Sea Angling Result

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Richard Jefferies first and second places Bideford Angling Clubs 48 hour rover landing smoothound of 12lb 8oz and 11lb 13oz.

This is a very encouraging indication that Spring is on its way as these members of the shark family normally trat to show in numbers in late April or early May.

Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse section monthly competition

Bideford and District Angling Club
Coarse section monthly competition
1st Martin Turner  33 lb 7oz
2nd Warren Thornton 27lb 3oz
3rd Kevin Shears 23lb 2oz
4th Richatrd Jefferies 18lb 10oz
5th Nathan Underwood  17lb 8oz
6th Stephen Sheller  16lb 12oz
7th Les Polden  15lb 14oz
24 members fished.
Almost every peg was taken for this 6 hour event, bright sunshine and a stiff South Easterly breeze has kept the weights modest.
Match organiser Martin has drawn the last peg in the bag ,number 16, a straight lead with pellet or meat , fished out to the cage has accounted for the bulk of his winning catch. , backed up with some good fish on caster on the short pole.
Warren’s second place from peg 9 consisted of larger carp on the pole to maggot over pellets.
Third place was our current league leader Kevin on peg 6 , he’s caught a nice mixed bag on pole fished maggot .
Richard has landed 5 carp for 4th place off of peg 13.
Once again the shallower section has proved tricky, Roger Ackroyd took the honours with 2lb 5oz on peg 2..

Bideford & District A.C Rod and Reel Match results date 26.1.25.

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B.D.A.C.Rod and Reel match results date 26.1.25. Today the weather was terrible very wet and very windy,10 anglers fished the match today and fishing was hard going. Today’s winner was Darren polden on peg 17 fishing to the cage with a nice bag on carp for
24lbs 2nd place was Keith Mountjoy on peg 14 with 19lbs 12oz fishing in the margins on the tip and 3rd place went to Keith Copland on peg 8 with 5lbs 7oz. The next Rod and Reel match will be on the 23.2.25 at Tarka.


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Fishing has been hard going on the Open Coast for sea anglers as the latest results from Bideford & Appledore reflect. With stormy conditions forecast I expect a flurry of action through Late January and early February with Bull Huss, spurdog and conger likely.
Bidefords Angling Club  48-hour results
1st Paul Ackland – Rockling 1lb 3 79.167%
Appledore Shipbuilders
Claudio Pinto managed a sizeable small eyed at 4lb 15ozs to secure the win in Appledore Shipbuilders Winter League Match.
 FLOUNDER COMP UPDATE   Sunday January 26th 
Still plenty of flounders about, as proved by Ted and his dad this week! (Backgrounds obscured for obvious reasons, after all there is a comp coming up😉). Well done guys!
Anyway, on to the comp.
We have decided to widen next Sunday’s flounder comp to anywhere on the Taw, as long as you are at the Ebberley Arms for the weigh in from 3.30 – 4.30…..comp starts at 10am
We are only accepting 1 fish per angler for the weigh in. A good idea is to keep your fish alive in a bucket of water so that it can be released safely if you then catch a bigger one.
The entry form is on our counter. £5 for adults and £3 for children
We are building up a good head of participants and a great selection of prizes so look forward to seeing you all on the day to raise as much as possible for a great cause!!


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56 Fishing 20 fish caught 

1st S.Taylor 1lb 13 1/4oz

2nd Tom Downing 1lb 6 1/2oz

(Above) Tom Downing with his runner up flounder

3rd Craig Crash Lamey  1lb 5 3/4oz

4th A. Masters 1lb 3oz

5th S. Taylor 1lb 2 1/2oz

6th M. Sheldrake 1lb 2 1/2oz

7th G. Hooper 1lb 1 3/4oz

8th J. Dixon 1lb 0 1/4oz

9th C. Lamey 1lb 0 1/4oz

10th J. Dixon 1lb 0 1/4

11th R. Walker 14 1/2 oz

12th Mathew Druce 14 1/4 oz

13th Jazzer 14 oz

14th Ian Hooper 14 oz

15th D. Bowden 13 3/4 oz

16th S. Bowden 13 3/4 oz

17th M. Druce 13 1/2 oz

18th Jazzer 12 1/2 oz

19th J. Dixon 12 oz

20th S. Bowden 10 1/2 oz

Thank to the pollyfield and the Reds for letting us use their facilities for the sign in and the weigh-in.

Thanks to pollyfield for providing burgers at the weighing I think they went down very well.

Thank you ever so much to all are sponsors we couldn’t do it without you.

D S Electrical, Clawford Lakes Resort and Spa, Devon Baits, Tom Wade Anglers Heaven, Barnstaple Bait and Tackle, Gaby Fish Pillows, James Grigg, Honeys of Parkham, The Bell Inn Parkham, Parkham Cheese and Crusher. 

Final amount given to Pollyfield for the play park was £289

All the best tight lines and see you next year 🎣

Nathan Clements

Bideford Angling Club Rod N Reel Match Result

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Report from Bideford Clubs Richard Jefferies

B.D.A.C Rod and Reel match results date 29.12.24 at Tarka. Today was the final Rod and Reel match of the year,12 anglers fished and the weather was calm with some misty rain at time. Fishing today was hard with the fish not wanting to feed much but all anglers caught fish.1st place today went to Keith Mountjoy on peg 17 with a nice net of carp for 23lbs 7oz 2nd place went to Darren polden on peg 10 with a mixed bag of 19lbs 6oz 3rd place went to Keith Copland on peg 18 with 19lbs 3oz and 4th place was Martin Turner on peg 19 with 11lbs 2oz. The overall winner of the Rod and Reel matches for 2024 went to Richard Jefferies with 128 points and 2nd place went to Darren polden with 112 points and 3rd place was Stephen Paul Sheller on 107.
Well done today Keith Mountjoy on your win and well done to Richard Jefferies on winner the league, I would like to thank everyone who as taken part in this year’s Rod and Reel league and I wish you all a Happy New Year.
Bideford Club Member ship renewals are now due via club mate . See club website –

Bideford Angling Club – Christmas Competition Postponed

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Hi guys we have unfortunately come to the decision to postpone the competition on Sunday and move it to the 29th of December.
Competition times will all be the same on the following Sunday !!!!!!!!
This isn’t ideal but we do not expect anyone to fish in a yellow weather warning with potential winds of 65mph.

Sorry for any inconvenience but I personally wouldn’t want anyone to have an accident.