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The RTFCA AGM will be held at the Fox and Hounds Hotel, Eggesford EX18 7JZ on Fri 28 March 2025 commencing at 1845hrs.

Bar facilities and a Finger Buffet will be provided (Members are politely asked to make a donation for the buffet at the event)

Guest speakers will update on some exciting new projects taking place on the Taw catchment.

Some great and rare opportunities for fishing have been very generously provided in the fundraiser. We use all of the money we raise to fund or match fund projects on the Taw catchment.

We would prefer you to attend the AGM and bid on the night (non-members are welcome to attend) but will be offering an opportunity to make a bid online.The list of auction lots is attached


Lot No


Description Guide Price Remarks


A day’s Guided woodland deer stalking in 700 acres of mature woodland near Exeter.

Red and roe; either sex. At a time to suit you and the seasons. Kindly donated by Andy Gray



£100 – 150




A tweed jacket of your choice from Brooke Taverner


Donated by Russell Scott Lawson





An evening’s Duck Flighting for 4 to 6 guns at Colleton Manor followed by a warming drink.


Kindly donated by Simon & Grania Phillips



To be taken during the Autumn


Haunch of Roe Deer Venison.


Kindly donated by Andy Gray.




Andy will take as many bids at £40 as he is able and will produce the goods!


A day’s Salmon Fishing for two rods at Upper Weirmarsh, Middle Taw.


Kindly donated by Mark Maitland-Jones.






2 hour Fly Fishing and casting Instruction.


Kindly donated by Bryan Martin (Advanced Qualified Game Angling Instructor)






A day’s Salmon Fishing for two rods at Upper Braggamarsh, Middle Taw. This includes Radford’s and the Gutter.


Kindly donated by Alex Gibson



Alex may be convinced to offer another additional day if many bids are received.




A day’s Salmon Fishing for two rods on the Kingford Beat, Middle Taw, including the Bend and Buckinghams.


Kindly donated by Simon Hillcox





A boxed bottle of Krohn 2016 Vintage Port.


Kindly donated by John Smith.




10 A Magnum of 2021  Cotes du Rhone from M Chapoutier


Kindly donated by Charlie Cotton Bray Valley Wines




A day’s trout fishing on the classic and famous chalk stream the Bourne in Hants


Kindly donated by Michael Malyon







An evening/night’s Sea Trout Fishing for one rod at Junction Beat, Middle Taw guided by Richard Nickell.


kindly donated by the Junction Syndicate




Choice of day – Sat, Mon or Tue.


A day’s Salmon Fishing in August or September for two rods at Cove on the Exe.


Kindly donated by Michael Malyon






A Silky Pocketboy 130mm Handsaw with case (absolutely ideal for bankwork).


Kindly donated by John Smith







A day’s salmon fishing on the Woolhanger Beats, middle Taw. Includes a guide by Len Francis if taken on a Wednesday


Kindly donated by Woolhanger Estates

£150 Nearly 3 miles of fishing above Umberleigh


A day’s Salmon fishing for two rods on the Lenton Beat of the R Mole


Kindly donated by Mr Andrew Maund







A morning or evening’s Deer Stalking at King’s Nympton Park for a roe buck or doe, or a red deer, stag or hind, according to season, guided by the estate keeper Jerry Weston.



Kindly donated by Lord Lichfield






A day’s Salmon fishing on the King’s Nympton Park Home Beat on the Mole.


Kindly donated by Lord Lichfield






A day’s Salmon/sea trout fishing (Wednesday or Sunday) on the Junction Beat of the R Taw.


Kindly donated by Lord Lichfield.






A side of award winning Blakewell Smoked Salmon.


Kindly donated by Richard Nickell






A Shotgun Service, excluding parts, or Rod Ringing Voucher from Lance Nicholson in Dulverton.


Kindly donated by James Veale





A day’s Salmon and Sea Trout Fishing for two rods on the Mole at Alswear.


Kindly donated by George Marsh.






A 2 fish Trout Fishing Evening Ticket at Blakewell Fisheries. Muddiford Nr Barnstaple


Kindly donated by Richard Nickel






A day’s salmon fishing for 2 rods on the Golden Mile and Sheepwash Beats on the River Wye;  a night’s self-catering accommodation in the Retreat Fishing Lodge and the services of a resident ghillie can be arranged.


Kindly donated by Ian Thorpe.



£150 – 200





Tour of Lord’s Cricket Ground for two, outside the cricket season, including the Pavilion and Long Room and the Real Tennis Court, to include watching a game of real tennis and having it explained.


Kindly donated by Alex Gibson.






