Bluefin – Trip Extra

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Steve Dawe is on a mission to catch 52 species in 52 weeks and is doing it to raise money for The Stroke Association following a massive stroke that impacted upon a close angling friend of Steve’s. Steve has agreed to write about his aims on NDAN in a feature that will follow soon. In the mean time above is a picture of the huge 19lb spurdog Steve boated on Tuesday January 30th whilst fishing on John Barbeary’s boat Bluefin.

A link to Steves blog follows :-

Pete Gregory was also on the trip and enjoyed sport with spurdog and bull huss.  ( Below)


Private Boats Enjoy Offshore Sport

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The recent calm weather has allowed several of North Devon’s boat owners to venture out and savour the sport on offer. James Gubb Fradgley and Rob Scoines sailed out of Lynmouth and landed spurdog to 17lb, thirty conger to 29lb a blonde ray of 13lb and several bull huss.

(Above)James Gubb with a 29lb conger


James Gubb – blonde ray


Rob Scoines -bull huss
Rob Scoines – spurdog 17lb
(Above ) James Gubb  specimen bull huss
Dan Welch and Ross Stanway sailed out of Ilfracombe and also discovered conger, huss and spurdog.
(Above) Ross Stanway with a specimen huss
(Above) Dan Welch – spurdog
(Above) Ross Stanway with a spurdog
Dan Welch – conger 28lb

Cod Fishing

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Daniel Hawkins writes:-

It’s all go in preparation for our cod season the Reel (obsession 2) Deal and jay jay are all serviced and had there maintain ready for the season and will be heading up to Watchet next week and our flyer is ready just the rules and catch recording cards to complete and we are ready don’t forget we have the easiest way of book all available online so don’t be disappoint spaces are filling fast get in with your chance of the cash prizes and the great tackle from high street tackle Ilfracombe and the must for all anglers Ammo baits looking like a good season with cod showing already.

Double Figure Pollock

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Keith Bullard landed this stunning double figure pollock from his own boat off the North Devon Coast. Pollock of this size are now quite rare from marks along the North Devon Coast with the grounds off North Cornwall generally more productive. Twenty years ago big pollock were a regular feature of catches off Ilfracombe, Combe Martin and Lynmouth.