Trees for Salmon – Planting Day at Landacre Bridge

Over the past twelve months or so I have helped introduce the film Riverwoods to audiences across North Devon. The film highlights the vital link between tree’s and salmon within  complex ecosystems. So when I learnt that West Country Rivers Trust were holding a tree planting day beside the River Barle close to the iconic Landacre Bridge I felt that I should attend and join this effort to improve this environment for the salmon.

            Those who follow my posts on North Devon Angling News will know of my dismay at the dramatic decline in salmon populations across the UK and beyond. I have been visiting the River Barle since I was a child when I would play in the cool clear waters fascinated by the minnows and trout that darted to and fro. Later I fished for Salmon inspired by the writings of previous generations who enjoyed an abundance hard to imagine today. Thirty years ago I walked the bank in late Autumn to glimpse salmon huddled in deep pools prior to spawning.

            It is poignant to reflect upon the plight of Exmoor’s salmon an iconic symbol of the Rivers health and the wider indicator of our planets health. The river is in trouble these flowing waters that teamed with life are dying and it is up to us to reverse this trend.

            Our son James works with the National Trust’s wetlands team across North Devon and joined me as a volunteer. We took photo’s as we planted tree’s that will hopefully be there in twenty years or so when our granddaughter can perhaps visit to see where her grandad looked to the future. It is my hope that salmon will still be migrating to the Barle then as they have done for thousands of years.

            Many thanks to Dan Osmond (below) for his in depth account of the day below: –

Trees for Salmon – Planting Day at Landacre Bridge

There’s an old cliché that, ‘salmon live in trees’ but there is a deep and intertwined relationship between these fish and the vegetation that symbiotically supports both, not just the salmon. For trees, salmon bring rich nutrients from the sea up with their migrations to their spawning grounds. Numbers vary by ecosystem and health of salmon populations, but in some areas it has been observed that up to 70% of all nitrogen in trees comes from these migratory fish. This is reciprocated and for salmon, trees provide richer feeding opportunities through falling terrestrial insects and bolstering aquatic ecosystems with leaf and coarse materials for aquatic insects. Not only this, but trees provide resilience against climate change, through evapotranspiration and shading, vital in Southern England as climate threatens the already endangered Atlantic salmon. The benefits continue, as when trees succumb to the wind or are dragged in by beavers, the woody material aids natural processes in forming river stability and forming scours and complex habitat, all of which provides refuge for all different life stages of fish.

The view of the Barle valley from Landacre bridge is a treasured site for many local to or fond of Exmoor. This area is a site of Special Scientific Interest, both for the species-rich mire found within the floodplain but also for our friend the Atlantic salmon. The Barle is an area still supporting high numbers of spawning fish within the Exe despite declines across the catchment and has some of our highest annual electrofishing results for juvenile salmon each year. Despite the picturesque scene, this area is vulnerable, with high browsing from red deer and cattle leaving the banks bare of vegetation, and now showing signs of erosion that left unchecked would leave this very valuable area degrading further.

It was with this concern that we decided to step in with our ‘Trees for Salmon’ planting at Landacre Bridge. Supported by advice from Exmoor National Park Authority (ENPA), we set about a strategy of ‘applied nucleation’, whereby small clusters of trees are planted to act as a dense source of future tree recolonisation. This has the added benefit of small enclosures deterring deer from munching vulnerable young trees, the leading cause of the lack of vegetation in these parts. The work was funded through Natural England’s Species Recovery project and site visits and collaboration with their team allowed us to target our planting exclosures in areas that would not negatively impact the mire habitat but bring about an overall improvement in the long-term hydrology and habitat function at this location. Being such boggy ground doesn’t make the job easy however, with the team from Three Atop Woodland Services manually installing the tree protection exclosures, even through the worst of this winter’s blizzards. All of this was wonderfully supported by the enthusiastic permission and help of the landowner Jo, who has been watching and caring for the salmon in these headwaters for many decades.

