Sea Angling Round Up – Smoothound, bass on lures, 500lb shark!!!

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There are encouraging signs along the coast with smoothound showing from regular marks a couple of weeks earlier than expected. Ian Hooper and Nick Job fished a popular local shore mark and landed several hounds to almost 7lb and Cameron Atkinson landed a good hound in Appledore Shipbuilders Competition. ( See Results Below).

Combe Martin SAC Member Mark Jones ventured out with his lure rod and was pleased to Catch and release a pleasing bass of over 4lb.

Reel Deal Skipper Dan Hawkins took a party of anglers in search of an early shark and succeeded with Ross Needs from Bristol bringing a huge porbeagle estimated at 500lb to the side of the boat after a battle lasting 2hours and 10 minutes. The fine fish was carefully unhooked and released and swam away strongly. (Below) See video on Facebook Page).

(Above) Cameron Atkinson took the top three places in Appledore Shipbuilders Monthly Rover landing a dogfish of 2lb 71/8oz for first a smoothound of 7lb 81/4oz for runner up and a dog of 2lb 6oz for third. 19 fished the competition.

Bideford monthly rover results

1st Paul Downing thornback Ray 10lb 6 115.277%

2nd Dick Talbot bull Huss 9lb 101/2oz  96.562%

3rd dick Talbot dog fish 2lb 9oz 85.416%

4th Paul Downing thornback Ray 6lb 5oz 70.138%

5th Jon Stevens dog fish 2lb 0 1/2oz 67.708%

6th Andrew Clements thornback Ray 5lb 11 1/4oz  63.367%

(Above)Paul Downing with a fine thornback of 10lb 6oz


Bideford Angling Club 24hour results

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Kyle Blackmore travelled to the Chesil Beach to secure victory in Bidefords monthly Rover. I have heard a reports of several good local fish over the weekend and will publish as soon as I get full details.


Bideford Angling Club 24hour results

1st Kyle Blackmore – Blonde Ray 17lb 11oz    147.395%

2nd Dick Talbot plaice 1lb 3 1/2oz                  60.937%

Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section Monthly Competition Results @ Highampton Fishery

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Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section Monthly Competition Results @ Highampton Fishery

1st   Nathan Underwood 38lb 8oz

2nd  Martin Turner 31lb 13oz

3rd  Steve Bailey 22lb 3oz

4th Richard Jefferies    17lb 3oz

5th John Lisle 11lb 13oz

6th Ian Sedgewick 6lb 8oz

13 anglers fished the match that went ahead despite the strong North Westerly wind and squally showers. The reduced field allowed us to peg the leeward banks of both lakes meaning that most competitors had the wind off their backs. Nathan Underwood drew the point on the second lake and after catching 3 carp on paste on the pole , switched to the method feeder with a chocolate orange wafter to take a dozen more for a convincing victory. Martin Turner landed 8 slightly better fish on the fancied peg 4 on the 1st lake on 8mm pellet and bomb tactics for second place. 3rd spot went to club coarse section Chairman Steve Bailey on the 2nd lake, peg 8, margin pole carp catch on corn. The league after 3 matches stands as : Martin Turner  29 points  John Lisle 27 ,  Richard Jefferies 20 Nathan Underwood 20


Bideford Angling Club – Latest results

Bideford and District Angling Club 24 hour sea results

1st Kyle Blackmore spur 11lb 110%

2nd Rick eavis rockling 1lb 8 100%

3rd Rob Harris bull Huss 8lb 14 1/2 89.062%

I was privileged to attend Bideford Angling Clubs recent presentation night where it was good to catch up with members of Bideford Club. The club has a long history and continues to thrive in todays ever changing world and has even managed to attract some valuable young anglers. The youth of today are an essential ingredient for the future of angling clubs and angling as a pastime that can enrich a lifetime bringing valuable engagement with the environment.

