REEL TIME – Volume Two – Christopher Yates

The postman delivered the latest offering from the Little Egret Press a pleasing collection of writings by Christopher Yates. Whilst I have only just started reading Reel Time Volume Two  I have no doubt that it will become one of my favourites as are all of Chris’s books. It is difficult to describe how Chris is able to convey the magic of angling so fluently. His writing is easy to read and has a delightful simplicity that manages to ooze tales from the water’s edge in an evocative flowing style that takes you there.

The book is illustrated with fine artwork by North Devon based David Blackaller and David Cowdry.

I was privileged to interview Chris several years ago for Angling Heritage and it was an enjoyable and enlightening experience that I treasure.

My own book “I Caught A Glimpse”. Was published by the Little Egret Press in 2019.