With all that goes on behind the scenes, it was with relief that we were able to bring 1,500 young trees and a cheerful group of volunteers to Landacre Bridge on Sunday the 9th of February – the sun was even shining! After some words about the importance of the area and purpose of the day from local angler, Ueli Zellweger, and able demonstration from the WRT tree planting ninjas, Jay and Rob; the group of 25 dispersed across the valley to put trees in the ground at the exclosures. A mixture of native broadleaf trees were planted in, with sessile oak, alder, rowan, blackthorn and hawthorn forming this future riparian woodland community. So able and enthusiastic were our volunteers that by lunchtime, hot leek and potato soup in-tow, all of the trees had already been planted! After some warm bowlfuls and more fishy conversation, folks made their way back on home and the truck was loaded to return to the yard, 1,500 trees lighter. Though the effects of the hard work will take time to see, I look forward to returning to seeing these same plants in a couple of decades and the opportunities that they provide for the river ecosystem. Against the ongoing declines in biodiversity, most evident in freshwater migratory fish of all vertebrate groups; the day offered a positive opportunity to put boots on the ground, get mud under the fingernails and do something about it. We hope for many more opportunities to do the same again and scale up these restoration activities to support our wonderful rivers.

Dr. Dan Osmond

Senior Fisheries Scientist

Westcountry Rivers Trust



A new book just published is Nicholas Fittons’ book ‘Gently Down the Stream’. Hardcover, 182 pages. priced at 19.95. In stock at Lance Nicholson.

Nick is a long time member of the Dulverton Anglers Association.

A perfect Christmas gift to yourself, or any other angler in your life!

I have ordered my copy and will write a review in the New Year

Michelle Werretts excellent book is also available at Lance Nicholsons.

( Below) Border Country Belts are also available in the shop and make a superb Christmas gift.


Since Mark Underhill and his family have been managing Wimbleball Trout Fishery it has gained a reputation as one of the West Countrys best venues. Its hard fighting trout and spectacular scenery bring anglers back time after time. Trevor Telling was a very well-liked and respected member of the Wimbleball Fishery team giving valuable advice to visiting anglers inspiring them with his positive and friendly demeanour. Trevor has undoubtedly played a significant role in building Wimbleball’s reputation. Trevor loved Wimbleball and it’s anglers and was remembered at a Memorial Competition at the reservoir on September 8th, 2024. The competition was organised by Alan Cross a close friend of Trevor. Below is Alan’s full report.


The competition was opened by Karen Telling (Trevor’s wife) who thanked everyone for their turning out in weather that only fishermen could appreciate. 

Total money raised on the day from fishing entries, raffle and donations  was £305. 
That is all going to the South West Fishing for Life charity. Trevor was a fishing instructor with them, helping ladies who are going thru cancer treatment. 

Sale of Trevor’s fishing tackle and donations previously total of £1,565 went to Exeter Hospice Care who looked after Trevor in his final week’s and supported Karen and Charlotte. 

A Total of 3 bank fishermen and 22 boat fishermen took part in the competition. 
The winners were 
Martin Williams with 8 fish total and a biggest fish of 6 lbs 9oz’s for boat fishing and Andrew Hill with 2 fish and his biggest fish was 4 1/2 lb’s. 
Both fishermen were presented with a memorial shield by Jeff Pearce from Wimbleball Fishery. 

A total of 56 fish with a combined weight of 119 lb’s 6 oz. 
Winners of the raffle prizes of boxes of flies from Trevor’s own selection were 
Wayne Middleton 
Andrew Hull 
Neil Jones. 
Three ladies and their instructors from the South West fishing for Life charity turned out to fish as well, they didn’t want to enter the competition but enjoyed their fishing catching a further 4 fish. 
Karen closed the competition by drawing the raffle and congratulating everyone on their catches and again thanking them for turning out to remember Trevor. This will be an annual match to celebrate Trevor and of course allow us fishermen to talk about how big the one that got away was. 

I shared a boat with Snowbee Ambassador and Wimbleball team member Jeff Pearce and as always enjoyed a great day of fishing and fishing talk. The fishing proved to be challenging but with the combination of determination, trial error and experience we managed to catch five superb hard fighting trout. It rained pretty well all day but this failed to dampen our enthusiasm as the misty vistas still gave a certain dramatic back drop to proceedings.

Jeff Pearce with a typical Wimbleball rainbow

The warm and convivial atmosphere at the start of the day and conclusion were a fitting tribute to Trevor whose spirit lives on at this jewel in the crown of Exmoor Fly Fishing.