A day’s salmon fishing in August or September for two Rods at Cove on the R Exe


Kindly donated by Michael Malyon.








A nights sea trout fishing at Watertown on the Mole. Days available Sunday or Monday, dates to be agreed by both parties.


Kindly donated by the Brown, Eastwood and Martin families



£80 – 100



A day’s guided fishing on the famous Golden Pool on the R Torridge for salmon, sea trout or trout.


Kindly donated by Peter Twomey






Half a day strimming or chainsaw work 4 hrs.

Within 10 miles of Chulmleigh.


Kindly donated by Eddie Rands






Kit Heath Jewellery to be viewed on the night.


Kindly donated by Richard and Kate Nickell






A day’s guided fishing for one rod on the Glyn water on the R Fowey


Kindly donated by Andrew Maund



£80 – 100



A day’s salmon fishing for two rods on the Bolham beat of the R Exe


Kindly donated by Andrew Maund



£80 -100



An evening’s Brown Trout fishing on the Little Dart


Kindly donated by George Stucley





If you wish to make an online bid for a lot/item in the fundraising auction then please forward your bid by email to [email protected]

And include:

Title: ie Fundraiser Bid


Contact Email:

Lot/Ser Number:

Amount bid:

Bids must be submitted by no later than midday on Thursday 27 March 2025. If you are lucky enough to secure the bid then we will be in touch with you by email. The payment will be by BACs (details will be provided to you). On receipt of your payment we will release the contact details to you so that you can arrange your fishing/purchase pick up directly with the donor who will be expecting your call.



Celebrating the Salmon Season 2025

March 1st and the commencement of a new salmon season on North Devon’s Taw and Torridge. I joined members of Barnstaple & District Angling Club at Newbridge to celebrate the occasion at their bankside hut. Warm spring sunshine brought smiles and optimism a contrast to last season’s start with a raging torrent of dirty water combined with hail and thunder.

A Hang glider drifted high above in a clear blue sky. We chatted warmly of seasons gone and those who had walked the river banks at this very spot. It was good to share the spring day with a band of fellow piscators those stories of silver bars bringing hope for the season for anglers are an eternally optimistic bunch. A cool beer, hot dogs, Lemon drizzle and a cup of afternoon tea.

The river was running high with that healthy aqua tinge of spring. With the biggest tides of the season any salmon were likely to be well upriver by now but it was perhaps still worthwhile savouring the throb of a spinner as it traversed the currents or the drift of the fly over well-known taking lies.

Daffodils, celandines and primroses brought that touch of yellow to the lanes and river bank. We will soon glimpse the first martins and swallows and who knows perhaps that silver tourist will bring a touch of silver to enrich some lucky anglers life.   I look forward to reporting on the first spring salmon of 2025.

Family Flounder Bash 2025

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Well, despite some appalling conditions,Barnstaple Bait & Tackles FAMILY FLOUNDER BASH went ahead with a good turnout of hardy (or mad) anglers braving the elements.
Plenty of fish were weighed in, plenty of raffle tickets were sold and over £200 was raised for the Children’s Hospice South West! We must say a big thanks to The Ebberley Arms for their hospitality and of course to David Jenkins for his help in running the event.
Big congrats to all the winners which were as follows:
1st – Max Chapple
2nd – Jack Chapple
3rd – Kayden Wolton
1st – Richard Chapple
2nd – Taz Wolton
3rd – Scott Bowden
4th – Dave Bowden
‘The Chapples’
Thanks to everyone that took part and we look forward to seeing you on the next one in the Autumn! In the mean time, enjoy these pics of the day and a nice shot of some of the flounders before being returned safely back to the estuary.

Flounder Competition – Results

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Strong winds and heavy rain associated with Storm Burt failed to deter competitors from trying their luck along the banks of the Taw Estuary in the second heat of Flukeys flounder competition that raised money for Children’s Hospice South West.
FLUKEYS FLOUNDER COMP Part 2 Report from David Jenkins
What a days fishing. Rain wind and lots of wood. Plenty of people weighed in with some good fish caught. Difficult day but some great results. The charity pot is up around £600 so thank to everyone taking part.
Todays Results
Junior Champion sponsored by Chris at Barnstaple Bait & Tackle was:
MURRAY REDMORE he was the only junior to catch so took the lot.
Senior Results
1st Tarrant Wotton 1lb 11oz
2nd Nigel Gullen 1lb10oz
3rd David Jenkins 1lb 7oz
4th Sine Pimon 1lb 6 7/8oz
Details of PT3 to come for the 15th December
Big thanks to Simon Pine, Daniel Mackie and Marcus Offield for the prizes, organising, the food and allowing us in the pub.

