Predator 2 – Charter Boat Ilfracombe – Opens Diary in Exciting New Venture

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Exciting news!!! New booking site and 2025 Diary.
We said 2024 was the warm up and we would be going all out in 2025 and that’s exactly what we’re doing.
Check out our 2025 diary on our new booking site.

Our 2025 diary has something for everyone. We’ve got a few different sections in the booking site including some specials.

The dairy has been built around the tides and my previous catch records giving us the best chance of success.
All the trips are trips that I love doing as an Angler I now have the opportunity to share them with you.
We have moved to deposit based booking as I was let down a number of times last year but it also has the benefit of allowing anglers to spread the cost rather than having to pay everything on the day.

Most of the trips are set as individual space but with the option to book the full boat.

Late season tope and huss on Predator 2

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Mid October and the chance to get a trip out on Predator 2 with fellow Combe Martin SAC member Daniel Welch was too good to miss. Also on board was Dans wife Lyn and James Gubb-Fradgley. With light South Easterly winds forecast we set out from Ilfracombe Harbour at 12:30pm with a loose plan to do a bit of lure fishing and then drop the anchor.

The calm sea reflected the steel grey of the sky as we headed West. Dan had enjoyed some sport a few days previously fishing close into the cliffs West of Ilfracombe and so we headed to the same area. The boat was manoeuvred into position and we cast our lures towards the rocky shore.

Bass were our target, but it was a pollock of around four pounds that smashed into my fiiish-black-minnow.

We persevered for twenty minutes or so and had a few small garfish follow our lures but no other fish of note. We then headed out to a reef offshore and had several drifts with no success despite seeing some substantial images on the fish finder. With just one small bass to Dan we decided to head back towards Ilfracombe and anchor up over a gulley that dissects an area of rough ground.

It was good to relish the quiet expectation that arrives when the engines are cut and the boat settles at anchor. We sent down big fish baits and hoped to connect with a late season tope.

After a few dogfish and a small huss. James had a tentative rattle and decided to check his bait. He let out an exclamation as he glimpsed a large shape following his bait to the surface. A good sized tope estimated at 50lb to 60lb swerved away at the last moment disappearing back into the steely green waters.

This sighting enhanced the sense of expectation as we all tensed waiting for the next bite that could signal connection with the big tope. Deciding to check my bait I lifted the rod from the rod holder and suddenly felt a savage tug the rod tip folding over as what I assumed was a tope seized the bait. Caught off guard I had not let the fish take the bait properly and connection was brief the mackerel head and flank showing a row of lacerations from razor sharp teeth.

A fresh bait was sent back down and within a minute or so I felt a savage pull, I allowed a few yards of line to be taken before tightening the drag and winding into the fish. The rod hooped over and several yards were begrudgingly given before the fish succumbed to heavy pressure as I coaxed it towards the surface. A good sized tope appeared boat-side and was swiftly netted by Dan who was kept busy as Lyn Welch brought a similar sized tope to the boat and waiting net.



James was next into action with the tope bringing another similar sized fish estimated at between 25lb and 30lb.

As the tide eased we expected more tope but it seemed that the pack had moved on or gone off the feed.

A steady succession of bull huss were then caught; the biggest probably nudging double figures. Huss are undoubtedly a good fish to photograph with their spotted flanks resembling the colours of a leopard.

As the tide picked up bites started to ease and with a chill East wind whipping down the channel we reeled up our baits and headed back to Ilfracombe. These short sessions over the top of the tide are often as rewarding as a full day with the fishing concentrated into the peak fishing time.

Talk of next seasons plans were already being discussed with some longer ventures a possibility. In these changing seas the prospects for boat fishing are exciting.

South Molton Club Trip On Bluefin

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A quick summary from Edward Rands reporting on South Molton Angling Clubs latest trip out of Ilfracombe aboard John Barbeary’s Bluefin
Ed Rands Nick Stringer, Nick Jackson, Buster,Dave Hathaway and Chris Allin all met at ilfracombe harbour for 08:00 sail.
We steamed down towards morte point and drifted around over reefs and rough ground and caught a few pollack, scad and mackerel of various sizes, we anchored and had dogfish, huss and conger,  dave hathaway had one at 15lb
We did abit more drifting and had a few more pollack on baited feathers, nick stringer had one at 5lb.
We then of out for the slack water and had a couple of tope  estimated at 32lb and 34lb as well more dogs and huss.
The tide slackened off and it was time to come in.
Our tally was
1 wrasse
30 dogfish
20 huss to 9lb
50 mackerel
10 scad
5 congers to 15lb
12 pollack to 5lb
2 whiting
2 tope, 32lb & 34lb
Thanks to John Barbeary for putting us on fish all day long and his crew Ted Stannet for helping us unhooking fish, untangling line and general good humour and banter.
Another good day aboard Bluefin from ilfracombe.