Birthday trout from timeless waters

Birthdays inevitably come around each year reminding of our progress on life’s journey a time to celebrate life, to reflect and perhaps to recalibrate.

My wife Pauline had treated me to a fine leather belt celebrating the wild brown trout of Exmoor from

A fine present that oozes quality, craftsmanship with the pleasing fragrance of real leather.

Inspired in part by the belt what better way to spend a birthday than with my wife beside a river that teams with wild trout and the occasional grayling?

Late August is a pleasing time to visit Exmoor with its heather clad rolling hills interspersed with yellow gorse. The roadsides decorated with bright loosestrife in shades of pink. The trees are starting to take on early hues of the coming Autumn, seasons on Exmoor seem to arrive earlier and later than in the lower lands.

We arrived in Dulverton late morning, grabbed a pasty and sausage roll from the deli to enjoy at the water’s edge later. We visited Rothwell and Dunworth bookshop to check out the fishing books of which there are always a good selection. A good old fashioned traditional second hand antiquarian bookshop that it is easy to spend half an hour or so browsing in, so much more aesthetically pleasing than scrolling through the clinically sterile internet. Having been tempted in the bookshop we headed to Lance Nicholson’s to see what beats were available on the Beats. The Beat I wanted to explore was Old Woman’s the associations latest acquisition and to my delight James told me it was free and promptly wrote my name in the book.

Before heading to the river bank we grabbed a coffee and popped into the Exmoor Society’s Office to learn about their Rivers day on Saturday August 24th.

There is always something special about exploring a new water and Old Woman’s Beat oozed a timeless aura from the moment we left the car and strolled into the lush green field that borders the river.

A herd of Friesen cows were grazing at the far end of the field. Old farmhouses were nestled a distance away in the valley, Oak woodland bordered the river with dense oak woods further down the valley.

The River Exe flowed between ancient oaks, at low summer level now peaceful and serene. Swallows swooped over the summer landscape, sunshine broke through the high white cloud and a strong breeze ruffled the leaves that had now taken on the deep darker green of late summer.

We arrived at Old Woman’s Pool and hut half way down the beat. A picnic table providing a pleasing spot to take our lunch as we savoured the timeless scene. Fishing Huts are undoubtedly places that absorb angling history as anglers from generations pause to take a lunch and debate the issues of the day.

We scrambled down the bank to the rocky foreshore where I threaded the line through the rings of my 7ft Snowbee Classic. I had purchased a couple of deer hair dry flies in Lance Nicholson’s after asking advice on what fly pattern to try. Pauline gave me sound advice and suggested I sit a while and watch the water as she had spied a couple of fish rising in the pool above.


A kingfisher flashed downstream a streak of iridescent blue that always inspires. Large dragonflies hovered above the water and a wagtail paused upon a rock on the far side of the river. It was indeed good to pause before casting in haste savouring the ambience and scenery of the river.

I waded carefully into the shallows and worked my way slowly up the pool flicking the bushy dry fly into likely looking spots as I tried to read the water.

I didn’t really expect to catch in the smooth water as I have always found the fish easier to tempt in faster riffled water with plenty of oxygen especially during the days of low summer flows and higher water temperatures.

After exploring Old Woman’s pool with the dry I decided to head down river and fish back up exploring the faster deeper water with a New Zealand style set up. After fishing a couple of likely runs to no avail I removed the bushy indicator fly and tied on a heavy nymph.

I plopped this upstream allowing the heavy tungsten nymph to search deep down in fast dark water. The lines tip paused as I followed the progress and I lifted to feel that thrilling life transmitted through the line. A beautiful wild Exe brown trout was admired before releasing back into the cool water.

I fished on and hooked a bigger trout in the next pool. The fish darted to and fro causing a few moments of anxiety as it momentarily became snared in some weed.  Gentle pressure brought it free and I slipped the net under another pleasing trout of over 10”.

After lingering for a chat with Pauline who was reading the latest Exmoor Magazine at the water’s edge I returned to explore Old Woman’s pool again sending the heavy nymph into the deep dark waters.

At the head of the pool I waded carefully across the shallow shingle that runs into the pool.  I noted that the shingle gives way, the water plunging into the dark mysterious depths of Old Woman’s Pool. I pondered upon the history of the pool and how it had got its name. Had those deep dark waters that offer so much life also taken life in the distant past?