Bideford & District Angling Club – Monthly Match

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Monthly Coarse Section Competition @ Wooda Lakes ,


1st John Lisle 61lb 1oz

2nd Kevin Shears 49lb 6oz

3rd Craig Crash Lamey 39lb 9oz

4th Stephen Craker 21lb 13oz

5th Nathan Underwood 21lb 8oz

6th David Bailey 19lb 8oz

7th Martin Turner 18lb 13oz

8th Paul Morris17lb 9oz

The match was held on the prolific Wooda complex , the 2 match lakes hosted the 22 competitors , the cold windy weather made fishing, for some ,quite tricky. The shallow end of the top lake produced the winner, John landed some of the larger carp fishing with paste at very close range beside the reed beds. Kevin had a hectic start catching over 30 carp from the dam end on lake 2 for 2nd. 3rd place was Craig with another pole catch on the top lake. Stephen Craker came in 4th with a pole and feeder catch from lake 2. John Lisle and Stephen Craker move into joint first in the championship on 19 points.

Sea Angling Competition Results

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The weekend proved challenging for sea anglers with the first half blighted by a bitter North East wind that chilled to the bone with temperatures overnight rumoured to drop to minus ten.

Shore fishing was generally hard going with deep water less impacted upon by the low temperatures most productive. I will post a full write later on a my trip on Bluefin with South Molton Angling Club.

COMBE MARTIN SAC Winter Rover Results

Kevin Legge took top spot in Combe Martin SAC’s Winter Rover landing specimen spurdog scaling 12lb 7oz. In runner up spot was Wayne Thomas ( Myself) with a boat caught conger of 30lb boated on John Barbeary’s boat bluefin off Ilfracombe. Kevin also secured third place with a spurdog of 9lb 8oz.

Bideford Angling Club – February Rover Result

Dick Talbot won Bidefords Monthly Rover with a three beard rockling if 1lb 3oz. In runner spot was Dan Walbridge with a rockling of 1lb 2oz and third Dick Talbot with another rockling off 1lb 1.5oz. Terry Dymond took third place with a flounder of 1lb 67/8oz. Fifth was Stephen Found with a dogfish of 2lb 1.25oz.

The end of season result was first and second Dick Talbot with his rockling of 1lb 3oz and 1lb 1.5oz


David John Langbridge took first and second places In Appledore Shipbuilders Rover landing flounder of 1lb 91/8oz and 1lb 71/8oz. Terry Dymond was third with a flounder of 1lb 67/8oz.




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Graham Snow secured first and second in Appledore Shipbuilders January Winter League competition landing a brace of flounder scaling 1lb 155/8oz and 1lb 77/8oz. Third place went to Andrew Atkinson with a dogfish of 2lb 1oz.


Combe Martin SAC member John Avery landed fine winter thick lipped mullet scaling 5lb 1oz.

Bideford Angling Club

24hour results

1st Antony Smith blonde Ray 13lb 14oz   115.625%

2nd Antony Smith smalleye Ray 9lb 12oz 108.333%

3rd Nathan Clements thornback Ray 9lb 11oz 107.638%

Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section Monthly Comp @ Morchard Road

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Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section Monthly Comp @ Morchard Road Results :

1st  Martin Turner 55lb 5oz

2nd Pete Slade 50lb

3rd Stephen Craker 41lb 2oz

4th Richard Jefferies 40lb 1oz

5th Martin Hawker 29lb 14oz

14 anglers fished our first competition on this prolific carp fishery.Conditions were rather windy and quite cold. Martin Turner drew peg 5, and caught 25 small carp on pole fished red maggots over micro pellets. The second placed angler was Pete who fished on peg 10 , he landed a similar number of fish on pole and feeder tactics.  Stephen Craker fished on the point on peg 12, he used tip and long pole for 3rd place. Richard Jefferies 4th place was top weight on the road bank , he caught on a cage feeder. Next months competition is at Wooda Lakes on 10th Feb.


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Calm conditions with high pressure dominating has resulted in open coast fishing slowing down with dogfish and small conger dominating catches. Flounder fishing in the estuary is starting to tail off as the flounder start to migrate out to sea to spawn. If the wind swings to the west and Atlantic weather pushes in sport on the open coast should pick up with spurdog, bull huss and conger moving inshore to feed on dislodged food.