Predator 2 – Species Competition Heat 2

Many thanks to Daniel Welch of Predator 2 for this excellent report on the second heat of their species competition.

We left harbour at 0800 with a group of friends on board for a species hunt, on this occasion we headed down channel fishing various reefs, banks and deeper water marks. The intention was to move around a lot and fish both at anchor and on the drift. The target was to try and beat the previous species day total of 16.

Various tactics were used including floats, lures, and different types of bottom rigs running ledgers and patenosters. Tactics also included different coloured beads and weights various sized hooks and baits. 

Baits used during the day included squid, harbour rag, lug, mackerel, scad, prawns, spider crabs, shore crabs and small fresh bait fish caught during the day. 

It was a very close run competition with Ross Stanway taking an early lead but everyone was in with a chance to take the win. With an hour to go Ross and Toby were tied at the top on with the lead changing regularly until they got to 20 points with 30 minutes to go. Both had very realistic target species to take the win. However by observing successful tactics of others Toby changed baits and took the win by catching two black bream sneaking ahead of Ross for the win and a £70 voucher for future use on predator.

During the day we caught a respectable 20 different species Toby Basset won the day with a total of 23 points consisting of 13 different species, Ross Stanway came a close second place with 20 points but actually had 14 different species. 

The 20 different species landed on the boat during the day were tub gurnard, mackerel, pollack, scad, Bull Huss, tope, conger, black bream, smooth hound, ballan wrasse, goldsinny wrasse, corkwing wrasse, blond ray, smalleye ray, dragonet, bass, pouting, poor cod,  dogfish and Tom pot blenny.

A great day was had by all this is not something we usually do but it makes a nice change especially with the friendly competitive banter all day.


A Long Drift of Expectation

The calm waters merged into the misty grey of the morning light. Archie cut Reel Deals engines and readied the shark rods as we began a long drift of expectation.

         The five of us sent down jigs and feathers to catch fresh bait. Archie baited the circle hooks that were suspended beneath brightly coloured drinks bottles that would bob optimistically upon the ocean.

         Mackerel, scad and pollock were swung on board as we drifted. We drew numbers, Peter Robinson drawing number one, Bruce Elston, number 2, Kieran (from Wales) number 3, I was number four so knew from the off that I would only do battle if we had a good day with the sharks. Toby was number five cementing the fact that it was not his day! A broken rod, lost sunglasses sealing that old comes in three saying! Fortunately Toby is a resilient sole who carries an infectious smile throughout.

Archie Porter was Skipper for the day as Reel Deal founder and owner Dan Hawkins was down South chasing tuna, skippering with Happy Days Adventure Fishing.

         Archie has gained valuable experience working with Dan on Reel Deal and skippering Predator 2 before it was bought by Daniel Welch who is now embarking on his own journey with the boat.

         With the rubby-dubby sending out a stream of particles and scent it was now time for a brew and to drift with wind and tide.

         We were drifting over rocky reefs and we all used various jigs and lures to tempt hard fighting pollock from the clear water. Scad and the occasional jumbo sized mackerel were added to the bait stash with fresh baits added to the shark set ups from time to time.

         I love the expectation of shark fishing the mystery of what lies beneath and what could be? Banter and chat flowed freely with tales of fish and the wider world. Topics from toxic politics, music, life and recipes.

         Whilst the sea was mirror calm a rolling swell lifted the boat gently as the immense power of the Atlantic ocean stirred. As the mist lifted we glimpsed white water as the swells crashed into the wild and rugged North Cornish Coast.

         Somewhere on the cliffs Hawkers Hut nestles high up overlooking this treacherous coastline.  Robert Stephen Hawker was an eccentric clergyman who lived between 1803 and 1875. Hawker is said to have spent many hours in the hut writing poems and smoking opium. He is perhaps best remembered for his compassionate desire to provide Christian burials to shipwrecked seamen washed up on the shores. He also wrote the famous Cornish song, The Song of the Western Men” with its chorus line “ And Shall Trelawny die? / Here’s twenty thousand Cornish men / will know the reason why!’.  A song that is sung by Cornish Male voice choirs with great passion. The hut is now preserved by the National Trust and is well worth a visit.

