Flounder Fanatic’s Second 2lb plus fish
Flounder enthusiast David Jenkins has landed his second 2lb plus flounder of the week scaling 2lb 3oz the same weight as one caught earlier in the week.
2lb Plus flounder
Specimen Flounder
Combe Martin SAC member Jamie Steward enjoyed a great session in the estuary landing close to thirty flounder with several fish over 1lb 8oz. Pick of the session was this fine 2lb specimen.
Good Start to Flounder Season
Sea Angling Round Up
Cooler temperatures a bit of fresh and the flounder season is well underway. Flattie fanatic David Jenkins has been targeting the Taw flatties catching close to 100 up to 1lb 8oz during a weeks fishing for his favourite fish. He also caught several bass with several over 3lb.
Bideford Angling Clubs monthly Rover was dominated by flounder.
1st Julien Stainer – flounder 1lb 8.5oz 76.562%
2nd Andy Sanders – flounder 1lb 7oz 71.875%
3rd Dick Talbot flounder – 1lb 5oz 65.625%
3rd Julien Stainer flounder – 1lb 5oz 65.625%
Appledore Ship-Builders
Bidefords and District Angling Club – 24 Hour Results
Flounder Fishing
Flounder devotee David Jenkins caught this 1lb 14oz flounder on his latest visit to the Taw estuary. David says that the fishing has not been easy and expressed concerns regarding anglers not backfilling after digging for ragworm. This is a perennial issue with a significant minority failing to follow well established codes of conduct relating to bait collection. It is important that anglers do all they can to maintain a good public image and the actions of few tarnish the good name of angling. This also relates to litter and failure to respect private property.
Bideford Angling Club Monthly Rover
Re-scheduling the October Rover to avoid storm Alex proved a wise decision for Bideford Angling Club with members enjoying improved weather and some good fishing. Phil Vanstone lead the way with a superb ballad Wrasse of 5lb 5oz a superb fish for the North Devon Coast.
The flounder were also all North Devon fish which bodes well for the coming months of the flounder fishing season.
1st Phil Vanstone wrasse 5lb 5oz 106.250%
2nd Andrew Clements flounder 1lb 15oz 1/4 97.656%
3rd Stephen Found flounder 1lb 13 1/4oz 91.406%
4th Andrew Clements flounder 1lb 12oz 87.500%
5th Antony Smith flounder 1lb 8oz 76.562%
6th Stephen Found flounder 1lb 7 3/4oz 74.218%