Combe Martin SAC – Flounder Competition

Nick Philips took first and second place in Combe Martin SAC’s annual flounder competition tempted flounder of 1lb 4oz and 1lb 3oz. Lenny Lake was third with a flounder of 1lb 1oz. Several bass were also caught the best around 3lb.

Nick Phillips with his winning flounder of 1lb 4oz
Lenny Lake with his third place flounder of 1lb 1oz


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Fishing the River Taw 8:00 – 13:30
Weigh in at The Union Inn, Scales Close 2.30.
Entry form is now in store (cash only), all monies to be paid by Saturday 23rd entry fee £5.
Raffle in the pub raising money for Children’s Hospice South West so come and get involved.
One fish per person only please.
The first of the series result was as below : –  Attracted forty anglers with Stefan Jones taking the top prize with a flounder of 1lb 81/4oz. Runner up was David Jenkins with a flounder of 1lb 67/8oz and third Taz Wotton with a flounder of 1lb 63/4oz.


I had a few casts on a Middle Taw beat hoping that recent rain had encouraged a few salmon into the river. The river was surprisingly low with the rocks very slippery and  covered in algae.

The colour was good yet I saw no signs of salmon as I fished down through the pools and runs.

A kingfisher flashed past, leaves drifted down as a breeze stirred the trees. Tell tale accumulations of leaves told the story of the changing season. Just five days remain of the Taw and Torridge salmon season.


A wild brown seized the salmon fly

Lower down the Taw Simon Hillcox tempted a beautiful salmon of around 7lb. like most salmon caught in recent days it was already decorated in Autumn hues a sign that it has been in the river for a while. The Torridge has risen more than the Taw and several salmon have been glimpsed and lost. The last week will hopefully see a few salmon tempted to be discussed at the annual egg box dinner at the Half Moon Inn.


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Website Launch

   We have had a long period with no communication as a result of technical problems with our website. The problem has finally been resolved. Richard Nickell gripped it and commissioned a new website with a new address: www.rtfca.co.uk:. This modernised, cleaner, sharper website has been launched to allow us to communicate again. I would like to thank Richard and our web designer Elizabeth Walsh (www.elizabeth-walsh.co.uk), who collaborated so effectively. Liz will hopefully boss us into more regular communications.

Click on image below for website :-

Landscape Recovery Scheme – Thoughts

We are working on the idea presented at the AGM and, steadily in the background, on a thoughts document. Ian Blewett’s continuing involvement in the North Devon Catchment Partnership helps us stay engaged with other stakeholders. Landscape Recovery projects require an energetic and enthusiastic farmer as a starting point; one has emerged. Large acreages need to be signed up to enable funding to be applied for. This appears to be happening. We are in discussions with the right partners to keep this ambitious and long-term opportunity in our sights. An overview of the Landscape Recovery Scheme is shown as an addendum to this letter.

Our river has many critical Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species, from our salmon and sea trout through to freshwater pearl mussels as well as increasing numbers of rarer species like shad and otters. There will be more and for those with time on their hands, do look at https://jncc.gov.uk/our-work/uk-bap-priority-species/and see if you can identify all the species we host in, on and above our catchment’s rivers. As regards UK fish species, it is likely we have 7 of the15 listed. These BAP species add weight to our application.

Sewage Treatment Works (STWs)

          Alex Gibson has been waging war on South West Water because of the inadequate STW system in our catchment which is in part responsible for our water quality problems. We all know that the expansion of our towns and villages town puts additional pressure on already inadequate  \\\\|\|||||AASTWs. Alex continues to harass SWW ,trying to hold them to account and pressurise them into cleaning up their act. South Molton and Chittlehamholt STWs appear to be the most problematic STWs at the moment, but there are shortcomings all across the Taw catchment which contains about 35 STWs. All these outflow into the Taw and its tributaries. Alex is putting together a table to show the sewage discharges in our catchment. This will be put on the website when finished. To see how the STW in your area has been performing go to The Rivers Trust website –


– and check on their sewage map.


As referred to earlier, shad are returning to our river and are useful as a lever to acquire funding and bring pressure to bear on improving the water quality in our river. You cannot legally target this rare species when you fish, but if you do by chance catch a shad please return it to the river  as quickly as possible. If you keep catching them, I suggest you fish elsewhere on your beat. They won’t be there for long. Please report their presence and recover any dead shad you find for post mortem analysis as we need to prove they are spawning and demonstrate which species we have. We are confident we have the Allis shad; we may have Twaite shad as well.


