Geoff Waring with one of his catches from Stafford Moor a 23lb 6oz from the summerhouse swim on Beattie’s lake using mainline cell.
Paul Dunn has landed a fine mirror carp of 30lb fishing Stafford Moors Beatties Lake. Mainline cell boilie’s were once again the successful bait.

Brandon Galley fished Beatties Dam wall to land a 19lb Mirror using home made boilies. Brandon’s grandad Warren also enjoyed success as pictured below.
Harry Collins (Below) with 2 of his catches from Beattie’s lake using mainline cell one is a 22lb 10oz & 22lb 5oz.
The ghost of Stafford Moor
Stafford Moor is in fine form with specimen carp regularly being tempted by visitors to the complex. Here are a few of the latest catches.

Carp busters land brace of thirties

Chrissy Waring and husband Geoff Waring 2 of the ‘Carp busters’ landed 50 fish up to 30lb 6oz in 48 hours ! They used the ever popular frozen mainline cell from the beach swim on Stafford Moor’s Beattie’s Lake. The cooler damp weather should ensure good sport over the coming days.