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Combe Martin SAC Member Shane Pavio Hookway has enjoyed recent success at marks further up the Bristol Channel tempting a fine bass of 9lb 15oz on Teign baits peeler crab and a small eyed ray of 8lb 12oz tempted on Teign baits Pilchard.

( Below) Combe Martin SAC member Reece Woolgar has got off the mark in Combe Martin SAC’s Lure Fishing competition league catching a bass of 57cm.

(Above) Combe Martin SAC Junior member Charlie Stanway caught a fine specimen ballan wrasse of 4lb 15.5oz. He also tempted a 6oz corkwing wrasse (below) both colourful fish were tempted on peeler crab.

Bideford Angling Club Sea May Rover results 

1st Stephen Found Smalleyed Ray 10lb 8oz 116.666%

2nd Richard Jefferies Blonde Ray 9lb 4oz 77.083%

3rd Terry Dymond smoothhound 7lb 4oz 72.5%

Appledore Shipbuilders May Rover

11 Anglers fished the May Rover
Jazza John took first place with a Specimen Smoothound of 10lb 14ozs
Second place went to Andrew Atkinson with another Smoothound of 8lb 11ozs.
Third was Terry Dymond with a Smoothound of 7lb 3ozs.

Bideford & District Angling Club – 1st Rod and Reel match summer league date 23.4.23

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B.D.A.C.1ST Rod and Reel match summer league date 23.4.23
Today was the start of the summer league rod and reel matches at tarka. The weather started off with lovely conditions but that was soon to change with rain coming in for a couple hours but then the sun did shine again. Fishing today was steady throughout the match with some good weights being caught. First place today went to Mr Martin Turner on peg 6 with a fantastic mixed bag of fish for 45lbs 7oz mainly caught on the float. 2nd place was Keith copland on peg 9 with 24lbs 4oz 3rd place was Richard Jefferies on peg 16 with 20lbs 8oz and 4th place went to Darren polden on peg 12 with 14lbs 8oz. The next rod and reel match will be held on tarka on the 28.5.23 Well done to Martin Turner on such a nice mixed bag of fish.


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Combe Martin SAC Spring Rover competition was won by Martin Hunton who caught a fine specimen blonde ray scaling 17lb 5oz. The fish was the best of several ray caught by members fishing out of Minehead aboard Steve Webbers boat Osprey.

Runner up in the clubs competition was Ollie Passmore with a fine bull huss scaling 9lb 10oz.

The members who fished on the boat caught several ray, including thornbacks and blondes. A few smoothound and plenty of dogfish were also boated.


Bideford Angling Club – 48 Hour Rover


( Below) 1st Stephen Found  Small-eyed Ray 9lb 3oz 102.083%

(Below) 2nd Andrew Clements Smalleyed Ray 8lb 9 1/4oz 95.312%


Bideford Angling Club – Coarse Match Results

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April monthly Coarse section competition.
1st Paul Elworthy 40lb 7oz
2nd Nathan Underwood  28lb 11oz
3rd Keith Copland 27lb 4oz
4th State N Dazza Polden  25lb 3oz
5th Craig Crash Lamey  23lb 15oz
6th Colin Cherrington  23lb 9oz
7th Roger Ackroyd  21lb 3oz
24 club members fished.
The club lake has fished well, despite the Easter weather. Brisk Southerly winds ensured that the pegs on the left hand side of Georges produced the main frame results.
Paul’s trip up the link road from Tiverton proved profitable, he topped the field with a cracking mixed net off peg 6 ,fishing red maggot on the waggler and pole Nathan, once again, put a great net together on peg 11 fishing maggot on a short pole.
Keith made up the top 3 with mainly carp on 12 , he used bread then maggot over micros
We must thank Bideford ambulance for their rapid response to the incident at the end of the match .

Club Record Secures win in Bideford Angling Club rover

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April rover results 

Stephen Found secured top spot in Bideford Angling Clubs April Rover with a new club record small eyed ray scaling 13lb 61/4oz.

1st Stephen Found  Small-eyed Ray 13lb 6 1/4oz 148.958%

2nd Andrew Clements Small-eyed Ray 11lb 3 1/2oz 124.652%

3rd Stephen Found Small-eyed Ray 10lb 14 1/4oz 121.006%

4th Andrew Clements Small-eyed Ray 10lb 8 1/4oz 116.839%

5th Antony Smith Thornback Ray 7lb 7 3/4oz 83.159%

Appledore Shipbuilders APRIL Rover

Numbers were down for Appledore Shipbuilders April Rover. David Atkinson caught the only fish big enough to weigh. His fish a Dogfish of 2lb 3ozs secured the points.
Other fish reported were small Bass, Huss and Poutings



Bideford & District Angling Club 6TH ROD AND REEL MATCH RESULTS DATE 26.3.23 AT HIGHHAMPTON.

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Today was the final winter rod and reel match of the winter series. 6 anglers fished it at HIGHHAMPTON weather turned out to be a nice day with plenty of sun and a little rain at times. All anglers caught fish first place went to Darren Polden with a great net of carp and a few silvers for a weight of 58lbs 5oz he fished the feeder with wafters second place was Richard Jefferies with a net of carp for 25lbs 1oz on the feeder and wafters and third place was Warren Thornton with 18lbs 7oz . The over all winner of the Rod and Reel winter league is Richard Jefferies with 60 points and joint second place was Sheila Found and Cyril Found with 56 point each. The next Rod and Reel match will be the start of the summer league Rod and reel matches and it will be at Tarka on the 23.4.23

BIDEFORD ANGLING CLUB 48 Hours Results & a specimen ray

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Spring can be a quiet time for sea anglers on the North Devon coast those prepared to travel can enjoy some fine sport from marks further up channel where stunningly marked thornback ray can be tempted from the murky tide ripped waters. Closer to home there is the chance of Bull Huss and rockling from rock marks. There are also bass to caught in the local estuaries.

1st  Nathan Clements Thornback Ray 10lb 14oz 120.833%

2nd  Antony Smith Thornback Ray 6lb 10 1/4oz 73.784%

Bideford Club member Stephen Found caught a fine specimen thornback ray scaling 13lb 10oz from an up Channel mark.


Bideford & District Angling Club = Rod N Reel Match Result

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B.D.A.C 5th rod and reel match results date 26/2/23. 11 anglers fished at HIGHHAMPTON LAKES. The fishing was very hard going with very few bits for most. 1st place went to Darren polden was a nice net of carp for 30lbs 12oz caught in the margins, 2nd place when to Nigel spurr with 21lbs 2oz fishing the tip to the island, 3rd place was Mike Ellis with 20lbs 15oz on the tip and 4th place went to Cyril Found with 16lbs 7oz. The next match is on the 26/3/23 venue to be confirmed.

Bideford Angling Club – 48 Hr Results

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Late February and March can be difficult months for sea anglers with rockling, dogfish, dabs and pouting often winning competitions. The beaches could be worth trying for ray with the chance of an early bass. Big huss are  likely to be caught from rock marks. It was hard going for Bideford Club members with just one fish tempted above the 70% qualifying criteria. Spotted ray and rockling were caught to just under the 70%.

Bideford Angling Clubs

February’s 48-hour results

1st  Andrew Clements – Pouting 1lb 2 3/4oz 78.125%