Reel Deal Fishing Off Ilfracombe

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Danny Watson of High Street Tackle wrote this account of their trip on Reel Deal

Today was an excellent day Pauline Chard opened her boat fishing account! We arrived at the harbour at 8.30am to meet Daniel Hawkinsfor a four hour deep sea trip. It was glorious morning and the sea was flat calm! A little steam round the coast got us to the mark, anchor down and the fishing began. Was not too long before she was into the fish with a couple to add to her species list a couple of nice small eyed rays and a smoothound. (there was obviously a couple of dog fish as well) She did not get a tope – I did and upped my PB by just 2lb. Still standing at 27lb, got some way to go yet to be respectable!!! Pauline enjoyed it though and I am proud of her for doing it – thanks to Dan and Archie for their tuition and encouragement – oh, and obviously some banter!! She really enjoyed it and wants to go again!

Anglers have being enjoying regular sport on Reel Deal landing tope, bull huss and ray.


Appledore Shipbuilders Result

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Appledore boat competition results 
1st Owen Atkinson with a bull huss 11lb 4oz,
2nd David Atkinson bull huss 10lb 5oz 
3rd Andrew Atkinson with a bass 6lb.
The Atkinson family enjoyed some great sport during Appledore Shipbuilders boat competition. In addition to the fish brought to the scales they enjoyed sport with numerous hard fighting tope.


Cameron Atkinson with a 27lb tope.

Plenty of tope about and a few shark!

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The last few days have seen mirror calm seas for boat anglers who have been enjoying some great sport with tope on Ilfracombe Charter boat Reel Deal. Skipper Dan Hawkins has also put customers in contact with porbeagle’s. Unfortunately the fish have thrown the hook early before being brought to the boat. If conditions remain calm I am sure we will see numerous porbeagle shark brought to the side of the boat and maybe even another thresher shark.

Ilfracombe Summer Boat Sport

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Summer boat sport is on the up Off Ilfracombe where Dan Welch and Ross Stanway enjoyed some superb fishing  relishing the calm conditions with North Devons spectacular coastline as a backdrop. Many thanks to Dan for sharing these stunning images.

Tope are starting to show in increasing numbers offshore.  To target these hard fighting fish book a trip aboard Reel Deal as Chidgy did recently when he boated this hard fighting tope.