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56 Fishing 20 fish caught 

1st S.Taylor 1lb 13 1/4oz

2nd Tom Downing 1lb 6 1/2oz

(Above) Tom Downing with his runner up flounder

3rd Craig Crash Lamey  1lb 5 3/4oz

4th A. Masters 1lb 3oz

5th S. Taylor 1lb 2 1/2oz

6th M. Sheldrake 1lb 2 1/2oz

7th G. Hooper 1lb 1 3/4oz

8th J. Dixon 1lb 0 1/4oz

9th C. Lamey 1lb 0 1/4oz

10th J. Dixon 1lb 0 1/4

11th R. Walker 14 1/2 oz

12th Mathew Druce 14 1/4 oz

13th Jazzer 14 oz

14th Ian Hooper 14 oz

15th D. Bowden 13 3/4 oz

16th S. Bowden 13 3/4 oz

17th M. Druce 13 1/2 oz

18th Jazzer 12 1/2 oz

19th J. Dixon 12 oz

20th S. Bowden 10 1/2 oz

Thank to the pollyfield and the Reds for letting us use their facilities for the sign in and the weigh-in.

Thanks to pollyfield for providing burgers at the weighing I think they went down very well.

Thank you ever so much to all are sponsors we couldn’t do it without you.

D S Electrical, Clawford Lakes Resort and Spa, Devon Baits, Tom Wade Anglers Heaven, Barnstaple Bait and Tackle, Gaby Fish Pillows, James Grigg, Honeys of Parkham, The Bell Inn Parkham, Parkham Cheese and Crusher. 

Final amount given to Pollyfield for the play park was £289

All the best tight lines and see you next year 🎣

Nathan Clements

Bideford Angling Club Rod N Reel Match Result

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Report from Bideford Clubs Richard Jefferies

B.D.A.C Rod and Reel match results date 29.12.24 at Tarka. Today was the final Rod and Reel match of the year,12 anglers fished and the weather was calm with some misty rain at time. Fishing today was hard with the fish not wanting to feed much but all anglers caught fish.1st place today went to Keith Mountjoy on peg 17 with a nice net of carp for 23lbs 7oz 2nd place went to Darren polden on peg 10 with a mixed bag of 19lbs 6oz 3rd place went to Keith Copland on peg 18 with 19lbs 3oz and 4th place was Martin Turner on peg 19 with 11lbs 2oz. The overall winner of the Rod and Reel matches for 2024 went to Richard Jefferies with 128 points and 2nd place went to Darren polden with 112 points and 3rd place was Stephen Paul Sheller on 107.
Well done today Keith Mountjoy on your win and well done to Richard Jefferies on winner the league, I would like to thank everyone who as taken part in this year’s Rod and Reel league and I wish you all a Happy New Year.
Bideford Club Member ship renewals are now due via club mate . See club website –

Bulldog Christmas rainbows

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Jon Patten and Reef Patten have recently returned from representing England in the World Championship Big Game Trolling in Mexico 2024. The dark grey skys of North Devon were undoubtedly a stark contrast to the tropical heat of Mexico. Reef and Indy were all smiles when I met them at Bulldog Trout Fishery on Christmas Eve enjoying a short session tussling with the venues hard fighting rainbow trout.

(Above) – Jon Patten fishing for Bulldogs hard fighting trout.


Thirty-seven keen anglers competed in Triple Hook Clubs Christmas Competition despite the gale force North Westerly winds that had resulted in the postponement of Bideford Angling Clubs Christmas Competition.

The fishing proved challenging with large flounder hard to locate as the traditional River Taw flattie season draws towards its end. Several school bass were landed throughout the estuary which is an encouraging sign for the future and perhaps an indication of changing times.

The winning flounder way ahead of the field was caught by Nick Wilkinson and weighed 1lb 115/8oz.

Runner up was Junior angler Arthur Taylor ( Above)  with a flounder of 1lb 31/8oz and third Mark Beer with a flounder of 1lb 1oz. R.Hancock, J.Martin, Taz Wotton, D. Ackland, C. Lamey and L.Luxton all registered flounder to secure a Christmas Turkey dinner with all the trimmings.
It was good to see a good number of local anglers gathered together at a traditional weigh and raffle with plenty of good humoured banter.

Bideford Angling Clubs Christmas Competition is now on December 29th all other details as below:-


Bideford Angling Club – Christmas Competition Postponed

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Hi guys we have unfortunately come to the decision to postpone the competition on Sunday and move it to the 29th of December.
Competition times will all be the same on the following Sunday !!!!!!!!
This isn’t ideal but we do not expect anyone to fish in a yellow weather warning with potential winds of 65mph.

Sorry for any inconvenience but I personally wouldn’t want anyone to have an accident.

Protect the Spurdog fishery – A Message from John McMaster

Pat Smith Database.

Message from John McMaster

We first brought your attention to the need to protect the breeding stock of the Spurdog fishery (the older and larger females) early last year. 

Since then we have been working along with others to keep the socioeconomic benefit of this fishery to the recreational angling sector uppermost in Defra’s mind.

Our persistence has led Defra to ask Cefas to run an online workshop to explore the importance of Spurdog as a target species to the recreational sector, including charter vessel operators.

This workshop is not just an opportunity for the recreational angling sector to protect the Spurdog fishery but equally importantly to position itself as a sport which delivers significant social and economic value and be recognised as a full partner in marine conservation decisions which can potentially affect your business.

The link to register for this meeting which on Wednesday 15th January 2025 at 7pm is below. 

When 180 charter skippers signed a letter to the Minister in 2020, she reversed her decision not to allow recreational sea angling for Bluefin so don’t underestimate the collective power of charter skippers and anglers when they come together.

You can dial in even if you don’t fish for Spurdog and your anglers can also dial in. The more of us who join this workshop the more seriously we will be taken. If you want any more information please get back to me.

Thanks again for your continued support – Pat Smith Database


A new book just published is Nicholas Fittons’ book ‘Gently Down the Stream’. Hardcover, 182 pages. priced at 19.95. In stock at Lance Nicholson.

Nick is a long time member of the Dulverton Anglers Association.

A perfect Christmas gift to yourself, or any other angler in your life!

I have ordered my copy and will write a review in the New Year

Michelle Werretts excellent book is also available at Lance Nicholsons.

( Below) Border Country Belts are also available in the shop and make a superb Christmas gift.