I messaged James at Lance Nicholson’s later enquiring about the pools name. He told me he would seek details from  Michelle Werrett who may be able to elaborate upon the legend of the old lady who was taken by the river. Several anglers have talked of a presence they have felt by the river at this spot. I can well imagine the atmosphere of the pool as the light drains from the day beneath those ancient oaks.

         I plucked my copy of Michelle Werrett’s fine book Song of the Streams and opened its pages to rediscover her accounts of fishing the Old Woman’s beat. I suggest you look out a copy and enjoy her evocative and descriptive prose.

Copies of the book are available at Lance Nicholson’s or online at

 I fished a few runs and pools upstream reverting to the new Zealand set up. With no further takes and no fish showing it was a good time to depart and head off in search of an evening meal to complete those birthday celebrations



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New date arranged for our Trevor Telling Memorial Fishing Competition…
Wimbleball Lake, Sunday the 8th September 2024…
2 Fishing competitions in 1, from the boat and the bank, trophy & prizes for each.
Normal price for fishing plus £5 donation to charity.
The charities being supported are the South West Fishing for Life and the Exeter Hospicecare team.
For those that knew Trevor, and for those that didn’t, we are holding this match to commemorate a man who simply loved all fishing but especially fly fishing. His local knowledge of Wimbleball, Trout feeding habits and what flies and line to use and when, were readily shared with fellow anglers, he was much respected and a “one of a kind”.
The day will start with registration at the gazebo by the boat ramp between 8:00 and 9:00. The Fishing Competition will start from 9:30 with a weigh in at the end to be determined.
Entries on the day can be paid either by cash or cheque, boats should be booked in advance as normal, bank fishers can book online or turn up on the day & pay in the hut.
Some of Trevor’s “recommended” and favourite flies will be on sale on the day, all monies raised will also go to the charities.
2 shields are awarded, one for boat fishing and one for bank fishing. The winner keeps the shield for the year and is asked to ensure it is returned ready for the competition next year.
Karen, Charlotte, Matthew and Arthur thank you for supporting these 2 charities which meant so much to them during Trevor’s illness and hospice care and Trevor of course supported the South West fishing for life charity, teaching ladies to cast and enjoy the peace and tranquility of fishing after their own personal experiences of cancer.
Please share and get as many anglers who knew Trevor to come along, enjoy a fish and pay their respects…


posted in: Articles, Game Fishing, Sidebar | 0

We were wandering around the Exford Show Last year when I came across Border Country Belts who produce high quality leather belts with unique brass buckles portraying aspects of country Life.

Chatting with Henry the stall holder I said it would be good if there was a fish emblem with perhaps a trout or salmon. I thought that there would be a place in the market for this and hopefully sowed a seed. Twelve months on and Border Belts are producing a limited number of brown trout inspired belts. The Exmoor wildbrown trout belts are hand stitched using oak bark tanned leather.

The buckles are always created as pairs – one is “heavy” with the design inset and the other is “light” with the design raised – this corresponds to a difference in weight, but not that you’d notice when wearing them. The buckles are cast in bronze – we have done a test casting, six of each to start with to see how they go. We will be doing an edition of 25 each in the autumn so they will be ready for Christmas. The belts are handstitched and available both in standard – small (24″-30″), medium (30″-36″) and large (36″-42″) and made-to-measure. Both options are the same price £160 (including delivery). We offer 10% off if you follow us on Instagram and they are normally 20% off at shows – such as the Mid Devon. Thanks for your interest in the belts – hope the fishing community approve! 



Tumbling clear waters have carved valleys between the undulating hills of Exmoor over millions of years. The River Exe from which Exmoor gets its name flows from Exe head near Simonsbath to Exmouth a distance of 60 miles. It’s major tributary the River Barle merges with the Exe a couple of miles below Dulverton a spot immortalised in the rare book ‘Philandering Angler’ by Arthur Applin. Applin reminisces about the ‘Carnarvon Arms’ waters and a “trout fat as butter with belly like gold”. And also in that classic tome “Going Fishing’ by Negley Farson. Farson writes of “an imperturbable scene which fills you with content”.

Both authors are well travelled especially for the era in which they wrote and yet there is great affection for the humble brown trout of the Exe and Barle.

