Novembers weather so far has been exceptionally benign and settled with high pressure, light winds and mild temperatures.
I Arrived at Bulldog Fishery to join fellow members of Wistlandpound Club for the first heat of their Winter challenge series and was encouraged to see anglers already there enjoying sport with rods bending as good sized rainbow trout were undoubtedly feeding.
It was good to catch up with fishery owner Nigel Early who was as always bubbling with enthusiasm as he chatted about the fishery and future plans.
The enlarged trout lake can comfortably fish up to a dozen anglers and has easy access with several fishing platforms that have had overhanging trees pruned to make casting easier. Nigel is keen to encourage visiting groups to make use of this excellent venue that has a comfortable fishing lodge overlooking the lake. I was fascinated to study the cast of a rainbow trout weighing 25lb 3oz that was supplied by Bulldog and held the Welsh Record.
I caught up with fellow club members as we tackled up before heading out to the calm waters.
I had set up with a floating line in conjunction with a relatively long leader of 8lb b.s fluorocarbon to the end of which I had tied my trusted gold headed damsel nymph. I have great faith in this pattern that sinks slowly its marabou tail adding life as it is retrieved.
I headed to the riverside bank and started to search the water allowing the lure to sink before starting a slow erratic retrieve watching the tip of the fly line intently.
After twenty minutes or so I felt a gentle tug transmitted through the line and watched as a trout followed the lure nipping the tail but failing to nail it. Encouraged I recast and after pulling a yard of line felt that satisfying connection as a good sized rainbow devoured the lure.
A spirited tussle was successfully concluded and the trout despatched. It’s always good to get the first fish and remove the dreaded blank from the agenda.
As I fished on I tried to take in the surroundings. A kingfisher darted across the lake its electric blue a stark contrast to the mellow colours of Autumn. Fallen leaves and bare branches reflected the season as I enjoyed the act of casting and searching the water.
The occasional trout showed breaking the mirror calm surface and slurping down a fly or emerging nymph. I put my offering close to a rise and was rewarded as the feeding fish converged on my fly. The full tailed rainbow gave a good account spending a good part of the battle air-borne.
With just one trout left to complete my three fish limit I changed over to a foam daddy pattern as I had a hunch this would work. After ten minutes without success I reverted back to the tried and trusted damsel.
I put the fly adjacent to a large swirl and began a quick retrieve. A bow wave materialized behind the fly and I saw a white mouth open followed by a delectable tightening of the line. A handsome brown trout of close to 4lb completed my three fish bag.
I took the opportunity to have a walk around the lake and capture action and images of the day.
Andrew Facey had enjoyed a good morning banking three good rainbows to 6lb along with a stunning brown trout of over 4lb.
Whilst we chatted Andrews friend Chris Dunn tempted a fine rainbow of 5lb 8oz. The successful fly a slow sinking daddy long legs pattern.
Close to the lakes inlet Graham Snowdon and Grant Jefferson were enjoying good sport completing their limit bags by midday.

My fellow Wistlandpound Club members were all enjoying good sport with some hard fighting brown and rainbow trout. It seemed as is often the case that a wide variety of fly’s and lures had tempted the lakes trout. Black and green Vivas, cats Whiskers, and damsel nymphs amongst the successful offerings.
The competition weigh in was as follows : –
Dave Mock – 3 trout – 11lb 10oz Best a brown trout of 6lb 3oz
Andre Muxworthy – 3 trout – 11lb 10oz Best trout – Rainbow Trout 5lb 5oz
Wayne Thomas – 3 Trout – 9lb
Colin Combe – 3 Trout – 7lb 15oz

A welcome facility at the lake is a sink, running water and cutting board permitting anglers to gut and clean their catch before returning home.