This happy lady tamed this 30lb tope whilst fishing off Ilfracombe on John Barberay’s boat Bluefin.
Small Boat owners have been enjoying some great sport whilst taking advantage of calm seas and blue skies. Combe Martin SAC Members have landed tope, huss, pollock and bass.
If you want to sample some of the excellent sport to be enjoyed off North Devon’s Coast line book a trip on one of the Seaside towns charter boats.
Wild Frontier had a couple of 8 hour trips earlier this week that have been challenging at times. Managed to pluck out a few different species such as dogfish, bass, pollock, conger, huss, spotted ray, small eyed ray and this beauty of a smoothie at the end of today, just shy of 18lb on the scales.
Back out on the hunt for tope tomorrow evening and Thursday.
For bookings please call 07447060036 or see the website.