Exmoor has a rich literary history that has it seems to be ongoing with Michelle Werrett’s latest book ‘Song of the Streams’ a book that is set to become a classic of its genre.

Sadly the ‘Carnarvon Arms’, a country Inn with a rich history is now converted into flats. A fate that has befallen many fine Country Hotels.

Fortunately those crimson spotted wild brown trout with bellies of gold are still abundant throughout the Exe and Barle and can be fished for at a very reasonable cost.

I joined Dulverton Angling Association a couple of years ago with the intention of exploring their eight beats of fishing on the Upper Exe and its tributaries. And so on a warm and sunny 1st of June I walked into Lance Nicholson’s shop to enquire if any beats were available. This was only a short session with Pauline joining me to relax and read a book at the water’s edge whilst I explored the river.

We were advised that the Stoats Tail beat was available and would tick all the relevant boxes. The beat is half a mile or so of fishing that runs up from the main road bridge in the town to the weir in which I often spot trout and the occasional salmon when I sometimes pause for a look in the river on route to this delightful moorland town.

Swifts were gliding above the roof tops in the hazy blue sky as we walked to the river their high pitched screeches a truly evocative sound of summer.

After passing through the gate to the riverside we followed the pathway through into the meadow where Pauline found a shady spot to read whilst I scrambled down the tree lined bank to the river.

There is surely no better place to be than beside a West Country River in late May or early June. The lush fresh green leaves provided a fine frame to the river as it tumbled over boulders and between rocky gorges.

The water was as clear as gin, as I clambered over the slippery rocks I noted that the pools were deceptively deep. I started to explore the pools and runs with a bushy dry fly. Nothing showed for the first hundred yards or so but in a large pool below a split in the river a good sized trout rose to the fly. Whilst I failed to connect I was encouraged and after resting the pool for fifteen minutes returned with a change of fly. Once again a fish rose but I again failed to connect.

Above the rapids there was a tempting looking run overhung by a holly bush. I guessed where a fish might lie and on the second cast there was a splashy rise and I was connected to a handsome Barle trout of perhaps 10”.

I looked upriver, contemplated exploring further but decided to quit whilst I was ahead and returned to Pauline. As we strolled back through the meadow we noted how delightfully detached we were from the town that was hidden from view behind the wooded river.

The following morning I once again set off across Exmoor’s winding roads as the early morning sun streamed through the vibrant green of fresh leaves. The destination was Wimbleball Lake in search of its hard fighting rainbows.

I would be joining fellow members of South Molton & District Angling Club.

         I had left it too late to book a boat and headed for the bank of Rugg’s bay where I have enjoyed good sport in the past.

The path to the lake was lined with vivid yellow buttercups and birdsong drifted through the cool morning air.

A light North wind was creating a gentle ripple across the lake; I waded out into the cool water and put out the team of three flies, a black bead headed spider on the point, a black pennel on the middle dropper and a foam black buzzer on the top dropper.

After half a dozen casts the line zipped tight and a trout cartwheeled from the water. A handsome wild brown trout of close to 1lb graced the net. These are wild trout descendants of the trout that lived in the River Haddeo, before the lake was completed back in 1979. I admired the trout briefly before letting it swim back into the clear waters of the lake. A few weeks ago a wild brown trout estimated at around 7lb was tempted from the lake. I noted the large numbers of fry swimming around me as I stood waist deep. During late summer and autumn the wild browns can often be seen harassing the tiny fry in the margins. With such an abundance of food it will surely be only a matter of time before someone hooks into a double figure wild trout?

A few minutes later a hard fighting rainbow of around 2lb took the tip fly and was duly despatched.

         South Molton and District Angling Club Chairman Ed Rands and a boat partner arrived fifty yards or so away and dropped anchor. They gave a me a cheery wave as I hooked into another hard fighting rainbow.

During the following hour I hooked several more rainbows and noticed that the tip fly was showing signs of stress. I used forceps to bend it back into shape after landing four rainbows of around 2lb with one or two others coming adrift.

I secured a self-portrait with the fish and held it aloft for Ed and fellow club members to witness. The fish had completed my five fish limit so it was catch and release from now on.

Several coch-y-bunddu beetle could be seen drifting on the water and it was these that I guessed the trout were feeding upon. A fact that was confirmed when one of the trout regurgitated numerous beetles that drifted away as I unhooked the fish. I expect the next few weeks will produce the cream of the years sport as the trout turn on to this annual feast.