During calm weather boat anglers can expect some hectic offshore sport as the spurdog packs hunt the mid channel waters.


John Passmore won the Sportsmans Cup with a flounder scaling 125/8oz Ian Cairns was runner up with a flounder of 121/8oz.

Dennis Toleman caught a fine bass of 5lb 6oz from Fremington Quay but being a flounder only match it did not count.



Jack Sharrock won Appledore Shipbuilders January Rover with a cod of 7lb 43/8oz. The fish was tempted from the expanse of Chesil beach in Dorset and was not a North Devon fish. Cod are very scarce off the North Devon coast in recent seasons which is a mystery as twenty years ago they were prolific.

In second and third was Terry Dymiond with flounder scaling1lb 121/4oz and 1lb 115/8oz.

Seventeen anglers fished.


Rover results
1st Terry dymond flounder 1lb 12 1/2oz
2nd Terry dymond flounder 1lb 11 5/8oz
3rd Graham Snow flounder 1lb 8 1/4oz
4th Graham snow flounder 1lb 5 5/8oz
5th Paul Downing thornback 5lb 10oz
Next competition 19/20th Jan 24hour





            Storm Diedre failed to keep members of Combe Martin Sea Angling Club from the shoreline to compete in their Christmas Competition. Mark Jones secured victory with a thornback ray of 10lb 7oz. The fish won him a voucher from  and choice of a secret Santa prize donated by members. In runner up spot was myself(Wayne Thomas) with a dogfish scaling 2lb 9oz and in third Dave Brooke with a bull huss of 7lb 9oz. Ross Stanway weighed in a small- eyed-ray of 7lb 2oz for forth.
1st-Mark Jones – thornback ray – 10lb 7oz
2nd– Wayne Thomas – dogfish – 2lb 9oz
3rd– Dave Brooke – bull huss – 7lb 9oz
4th– Ross Stanway – small-eyed-ray – 7lb 2oz
5th– Jack Phillips – dogfish – 2lb
6th– Jack Phillips – dogfish – 1lb 15oz
7th– Mark Jones – thornback ray – 6lb 15oz
8th– Jack Phillips – dogfish – 1lb 14oz
9th– Nick Phillips – dogfish – 1lb 14oz
10th– Dan Welch – flounder 1lb 3oz
11th– Nick Phillips – dogfish – 1lb 10oz

Bideford Angling Club – Christmas Competition

Fifty eight anglers lined the banks of the Torridge estuary to compete in Bideford Angling Clubs Christmas Competition last Sunday with twenty four flounder registered. The winning angler Owen Hare was a junior who landed a flounder of 1lb 71/2oz. Runner up was Stephen Found with a flounder of 1lb 63/4oz, third Darren Burslem with a flounder of 1lb 31/2oz and forth Robert Bowden with a flounder of 1lb 31/2oz. The club were very appreciative of the behind the scenes work of Paul and Lisa Downing and to the sponsors.

                                 Barnstaple Triple Hook Clubs 

Barnstaple Triple Hook Clubs Christmas Flounder Open attracted a field of fifty anglers all keen to secure a turkey dinner. The results were the best for many seasons with plenty of quality flounder weighed in. The top ten all recieved a turkey. 

1st – Richard Chapel – 2lb 13/4oz

2nd- Nigel Gullen – 2lb 7/8oz

3rd – Steve Luxton – 1lb 143/8oz

4th – Max Peake – 1lb 13.75oz

5th – Dennis Toleman – 1lb 127/8oz

6th – Darren Short – 1lb 125/8oz

7th – Kevin Hancock – 1lb 121/8oz

8th – Dave Mock – 1lb 113/4oz

9th – Isabel Luxton – 1lb 113/4oz

10th = Cleo Babb – 1lb 101/2oz


I have been reporting on these estuary flounder competitions for many seasons now and have often noted the contrast in the average size of flounder caught between the two estuaries. This year the results show a marked difference in fish sizes with the top ten flounder caught from the Taw in Triple Hook Clubs Open all bigger than the winning fish from the Torridge. Both rivers share many common characteristics yet seem to produce different sized flounder potential?