Kevin Pike fished Morte Bay in his own boat to land ten tope in three hours. All of the fish were tempted on pollock hook baits the biggest a fine hard fighting fish of 45lb 8oz.
The last few days have seen mirror calm seas for boat anglers who have been enjoying some great sport with tope on Ilfracombe Charter boat Reel Deal. Skipper Dan Hawkins has also put customers in contact with porbeagle’s. Unfortunately the fish have thrown the hook early before being brought to the boat. If conditions remain calm I am sure we will see numerous porbeagle shark brought to the side of the boat and maybe even another thresher shark.
Summer boat sport is on the up Off Ilfracombe where Dan Welch and Ross Stanway enjoyed some superb fishing relishing the calm conditions with North Devons spectacular coastline as a backdrop. Many thanks to Dan for sharing these stunning images.
Tope are starting to show in increasing numbers offshore. To target these hard fighting fish book a trip aboard Reel Deal as Chidgy did recently when he boated this hard fighting tope.
Reel Deal has been making all the headlines with catches of porbeagle shark off the Cornish coast but when the weather doesn’t play ball there is plenty of variety fishing the grounds in the Bristol Channel. A recent session saw anglers land plenty of coalfish and pouting with some brightly coloured wrasse to put a smile on the anglers faces.