Bideford AGM – Steve Bailey thanked for Sterling work

Bideford and District Angling Club held their AGM at Bideford Con Club on Friday November 15th,  the event was very well attended. The club is North Devon’s largest angling club with a membership of over 500 that includes over fifty Junior members many undoubtedly attracted by the clubs two well maintained fishing lakes. Tarka Swims consists of Georges Lake and Karen’s Lake that between them provide excellent pleasure, match and carp fishing. The lakes manager Steve Bailey resigned from the post after many years of sterling service and was presented with gifts from the club in appreciation. The new lake manager is Mike Jones.

Club Secretary – Mervyn Beal says :- Farewell Steve. At last nights AGM the club said farewell to our outgoing Tarka Swims manager. Over the past 20yrs Steve has been the backbone of our club, his grit determination, hard work and commitment has made Tarka Swims what it is today. On behalf of the committee and club members we would like to say a massive thank you Steve and to Lorraine for giving up so much family time over the years. Hopefully you can now enjoy more family time and get some well earned fishing in. Thank you.


The clubs holds well attended coarse fishing Matchs each month and a summer series of events for Junior anglers. The club also hosts regular sea angling competitions and game fishing events.

Bideford and District Angling Club Match Secretary’s Report 2024
The Senior matches on George’s Lake, Tarka Swims have once again, been very well supported. With an average of 20 members regularly competing.
Our Junior Section has also been extremely well supported with 35 different youngsters enjoying the 3-hour Saturday events held throughout the summer. The 5-match series was won by Ethan Broom on 46 points, close second Lewis Hathaway on 45 points.
The 10 match, Summer Evening Series attracted 22 different anglers, we were blessed with some great weather for the 3-hour contests. Runaway winner was Nathan Underwood on 130 points with Kevin Shears 2nd on 92 points. The 3-hour pairs event was won by Rhys Elyes and Darren Polden with a remarkable total of 96lb 12oz.
Richard’s ‘Rod and Reel Only’ Competitions have been fully attended; organiser Richard Jefferies currently leads the league with 2 matches remaining.
At present, in the monthly Sunday Matches, Craig Lamey has an unassailable lead with Nathan in 2nd place.
Our 2-leg team match against Plymouth resulted in a resounding victory for us 713lb to 219lb. I hope to set up a more challenging contest against Bude Canal anglers.
This club offers a fantastic variation of disciplines; from the game beat on the Torridge to boat trips, shore fishing contests and, of course, the Tarka events. The lakes provide a host of opportunities to get involved; as members we need to be mindful that the membership is diverse and each of us find pleasure and fulfilment in our chosen pastime whether helping with the working parties, camping out overnight after the ‘Big One’ or witnessing the joy of watching the juniors catching their first fish.
Openness and understanding are essential if the club is to prosper; division is not healthy. As a club we must be respectful of members choices.
Regular matches, I believe, provide a very useful indicator as to the condition of the water and its inhabitants. Recorded results provide accurate information and trends can be monitored.
Once again, I must thank those people who have supported events but especially those who have ensured that they run smoothly. Mervyn for his support scrutinising and publishing results. Steve and his team for providing us with a well maintained and safe environment to enjoy our chosen discipline.
Finally, I must comment on the shock of the closure of the institution that was Summerland’s Tackle; we wish the family well and thank them for all their support over many years.
Martin Turner stands for another term as club match secretary.



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First rover Appledore Shipbuilders  new season resulted in some lovelly fish being caught.
First place went to Josh Atkinson with a beautiful Black Bream of 2lb 5 3/4ozs.
Michael Hammett was second with another Black Bream of 2lb 4 1/4ozs and Josh was also 3rd with a cracking Ballan Wrasse of 5lb 4 1/4ozs.


Stephen Found won Bideford Angling Clubs monthly sea rover with a thornback ray of 7lb. Graham Snow was runner up with a flounder of 1lb 8.5oz.

Bideford & Barnstaple AGM – Members

Bideford Angling Club and Barnstaple Angling Association both hold their AGM’s in November. If your consiodering joining these clubs or are members already its good opportunity to meet fellow members and find out whats what.


Dear Members,

If anyone has any proposals for the AGM 15th Nov, they must be received by midnight tonight, with a proposer and seconder. sent to

Thank you

Mervyn Club Secretary.

Barnstaple & District Angling Club AGM will be held in the Ebberly Arms, Bear Street, Barnstaple on Tuesday 12th November at 7.30pm. There is free evening parking in the car park at the rear.  This is always a friendly social evening, and we are expecting a good attendance as in previous years.


