Some stunning fish from the Anglers Paradise Complex if you want a big cat now is the time to target the species before the autumn arrives.

(Below) Richard Craig who caught a 35lb 12oz Mirror from Nirvana’s Kracking Carp Lake which completely knocked his previous PB of 17lbs off the scale!!
(Below) Tyler Nightingill with a personal best 58lb Wels Catfish from the Main Carp Lake
(Below)Michael Pallett who caught his 1st ever Catfish at a whopping 67lbs from the Main Carp Lake which is pretty awesome for your first ever Catfish!!
(Below)Andy Nettleton joined us for his 1st ever Anglers Paradise Holiday and couldn’t wait to fish the Famous Koi Lake! It wasn’t long before he started catching plenty including this beauty and Andy’s new personal best at 10lbs 6oz!!
(Below)Ben Hazell with a new UK PB at 27.2llb Linear mirror carp. Caught on a 20mm Baitworks Royal Marine hard hook bait which was backleaded and cast close to the lilies. .