Boat Fishing Sport Round Up!

Thomas Atkinson won Appledore Shipbuilders Boat Competition with a fine smoothound of 17lb 10oz. Andrew Atkinson was second with a hound of 13lb 4oz and third Michael Hammett with a hound of 12lb 6oz.

(Above)Andrew Atkinson with a smoothound of 13lb 4oz
(Above and Below)Thomas Atkinson smoothound 17lb 10oz

Appledore Shipbuilders enjoyed  a great good day on the hounds with the average size around 9lb they also had a couple of tope around the 20-25lb mark along with a few small pollack and a few small huss.

Anglers are also finding goof sport off Ilfracombe aboard Dan Hawkins boat Reel Deal with beautiful weather and flat calm seas hard fishing at times but some good early sport  The Tope are starting to show more often now along with Huss, dogs and bass.


Reel Deal – Shark Season Underway

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The first porbeagle of the season has been caught from Ilfracombe based Reel Deal skippered by Dan Hawkins who takes customers to marks off North Cornwall. John Krupa a member of the Plough Angling club brought the shark estimated at 250lb to the side of the boat. The shark was unhooked at the side of the boat.   All sharks hooked by anglers in these conservation-enlightened times are returned alive to ensure the survival of these magnificent fish. The shark was tempted using a whole Ammo frozen mackerel and attracted to the boat using Ammo Chum Mix.

Migrants are highlight of Spring day afloat

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Keith Armishaw from Angling Book Specialists River Reads booked a days fishing off Ilfracombe on Bluefin skippered by John Barbeary. and sent me a brief report on an interesting day.

Keith tells me that The fishing wasn’t great a is often the case in Spring when the winter spurdog shoals have migrated away and the summer species have not arrived in any numbers. As they moved from mark to mark dogfish snaffled the bait in plague proportions.

But as is often the case the day was saved when John managed to locate a should of pollock that put a bend in the rods along with a few bull huss.

Days afloat are about more than just fish and Keith relays an interesting aspect of the day in that several birds landed on the boat.
Keith guessed that these were on migration to South Wales. They had 4 warblers (one actually settled on Lee’s rod whilst he was holding it), a blackcap and another ( caught a fleeting glimpse of was a redstart I think). Keith commented that it all added to the joy of the day. Great to be outdoors.