         The day drifted past and after tempting several pollock I decided to change tactics. I baited two size 4 Sakuma Chinu hooks with slivers of fresh mackerel. Down into the clear water to be bounced along the rocky sea bed.

         The rods sensitive tip jagged sharply and a small black bream was  briefly admired before being released. Toby Bassett always keen to chase different species followed suit and soon caught three handsome bream two of which were keepers.

         There was a moment of drama when a shark float bobbed and disappeared a large swirl preceding close by. The gulls and fulmars that had been bobbing in the rubby-dubby slick took off. Peter grabbed the rod apprehensively but nothing happened! Was it a wary shark, a tope or cuttle fish? The bait was damaged but the evidence inconclusive.

         As the day drifted into afternoon a breeze came from the North West. We relished the blue sky and warm sunshine, the shark floats spread out perfectly in the slick and expectations grew, conditions were perfect.

         Something large intercepted my tiny mackerel baits and put a serious bend in the rod before biting through the trace.

At the bow of the boat Bruce hooked a powerful tope as he bounced a large scad bait just off the seabed. A good tope of over thirty pounds appeared in the clear water and came off as Archie grabbed the leader.

         A few minutes later Bruce was in action again this time bringing the tope to the boat where it was expertly netted by Archie. At 38lb it was a new personal best for Bruce.

Bruce Elston with his PB tope of 38lb

         In the mean time I hooked two more tope on my small hooks and inevitably suffered bite offs. I couldn’t resist the chance of a tope and tied on a short leader, a 150lb b.s trace a 6/0 Sakuma Kong hook and sent down a side of mackerel. A few minutes later I was locked in battle the spinning rod taking on an impressive battle curve. I piled on the pressure determined to get the tope to the boat without severing the hook-length or wrapping in the mainline. A tope of over twenty pounds was soon secured safely and its image secured.

         The action packed flurry of tope sport brought the day to an end all too soon. Reel Deal bounced comfortably over the lively sea past Hartland, Baggy and Morte Point the wild cliffs and coast as always pleasing to the eye. The occasional gannet was circling searching for fish.

Homeward Bound

         We pondered on the lack of porbeagle, earlier in the year there had been some good days with multiple catches of shark. September is often a prime month and it is likely that they will show in numbers later in the month if of course the bait fish are there. Last year tuna arrived off the coast in late September will they arrive again? The only way of answering these questions is of course to drift in expectation.



         Hard to believe that its Autumn and yet another CMSAC Fun Fish is over. Twenty three anglers braved the initially inclement weather to join the fun of fishing. The forecast gave a warm calm morning with the slight chance of a shower! Wrong; the fishing that commenced at 10:30am was greeted by heavy rain, grey sky and a gusty east wind. Many like myself had looked at the forecast and not even packed a waterproof! After forty odd years of fishing I really should know better!

         Despite the weather there were broad smiles as anglers of all ages cast their lines into the harbour from the landing stages of the old pier. The Fun Fishing Competition was run on a simple points basis with 3 points for the first of each species, 2 for the second and 1 for the third. There were also prizes for heaviest fish, longest fish and family with most points.

Mat Mander and Club Secretary Nick Philips

         Combe Martin Sea Angling Club give grateful thanks to the events sponsors, High Street Tackle, Barnstaple Bait and Tackle and Ilfracombe Aquarium. Our guest Mat Mander Chief Officer of Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority once again made the long journey from South Devon to join us all on the pier. Mat gave valuable advice to young anglers and was on hand to take any questions about the sterling work undertaken by D & S IFCA.

         There were good numbers of fish caught from the start with ballan wrasse, pouting, poor cod, pollock and small red bream among the catch’s. The stars of the day were the young anglers who delighted in catching the fish with some catching their first ever fish!

         I was asked by several about what tackle and tactics to employ for starting off and my advice is to start off with a cheap LRF outfit and target the small fish that abound close to pier. It is possible to get set up with a serviceable outfit for less than £100. I will try and put together a short feature on this in the near future.

         Our local tackle shops High Street Tackle and Barnstaple Bait & Tackle are  great places to call in for advice with a wide range of suitable tackle and bait in stock.