To my surprise the boats fishing out in the bay were not catching despite several fish rising in their proximity. Ed and his boat partner even beached their boat and came over for a chat. I showed them my flies and set up telling exactly how I was presenting my team of flies.

         Despite this I continued to catch returning ten more hard fighting rainbows to an estimated 4lb whilst my fellow club members remained fishless. Sometimes success in fishing comes through a slice of luck or some subtle detail that whets the fishes appetite on that day.

I packed away my tackle at around 2.00pm very content with my days sport. I will undoubtedly be back soon. Chasing Exmoor trout in both running and Stillwater. News that Tarr Steps Farm are now selling day tickets for both trout and salmon is certainly on the to do list. I have fond memories of fishing the Tarr Steps Hotel Water several years ago and treasure the memory of a grilse caught on the day of Princess Diana’s funeral back on September 6th, 1997.

         The Tarr Steps Hotel has sadly closed a contributary factor is undoubtedly the dramatically declining runs of salmon. I remember spotting several dozen salmon in a days fishing. The fishing was often exceptional as the river fined down after a spate and my visits failed to coincide with that magic taking period. The salmon could be spotted though in abundance. Today the salmon are very scarce and hard to find whilst the wild brown trout are thriving a sign perhaps.



Great turnout for our Fastmail pairs competition over the weekend. Winners were Martin Williams & Darren Blackburn who recorded a total weight including time bonus of 40lb 11ozs. 2nd place went to Andrew Gooding & Paul who recorded a weight of 37lb 13ozs. 3rd place went to Wayne Thomas & Matt Kingdom with a bag weight of 32lb 8ozs. Thanks to all the anglers for your support…

Calm waters greeted Matt Kingdom, myself and other competitors as we assembled for the 2024 Fastmail Pairs Match at Wimbleball Reservoir. A day out on Wimbleball with good friend and experienced Fly angler Matt is always a joy. It’s also a good idea to pair up with an England Team member.

There was a buzz of anticipation in the air as lines were threaded through the rod rings and favoured patterns tied to the tippets. Some had practiced the day before and had an idea of where to head. I was told that there had been a good hatch of bright blobs the previous day and that this could be a wise fly choice!

Shortly after 9:00am Mark Underhill gave a briefing to all competitors with rules explained before giving the go ahead to depart and go fishing.

The start off reminded me of a slightly shambolic Grand National Start as competitors boats milled around before the starting signal was given. Competitors set off and Matt and I paused to see where everyone was heading. One thing I quickly learned from Matt is that observation is a key factor in competitive angling.

We headed straight for Cowmoor Bay an area that had been producing a few fish and an area that we had both done well in during previous visits.

It was a beautiful morning to be on the water with warm sunshine and a very light cyclonic breeze. The wooded banks and gently rolling arable land a delightful backdrop on this May morning. A time of year when the English countryside is at its most beguiling.

The occasional fish was rising but we soon realised that we had made a wrong choice when we saw a boat heading back to the pontoons at 10:30am, presumably with their ten fish bag complete.

A change of area was required as by this time Matt had caught one nice rainbow and I had had one follow.

We moved to the Dam end of the lake where most competitors seemed to be concentrating their efforts. We drifted the deep water in the gentle breeze. My line zipped tight and I was into a hard fighting full tailed rainbow a moment that was given added value when that evocative sound of the cuckoo drifted across the lake.

My first fish of the day a silver bar with a full tail that reminded me of fresh run grilse.

Over the following two and a half hours we picked up fish on most drifts with Matt’ s competitive experience undoubtedly scoring for us as we fished hard Matt ending with seven rainbows to my three.

Matt Kingom with the full tailed rainbow that completed our ten fish bag.

We headed back to the pontoon with our trout and weighed in to record 32lb 8oz inclusive of our time bonus.

Despite being close to four hours later than the winning pair at completing our bag it was pleasing to end up in third place.

         It had been a very enjoyable day. Many thanks to fishery manager  Mark Underhill and Jeff Pearce from Snowbee who worked very hard on the day ensuring that all went to plan. Thank you to Phil Dixon for organising the day and providing prizes and goodie bags.