Landscape Recovery Scheme – Overview

There are 4 main distinguishing features of the Landscape Recovery Scheme:

  1.     Large scale projects: the scheme is designed to deliver outcomes that require collaborative action across a big area, such as restoring ecological or hydrological function across a landscape.
  2.     Long-term public funding (for example for 20years or longer); the scheme will support outcomes that take a long time to deliver, such as peatland restoration, woodland management or habitat restoration.
  3.     Bespoke agreements: the scheme can fund activities that contribute to priority outcomes but are specific to the locality and so difficult to facilitate through other schemes.
  4.     Blended funding: the features above and the provision of development funding should enable projects to attract private investment


Landscape Recovery projects will be selected in rounds, which will involve a competitive application process.


Huge Rare Shad from local estuary

         Dan Spearman was spinning for thin lipped mullet and had a shock when a huge allis shad estimated at 5lb seized his baited spinner. The fish gave an exciting account leaping from the water and making several long runs. The fish was landed and carefully returned to the water. The shad is a rare and endangered species and are not to be fished for intentionally.  The population appears to be increasing on the Taw with several reported each year by salmon anglers. The species spawn during late spring and early summer.

Thin lipped grey mullet are moving into the estuaries of the Taw and Torridge providing exciting sport for anglers using baited spinner tactics. Combe Martin SAC member John Shapland caught a fine  specimen thin lip of 4lb 4oz.

Fading Silver


It’s almost Mid-May and the evenings are long with dusk now lingering well past 9.00pm. I always seem to be caught out not fully appreciating the onset of Summer realizing all too soon that it’s getting towards the longest day and that those days will once again start to shorten. In the words of that Pink Floyd song;
Staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long
And there is time to kill today
And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun

I arrived at the fishing hut early evening pleased to be at the beat for only the second time this season. I was half expecting there to be another angler fishing but I had the fishing to myself. I had brought my salmon rod and a light trout rod just in case the trout were rising and could be tempted on a dry fly.
The river looked to be in fine fettle a perfect height and good clarity. I watched the river carefully for signs of life but no fish moved.
I left the trout rod in the hut and approached the water’s edge extended a line across the water and drifted a silver stoat’s tail across the river. I made my way carefully negotiating the slippery rocks coated in slimy algae. My casting could be better I thought, no sweet rhythm this evening.
After a few steps I was startled by a head appearing just a couple of feet from the rod tip. The large otter rolled again a further few yards down river. There are some who curse the otter for it predates upon the salmon and sea trout. I take a slightly different view for whilst I fear for the salmon I accept that otters have hunted this river for centuries. There was once an abundance of salmon in this beautiful river more than enough for angler and otter.
I feel sure that if I had stood on this river bank just thirty years ago salmon and sea trout would be leaping from the water crashing back with loud splashes that would fuel the anticipation.

In the shadows sea trout would have leapt their heavy splashes rising the anglers anticipation.

This evening the ever flowing river heads to the estuary and the ocean beyond. During my two hours I drift my fly in fading hope. There are no glimpses of silver, the river banks are lush and green. The scent of wild garlic drifts in the warm evening air. But despite the natural beauty all around I cannot help but dwell upon the lack of salmon and sea trout. As a young angler I assumed the salmon and sea trout would always run the river or at least throughout my lifetime. Sadly I realize that this may not be so as the actions of mankind decimate the natural world and in particular the rivers those arteries of the land.
In recent months I have been involved in the screening of the film Riverwoods to audiences across North Devon. The film suggests solutions to the demise of salmon. After the film I give a presentation about salmon decline in the South West and beyond. I talk of the plight of salmon, their decline in my lifetime and suggest ways that we can all delay their route to extinction.
I ponder upon the salmon’s plight as I pack away my tackle. The angler, the otter and the salmon are all perhaps on borrowed time unless we act to bring our rivers back to life.
As I step from the River I again see the Otter heading back up river where Henry Williamsons fictional Tarka may well have swum. I read the tale recently a book that records a time of abundance full of cruelty but all within a more balanced natural world before a burgeoning population brought us to our present place in history.

Spot the otter – Right of the rivers centre.

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way but your older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

My next trip to the river will be to the higher reaches where the water still glistens running clear with vibrant beautiful crimson spotted brown trout in abundance.
Fishing is good for the soul and we really need to celebrate the wonderful nature that we still have around us. The fleeting glimpse of electric blue as a kingfisher flashes past. The swooping swift, the evocative call of the cuckoo, the cheerful chirp of the chiff chaff.
That great Countryside writer BB’s books include the rather poignant words.
The wonder of the world, the beauty and the power, the shapes of things, their colours, lights and shades, these I saw, Look ye also while life lasts
I wonder what BB would make of today’s world?