         The exciting thing about the fun fish is seeing what each year produces. This year the appearance of small red bream was a first for the event. There were no mackerel or garfish caught which was a surprise as this summer has been quite good. One year a big fish will undoubtedly show!

         Ilfracombe Aquarium donated a family entry to the event and were delighted to receive red bream and corkwing wrasse to house in the aquarium.

         Hopefully Nick and I will be dashing around the pier again next Sea-Ilfracombe Festival with camera and clip board. Thank you to all who joined in to make this year another success.

An Array of prizes from High Street Tackle & Barnstaple Bait and Tackle.

Winning Family – Stanway Family  – 46 points

Heaviest Fish – Jake Stanway – Ballan Wrasse 9oz

Longest Fish – Ted Childs – Corkwing wrasse – 20.5 cm

Winning Angler Ben Clark – 32 points

Runners up

Ross Stanway – 29 points

Solly welch – 23 Points

Ted Childs – 20 Points

George Gove – 18 Points

Jake Stanway –  17 Points

Dave Welch  – 14 points

Finlay Stanway – 13 points

Ollie Hunter – 11 points

Callum Gove – 11 points

Bella Mitchell – 11 Points

Beth Hunter –   9 Points

Archie Cameron – 8 points

Louis Cameron –  8 Points

Aaron Birchall – 3 points

Jack Philips – 3 points

Lila Mitchell – 3 points

Species Caught : –  12



Poor Cod

Ballan wrasse

Corkwing wrasse

Red Bream


Shore rockling

Rock goby



 Number of fish –  96 Fish – 23 Anglers

A Luring Day on Predator 2 – Ilfracombe

Ilfracombe Harbour an oasis of calm as a glow appears to the East as the sun starts to climb from its overnight absence. The sounds of voices drift across the calm waters of the harbour as boats are readied for the day ahead.

         Dan Welch and Ross Stanway are already on board Predator 2 readying the boat for another mates trip to continue the exploration of the Bristol Channels potential.

As I arrive at the Quay I speak to three anglers sat waiting to board Dan Hawkins Reel Deal. They have driven overnight from Oxford and are hoping to connect with the porbeagle that prowl the waters at the mouth of the Bristol Channel.

         We are heading out to fish with lures hopping from wreck to reef and watching for signs of feeding birds that could indicate shoals of silver bass. Dan Hawkins on Reel  Deal had found some quality bass the previous day whilst travelling back from an unsuccessful foray to the shaking grounds.

         Todays friends group consisted of Skipper Dan Welch, Ross Stanway, Shaun Quartly, Shane Murch, Paul Lorrimore, Callun Gove and myself. Dan is keen to continue to explore the lure fishing potential and today we are heading West to fish marks off Baggy Point and Bideford Bay.

         There is a still a bit of chop on the sea, residue from the previous days stronger winds. We were all full of hope and optimism for the adventure that lay ahead as we bounced over water watching the spectacular sunrise above towering cliffs up channel from Ilfracombe.

         We passed the familiar rock outcrops of Bull Point and Morte Point before reaching the first mark a good distance off Baggy Point. By now the sun was higher in the sky its warm rays illuminating the seascape.

         We all tied on the lures that we had confidence in sending them down into the deep clear water to connect with the fish that lurk around the rusting wreck.

         There are surprisingly many wrecks scattered around the Bristol Channel, symptoms I guess from an era when navigational equipment and modern safety was less advanced. Wrecks provide shelter and food for many fish and I ponder if we could create artificial reefs to improve upon fish populations. Perhaps the new seaweed farms, and off- shore windfarms will create some protected habitat that will benefit fish populations?

         Within seconds of the lures reaching their destination rods hooped over as hard fighting pollock smashed into the lures diving for sanctuary within the rusting hulk. The first drift produced some stunning pollock to around 4lb and bass to 3lb.

         There is a great deal of skill involved in manoeuvring a boat into position so that the anglers lures can be presented to the fish. The wreck or reef is shown on the boats navigation system, but the strength and direction of tide has to be factored in with the wind direction as to the boats starting position that is calculated to give maximum time drifting over the structure.

         It is noticeable that each drift tends to bring diminishing returns as the fish seem to wise up quickly. Changing lures sometimes seems to bring increased success though I’m not sure if this is my perception or simply luck on the day? I change to a Seadra slow jig decorated with a stunning mackerel flank. It looks good to me and I work the lure with confidence catching several bass and pollock.

