Mainline carp Competition – Final Update

Spains mighty lake Orellana, 20,000 acres of vast untouched wild remoteness!
Thousands of kilometres of inviting secluded bays all offering breathtaking settings with a true sense of pioneer carping!
This is ultimate escapism into the natural world while fishing for some of the most impressive wild carp in Europe.
The potential for Orellana to produce Carp that will shock the international carp scene, makes the challenge of fishing this water so appealing! A lake that has only been whispered about for a number of years and one that is set to become the ultimate big water in Europe!
Until next time cheers Tony.
The Mainline Baits Carp Pairs competitions are held at our 81 acre fishery, Upper Tamar Lake. The competitions are generously sponsored by carp fishing giants Mainline Baits.
There is £3,750 in prize money from South West Lakes Trust for each competition. Each person who enters will get a goody bag with some fantastic Mainline products inside. As well as four section prizes there will be a prize for the biggest fish.
First prize: £2,000
Second prize: £1,000
Third prize: £500
Fourth prize: £250
Fifth prize: 24hr or day permits
This a fun, exciting and inclusive competition. The three biggest fish caught by each pair will be added together to decide your final weight and determine your place on the leaderboard. This year we have added more prizes and limited the numbers to 28 pairs, so book now to avoid disappointment.
All tackle and equipment is transported to and from your swim and the price includes a post competition barbecue/ hot food on the Sunday.
2025 dates:
The competition is limited to 28 pairs. You can book your place online below.
For further information contact us on 01566 771930 or [email protected]
Barry Smyth & Steve banked 14 carp between them on Lodge Lake swims 2 & 3. Barry landing new pb 31lb! All caught on Sticky baits Manilla boilies over a bed of house pellets.
(below) Ryan Turner & friends fished up on Lodge lake for 48 hrs lots of fish between them biggest being 31lb 14oz from swim 1 , 3 & 5 all caught on a mixture of Mainline baits & Sticky baits.
(Below) Jack Burrett who travelled all the way from Norfolk to fish Beatties Lake, Jack had 33 Carp from the Inlet Swim over 4 nights, with the biggest being 31lb 2oz.
Mainline Baits Pairs competition – Friday 19 July – Sunday 21st July 2024 The Mainline Baits Carp Pairs competitions are held at our fantastic 81-acre fishery, Upper Tamar Lake. This is a fun, friendly competition, open to all, with some fantastic prizes up for grabs! The competition is limited to 34 pairs so book your place now to avoid disappointment 👇https://www.swlakestrust.org.uk/mainline-baits-carp-open-pairs-competitions or 01566 771930 1st Prize – £2000 2nd Prize – £1000 3rd Prize – £500 There are also prizes for biggest fish and section winners up for grabs. Each person who enters will get a goody bag with some fantastic Mainline products inside. All tackle and equipment is transported to and from your swim. There is also a full menu for the weekend with food delivered directly to your swim!
The Mainline Baits Carp Pairs competitions are held at our 81 acre fishery, Upper Tamar Lake. The competitions are generously sponsored by carp fishing giants Mainline Baits.
There is £3,500 in prize money from South West Lakes Trust for each competition. Each person who enters will get a goody bag with some fantastic Mainline products inside.
This year there is an exciting new rule change regarding the way the final results are taken. This year, instead of all the fish a pair catch being weighed in and this being your final result, the three biggest fish from each pair will be added together and this will be your final result. So, any fish that are smaller than the three biggest a pair has caught already through the competition can be put back straight away and do not require weighing in. But if a fish is bigger than your previous three recorded fish then it will be weighed in. This way it will make the competition more open to anyone winning.
All tackle and equipment is transported to and from your swim. There is also a full menu for the weekend with food delivered directly to your swim!
2024 dates:
The competition is limited to 34 pairs. You can book your place online below.
For further information contact us on 01566 771930 or [email protected]