North Devon Match Group Victory

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North Devon Match Group Versus Bideford Angling Club at Stafford Moor

Bideford Angling Club at Stafford Moor Fishery using willow and oak
With 12 anglers on each
Top weight on the day was Tom Downing
Oak lake
1st Tom downing 180lb 15oz
2nd Darren polden 143lb 2oz
3rd Phillip Bailey 131lb 15oz
4th Keith Mountjoy 113lb 12oz
1st Nathan Underwood 130lb 10oz
2nd Steve Johnson 122lb 8oz
3rd Christopher Morris 109lb 14oz
4th Kevin Shears 102lb 15oz
A big well done to everyone that’s helped weighing the boards photos
Winning on the day was North Devon Match Group with 185 points and Bideford having 126 points

North Devon Match Group – Oaktree

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North Devon Match Group held their latest Match at Oaktree fishery using the top and bottom lakes to split the anglers
The weather held out for most of the day with the odd shower but it was still warm
The worthy winner on the day was Kevin Shears with a great weight of 120lb from the top lake

Top lake

1st kevin Shears 120lb 5oz

2nd Dave Doidge 78lb 13oz

3rd Dodgy Hooks  65lb 9oz

Bottom lake

1st Nathan Underwood 71lb 15oz

2nd Garry Thornton  45lb 14oz

3rd Christopher Morris  38lb 12oz

North Devon Match Groups latest match

North Devon Match Groups latest match was held on on Higher Shoreston lake with 13  fishing  on the top lake.
When the all in sounded people started catching steadily on all methods and baits paste was the main bait anglers were using
Winner on the day was Nathan Underwood
with a net of carp for 43lb 11oz caught mainly on the paste
1st Nathan underwood 43lb 11oz
2nd Paul Whitehead 27lb
3rd Phillip Bailey  25lb 14oz
1 section Ian Croxton  13lb 13oz
2 section graham Currington  21lb 10oz

North Devon Match Group Versus Bude Pirates

Report from Nathan Underwood
North Devon Match Groups interclub team event versus Bude Bay pirates was held at the mighty Upper Tamar Lkae
It was a lovely day for a change with 24 anglers fishing
There were some close weights in every section
Results are
1st Ryan Wiltshire  30lb 9oz
2nd Paul Elworthy  24lb
3rd Matthew Sampson
Section winners
A section Duncan Hill  18lb 8oz
B section Colin Cherrington  14lb 11oz
C section Robert Fuller  20lb 3oz
D section Nathan Underwood  16lb 1oz
Would like to thank the scalesmen from the Tamar crew
And also the cafe that provided us breakfasts and after match food
Well this is what you are waiting for the team winners on the day we’re bude bay pirates captained by Simon Allen
157.5 to 142.5 which gives us a 15 points behind when we go to the canal in September.

North Devon Match Group – Results

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North Devon Match Group held their latest Match at Oaktree Fishery where fifteen members fished split over two Lakes 8 on the top lake 7 on the bottom. It was a lovely day of bright spring sunshine with the lakes fishing well.
Kevin Shears was the winner with 81lb 5oz.
Top lake winner  Kevin Shears 81lb 5oz
2nd. Steve Hayman 75lb 2oz
3rd. Steve bridle. 60lb 14oz
Bottom lake winner 
1st Roger Ackroyd  47lb 4oz
2nd Colin cherrington 39lb 14oz
3rd Graham Currington 34lb 5oz

North Devon Match Group Result

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Fished our North Devon Match Group club match yesterday and with spaces in even more demand than a Feedermasters ticket all 33 spaces were filled. Venue was the lovely Wooda lakes near Holsworthy. With a full turn out the usual 3 lakes were utilised and in addition 9 pegs were also put on the specimen lake. At the draw I felt lake 4 was the preferred choice but also fancied a crack at the speci lake as my one previous encounter on there produced a lake sin and match second. In went my donny and out popped peg 18 which was lake 4 so happy with that outcome.
A few chucks to the island and one missed bite and a few liners as Ian Gray to my right did the same and had 3 quick fish then I managed a small stickie. After 30 minutes I switched to the pole and had a couple of quick fish then nothing, meantime Ian Gray continued to catch on the tip whilst I couldn’t get a sniff on it. I could hear Andy Grattan catching the other side of the island out of site but kept plugging away on the pole as everyone else seemed to be struggling. It was a funny old match where you catch a couple then the vanish but it has given me an idea for another match in 4 weeks time on there. At the all out Andy Gratton had clearly walked the lake with 70lb and myself and Ian Gray had a great side by side battle which he popped by 44lb to my 40lb so well done him and those tip fish kept him just in front. Elsewhere Nathan Undereood had caught well on the speci with 60odd pound whilst everyone else had struggled for bites and the other 2 lakes had fished reall tough with Craig Lames taking lake 3 with just under 40lb I think it was and The old war horse Martin turner taking lake 1 with 20lb. Overall a great day with some good banter and a 4th overall for myself I think it was so some good league points.
 Thanks to Ian Croxton for the report .

North Devon Match Group – Result

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North Devon Match Groups first match of 2022 was a sell out ,
24 Anglers fished and it was nice to meet up with some new members and people hadnt seen for a while ,
Weather was a bit up and down with sun and rain and it seemed the general concensus that it was going to be hard
With the draw done ( Thanks to Nathan Underwood and Debbie Shears Kev} for pegging the lakes everyone went off to get ready
as it was thought it was hard more so on the bottom lake than the top but both fished hard
here are the winners etc
Top Lake
1st Garry Thornton peg 7 42lb 1oz
2nd Nathan Underwood peg 8 38lb 3oz
3rd Kevin Shears peg 6 37lb
Bottom Lake
1st Steve Hayman peg 15 13lb 2oz
2nd Graham Curnow peg23 11lb 14oz
3rd Keith Mountjoy peg19 11lb

North Devon Match Group Latest

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On Sunday the 3rd October North Devon Match Group  had their first match at Higher Shorston Fishing Lakes, near Bude.
Report below from John Forster
“This is a beautiful venue with 3 lakes but hadnt been fished for a long time and with 12 anglers around Lake 1 it was going to be hard
But with the weather set to be wet and windy it was great to see 12 anglers turn up for the match ,
We were made exeptionally welcome with Bbq bacon and sausage baps and tea and coffee , and the new owner Brett being a carp angler was the main cause for the banter lol ,the lakes are stunning and work being done on the middle one to turn into a match lake ,i think this is going to become a very important part in the clubs match diary
Now yes the match was hard not made any easier by the weather and the bloody comorant that settled on the lake and proceeded to take fish out whenever it wanted
Fished in 3 sections
Section 1
1st Bruce Hunt 33lb 4oz
no other weighed in so 2nd place was not paid out
Section 2
1st Keith Mountjoy 45lb 5oz
2nd Martin Crouch 15lb 6oz
Section 3
1st Colin Carolyn Cherrington 18lb 14oz
2nd John Forster 14lb 6oz
overall a great new venue which will only get better the more it is fished ,superb owners that know what they want and are very welcoming as i said i feel this is going to be a very important new addition to the match calendar.