Bidefords 48-hour sea Rover results & AGM Notification

Bidefords 48-hour sea Rover results 

1st Jon Stevens Bull Huss 12lb 13.5oz 128.437%

2nd Richard Jefferies Bull Huss 12lb 12oz 127.5%


The 2024 AGM of the BDAC will be held at the Bideford Con Club on November 15th @ 19:30 for 20:00 prompt start.

Please note all proposals for change of rules or applications to join the committee in any capacity must be put in writing to the club secretary Mervyn Beal, with the name of a seconder to by 23:59 on the 25/10/24

Due to the retirement of our Tarka manager Steve Bailey and Karen’s Lake secretary Jake England we need to elect members to take their positions, these are both big jobs that are vital to the running of our Tarka complex, and it’s no exaggeration to say that failure to fill the Tarka Managers post will have a great impact on the running and well keeping of the whole site.

For more information on these posts please contact Steve or Jake who will explain what’s required.

Could you ALL please make an effort to attend, there is a minimum number of people needed to form a quorum, and to make decisions on rules / fees etc.

Hope to see you all there.

Pete Skinner Club




Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section Monthly Competition

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Bideford and District Angling Club
Coarse section monthly competition
1st Craig Crash Lamey 63lb 7oz
2nd Paul Elworthy 22lb 12oz
3rd Stephen Paul Sheller 22lb 10oz
4th Dave Wood. 17lb 3oz
5th Keith Copland 16lb 6oz
5th Nathan Underwood 16lb 6oz
22 members fished
High pressure system and a very cold night has curtailed the catches , but league leader , Craig has put together a very impressive net of carp , 40lb clear of second, on peg13, this has extended his lead to 29 points over last year’s winner.
Winning tactic was 6mm luncheon meat pole fished in the margins.
Second place has taken Paul into joint second spot in the league on 87 points.
His chosen technique on peg 17 was red maggot over micros and maggots in the deeper water on the pole.
Stephen’s third place was off peg 19 , method feeder and pole tactics.
Dave was fourth on peg 6.

Sea Rover Results

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Andrew Atkinson won Appledore Shipbuilders monthly Sea Rover with a club record rockling of 2lb. Runner up was Josh Atkinson with a bull huss of 10lb 15.25oz and third Andrew Atkinson with a bull huss of 8lb 12oz.

Stephen Found won Bideford Angling Clubs monthly rover with a thornback ray of 8lb 13oz. Andrew Clements was second and third with a bass of 6lb and a conger of 17lb 1oz.

B.D.A.C. Rod and Reel match results date 22.9.24 at Tarka.

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B.D.A.C. Rod and Reel match results date 22.9.24 at Tarka.
Today was a very wet day with fishing very slow at times for some anglers,15 anglers fished the match today and all caught fish. Today winner was Antony Bentley on peg 10 with a fine bag of fish for 44lbs 6oz, second place was Keith Mountjoy on peg 9 with 30lbs 7oz, 3rd place was Warren Thornton on peg 22 with a nice mixed bag of fish for 22lbs 3oz and 4th place today went to Darren polden on peg 21 with a mixes bag of fish for 21lbs. The next Rod and Reel match will be on the 27.10.24 at Tarka. Well done on your win today Antony Bentley.

Big Bass wins Bideford Competition

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Jon Stevens won Bideford Angling Clubs forty-eight hour rover with a fine specimen bass scaling 11lb 1oz. Stephen Found was second and third with smoothound of 13lb 11oz and 13lb 8oz.

Jon kindly sent me this account of his successful evening on a local storm beach.
The session started with a stunning Autumn sunset!
The following 3 hours were very slow, without a single bite registered.  
However, the next hour saw the only 2 bites of the night, resulting in 2 fine Bass of 11lb 1oz & 8lb 2oz.
The fish fell to whole joey mackerel, presented on a single hook pulley rig just beyond the surf.
Both fish were nicely lip hooked (single circle hooks employed) & were returned to the water swimming off strongly, following a quick weigh in the sling & a photo.


Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section Monthly Competition

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1st Darren Polden 58lb 7oz
2nd Kevin Shears 41lb 8oz
3rd Craig Lamey  34lb 2oz
4th Richard Jefferies 29lb 14oz
5th Keith Copland 29lb 2oz
6th Ian Croxton 27lb 9oz
18 fished.
With 3 matches remaining in our year-long league the table has had a good shake up !
The match was fished in heavy drizzle ,
Darren our winner on peg 6 has caught fairly steadily , on meat on the short pole then worm down the edge later.
Kevin on the consistent peg 14, has put together a great net on hard 6mm pellet for second place.
Craig now leads the league by 25 points, his third place on peg 22 was taken on various baits on the long pole.
Richard was fourth on peg 10 fishing with paste on the pole.