 oz

13th Jazzer 14 oz

14th Ian Hooper 14 oz

15th D. Bowden 13 3/4 oz

16th S. Bowden 13 3/4 oz

17th M. Druce 13 1/2 oz

18th Jazzer 12 1/2 oz

19th J. Dixon 12 oz

20th S. Bowden 10 1/2 oz

Thank to the pollyfield and the Reds for letting us use their facilities for the sign in and the weigh-in.

Thanks to pollyfield for providing burgers at the weighing I think they went down very well.

Thank you ever so much to all are sponsors we couldn’t do it without you.

D S Electrical, Clawford Lakes Resort and Spa, Devon Baits, Tom Wade Anglers Heaven, Barnstaple Bait and Tackle, Gaby Fish Pillows, James Grigg, Honeys of Parkham, The Bell Inn Parkham, Parkham Cheese and Crusher. 

Final amount given to Pollyfield for the play park was £289

All the best tight lines and see you next year 🎣

Nathan Clements

Bideford Angling Club – Christmas Competition Postponed

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Hi guys we have unfortunately come to the decision to postpone the competition on Sunday and move it to the 29th of December.
Competition times will all be the same on the following Sunday !!!!!!!!
This isn’t ideal but we do not expect anyone to fish in a yellow weather warning with potential winds of 65mph.

Sorry for any inconvenience but I personally wouldn’t want anyone to have an accident.

The Torridge Rivers Association

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The Torridge  Rivers Association

President: Lord  Clinton


President: I am delighted to report that the late Lord Clinton’s son, who is now the current Lord Clinton, has agreed to be the President of our Association. This will continue our long standing relationship with the Clinton family and the Clinton Devon Estate. Our Chairman Paul and his wife Geraldine, Steve Phelps and myself attended the memorial service in July for the late Lord Clinton, who instigated the creation of our Association in 1979 and was our President for over 40 years.

The Salmon Hatchery: Great news: this week we have been able to trap our broodstock from the fish pass. After several weeks without any appreciable rain the rivers were almost down to summer level: then came the snow. Our first attempt at trapping coincided with the arrival of Storm Bert and we were in danger of being washed away. Three days later after the Okement had fallen back and cleared we tried again and in two sessions we netted 13 salmon from the holding tank: 8 hens and 5 cock fish. Three of the hens have been released leaving us with 5 hens and 5 cocks (the maximum number we are allowed to hold). All the hens are approx 9lb except one superb fish of at least 15lb. The cock fish are slightly smaller. We are confident that some if not all the hens will be ready for stripping in the next few days. Extra trays have been installed so that the eggs can be more spread out. Last year some of the eggs had to be taken to the Colliford hatchery in Cornwall but this year we will be keeping all the eggs at our own hatchery.

The Annual Egg Box Dinner and Raffle: over 40 members and guests enjoyed another wonderful evening at The Half Moon with good company and an excellent meal. We were delighted that our fishery protection officer, Sam Fenner, was able to join us. Our annual raffle to raise funds to support the salmon hatchery project was as usual extremely well supported. All the prizes were donated and the net profit was in excess of £1,300

Membership: we have recruited several new members during the year. If you know of anybody who fishes or has an interest in the well-being of the river please encourage them to join our Association. Our strength is in numbers.

The Fishing Season: for the salmon and sea trout anglers it was another frustrating season. After a very wet spring it was a cool cloudy summer with never enough rain to maintain the river at a good level for fishing. With numbers declining there is less incentive for us all to make the effort and go out and fish. Several salmon were caught in the last week of the season. In contrast the brown trout fishing has at times been quite outstanding. The trout don’t rise so freely as they used to so the fishing is more challenging but those who persevere are often rewarded with excellent catches including several fish in excess of 2lb coming to the net.

The 2025 AGM: the Association agm will be held at The Half Moon Inn on Friday 21st March 2025.  Make a note in your diary, come to the meeting and get fired up for another season. We are all optimists and no doubt 2025 will be a bumper year!!

Winter well. Charles.

Pete Tyjas with Charles Inniss

Pete Tyjas chats with Charles Inniss at the Half Moon Inn a must listen for anyone interested in the River Torridge and North Devon’s salmon
Fly Culture
New Podcast – Episode 254
Charles Innis – One River
Pete Tyjas makes the drive over to visit Charles Innis at the Half Moon Inn, Sheepwash in Devon.
We talk about his relationship with the inn that goes back to the 1950s when his family took it on as a fishing hotel.
He tells me about his love for the Torridge, looking after guests and running the inn with his brother.
Charles is honest about the good and the not so good times and how a newspaper article made a huge difference to the business.
Now in his 80s he is still deeply involved with the fishing there and shares his deep knowledge and understanding of the river that means so much to him.
I had some rough questions planned but I just pressed record and let the conversation flow in whatever direction it took.
Just click link below to listen



I had a few casts on a Middle Taw beat hoping that recent rain had encouraged a few salmon into the river. The river was surprisingly low with the rocks very slippery and  covered in algae.

The colour was good yet I saw no signs of salmon as I fished down through the pools and runs.

A kingfisher flashed past, leaves drifted down as a breeze stirred the trees. Tell tale accumulations of leaves told the story of the changing season. Just five days remain of the Taw and Torridge salmon season.


A wild brown seized the salmon fly

Lower down the Taw Simon Hillcox tempted a beautiful salmon of around 7lb. like most salmon caught in recent days it was already decorated in Autumn hues a sign that it has been in the river for a while. The Torridge has risen more than the Taw and several salmon have been glimpsed and lost. The last week will hopefully see a few salmon tempted to be discussed at the annual egg box dinner at the Half Moon Inn.

Salmon caught from Taw and Torridge

A rise in river levels following recent rainfall has encouraged anglers onto the regions rivers in the hope of salmon. James Lewis fished a middle Torridge beat and tempted a fine salmon estimated at 9lb. Another salmon estimated at 13lb was tempted from a middle Taw beat. Several other salmon have been seen migrating up river so there is hope that a few more will be tempted during the last two weeks of the season

I attended the West Country Rivers Trust CSI Volunteer Conference at High Bickington on Saturday September 14th. The event was well attended with enthusiastic volunteers from across the region. It is very encouraging to meet with a wide range of people with a passion for rivers. It is clear that there is a need for more coordination of effort between the many different groups that use the rivers a topic that was explored with future plans explained by speakers at the event.

Many at the event were not anglers and talking with several at the event my view that we need to work together for the good of the rivers was reinforced. Anglers, Canoeists, Wild Swimmers and conservationists all want clean water so we need to focus on our common goals and put our differences aside.

A Silver Bar of good news from Little Warham

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A bar of silver at Little Warham Fishery for Anthony. There is debate as to salmon or sea trout but either way its great to sea a glimmer of silver hope from a beautiful beat on the River Torridge.

Below is guidance on salmon and sea trout identification from the late great Hugh Falkus. Every fish is different of course and identification is not always clear cut. I remember many years ago catching a silver bar from the Lower Taw, at the time I thought it was a salmon but looking at the photo a few years later I realised that it was a fine double figure sea trout of 10lb 4oz, my personal best.