Book Signing – Song of the Streams

Pauline and I enjoyed visiting Dulverton and Lance Nicholsons -Fishing and Guns  at the book signing for ‘Song of the Streams’ by Michelle Werrett. Michelle Werrett and Robin Baker have collaborated to produce a beautiful book that is an important milestone in Exmoors Fishing literature. The combination of descriptive  evocative writing and atmospheric photography makes it a must have addition to any bookshelf of those who love Exmoor and its streams.

See my review here :-

SONG OF THE STREAMS By Michelle Werrett


By Michelle Werrett

         Michelle Werrett’s book ‘ Song of the Streams’ is set to become a classic of its genre painting an evocative portrait of Exmoor’s rivers and streams as they are today and comparing them with their glorious past. The prose flows throughout the book reflecting upon days with rod and line spent beside the bright waters that flow through Exmoor’s landscape. Pausing frequently to savour chocolate along the way and glimpse dippers, wagtails, kingfishers and other wildlife.

         Joyful Spring and Summer days are described in enchanting detail making it perfect reading for those long winter nights beside the glowing embers of the fire. The book highlights the “ ‘Shifting Baseline Syndrome’, which basically means we have short memories. As the world around us changes we come to accept the new state of things, constantly updating our expectations of what is normal.”

         Michelle draws upon the writings of earlier generations to highlight the abundance that we have lost from our rivers. The beauty that remains is recorded within the pages of this book as we wander and wade the streams, rivers and paths of fishers from a different age. The beautiful wild brown trout may not be so plentiful as in Claude Wade’s Exmoor Stream days but they still offer tranquil days and escape from the modern world.

           The monochrome images taken by Robin Baker give the book a timeless essence that links to the past.

         The sterling work of angling groups in conservation efforts is described giving a glimmer of hope for the future. On a personal note; I could connect closely with the book and the locations it describes so vividly having grown up to walk and fish the waters frequently over the past fifty years. I bought a first edition of Exmoor Streams at an auction in Dulverton over thirty years ago and conclude that ‘Song of the Streams’ is a worthy companion.

         There are few books that bring a tear to the eye but as I finished reading ‘Song of the Streams’ I could not help but feel moved as the book could almost be an epitaph to the once prolific salmon that are now endangered and could be extinct within our lifetimes.

                  Wayne Thomas

Hours Spent in company with the river are always enriching and life affirming; relaxing in times of stress, reviving at times of staleness, cheering on days of sadness and always brightening as reflected sunlight sparkles from the shimmering surface. And like the best of companions, the river often makes me laugh and sometimes laughs at me”.


Memories of past glories effectively highlight the process of change and loss our land has suffered. Losses of some things – cuckoos and nightingales for example- are obvious to almost everyone but only fisherman notice the loss of the fish.

Vellacotts Pool on the East Lyn – Image Robin Baker

‘Song of the Streams’, Michelle Werrett’s first book, is in stock now! Priced at £26.

Michelle will also be signing copies at Lance Nicholson’s shop in Dulverton, on Saturday 18th November from 10am to 12.

The perfect Christmas gift to yourself, or any other angler in your life!


Reserve your copy now…

Introduction by Medlar Press

Fishing and Conservation on Exmoor Streams

Inspired by tales of the past gleaned from old fishing books, the author sets out to fish those same waters, to cast the same flies on the same pools, to explore how fishing the streams of Exmoor might compare with fishing them over a century ago, whether those streams have changed and how they might be faring today. Exmoor rivers and streams appear pristine, barely changed since Claude Wade described them in his 1903 book Exmoor Streams, yet the numbers of trout he and other long-ago writers reported catching seem unbelievable today. Those streams must once have held an astonishing abundance of fish.

Modern problems affect even upland streams, yet many good folk are dedicated to their restoration and there is much we can do to help. River conservation work can be fascinating and rewarding as we develop a deeper understanding of river habitats through, for example, managing a balance of light and shade, monitoring aquatic invertebrates and cleaning riverbed spawning gravels then watching for their use when migratory salmon return home from the sea.

Those nail-booted, greenheart wielding fishermen of the past have gone but the streams still run on their wild ways, singing their endless songs to the moor. This book is for all who share concern for the wellbeing and conservation of our rivers and streams as well as those entranced by the rise of a trout to a well-placed fly.