         Ross Stanway hooks a very powerful fish that powers off testing his light spinning tackle to the limit. Dan assisted by following the fish whilst we all pulled in our lines to watch the drama unfold. We all speculated upon what Ross has hooked hoping that we would at the very least get a glimpse before the gossamer thin braid parted. My guess was a tope as Shaun had had a pollock bitten in half by a hungry tope a few minutes before the fish appearing with the pollock within its jaws before swimming free after shaking its head to tear the fish in half.

         We all peered into the clear aqua water, suddenly a shape appeared below the boat. A sleek and powerful tope of around thirty pounds hooked foul hooked in the tail! Dan scooped the fish into the net and swung the fish aboard. Ross wrestled with the powerful fish and held it aloft for a quick photo before dropping it back over the side where it disappeared back into the mysterious depths with a flick of its tail.

         After a couple more drifts sport eased off and Dan suggested a move to a rocky pinnacle in Bideford Bay. Half an hour steam away we chatted and watched for birds working that could indicate bait fish.

         There is always anticipation on arriving at each new mark asking the question with our lures. Sadly this mark proved to be a pouting haven with these plump fish seizing our lures. Whilst these fish have little sporting value they are a valuable source of food for many predatory fish and their flanks of pearl and beige have a rich beauty in life. Sadly they often perish as their swim bladders are unable to cope with the pressure change as they are brought to the surface. They can be kept for bait or at worst provide a welcome meal for the sea birds that always follow fishing boats.

         The light breeze from earlier in the day had by now dropped off leaving the sea a tranquil calm that seems so rare this summer. A commotion a few hundred yards away caught our attention. Was that a huge tail slashing the water amongst a pod of dolphins? A thresher shark perhaps? There have been several sightings recently.

         We moved closer, the dolphins swam gracefully rolling in the calm sea. We put out lures hoping for a bass whilst we enjoyed the marvellous spectacle of the dolphins.

         After the hectic sport at the start of the day we were now struggling to find feeding fish. We headed back to the wreck where we had started the day. Part way across Bideford Bay we spotted a mass of birds a sure indication along with a couple of fishing boats that bass were in the area.

                  Indications on the fish finder confirmed the presence of fish and so we sent down our lures. I hooked a hard fighting bass of around 5lb and several other smaller fish were added to the days tally before the birds dispersed and the fish disappeared.

         By now a brisk east wind was sweeping down the Bristol Channel creating  white caps on the waves. Judging by the Beaufort scale it was indeed a fresh breeze.

The Beaufort Scale is an empirical measure that relates wind speed to observed conditions at sea or on land. Its full name is the Beaufort wind force scale.

5 Fresh Breeze 29-38 19-24 17-21 Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets form on inland waters. Moderate waves, many white horses 2.0 2.5 4

The Beaufort Scale like the shipping forecast holds a certain resonance and connection with maritime history. That provides me with sense of historical enchantment and fascination with Great Britain’s connection the sea.

         Connection with fish seemed harder to find now as the flood tide pushed against the wind. Natures roulette spins continually and we fished the shallow waters off Morte Point in our last roll of the dice. Shaun foul hooked a specimen mullet that fought hard in the tide. Dan tempted a ballan wrasse before declaring time to head back to Ilfracombe.

         Ilfracombe on a warm summers day at Summers end was a stark contrast to the peace and tranquillity of the early dawn. Hundreds of tourists rested on the beach, strolled around the shops, licked ice creams and savoured those last few days of the tourist season. How quick this summer has flown.  Our son James plays his last game of league cricket as I type this, it is hard to believe, its seems such a short time since he was wielding his bat for the first game of the season.

         September brings much expectation for the sea angler of North Devon with so much promise if natures roulette wheel obliges and we play our hands wisely.


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Combe Martin SAC are hosting their annual Fun Fishing event on Ilfracombe Pier on Sunday September 1st 10:30am util 12:30pm.

We will have Matt Mander from the D & S IFCA at the event to answer all those questions surrounding management of our coastal waters. We also hope to have attendance from the RNLI and Coastguard. There will be prizes from our local sponsors and the chance to chat with CMSAC Club members. The fun competition is a species competition with all ages and abilities welcome under 16’s must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

As this coincides with the Sea Ilfracombe Festival there is plenty to do in Ilfracombe after the fishing with live music and street stalls and other activities.

Hope to see you there.