Bulldog Fisheries New Year Fly Fishing Competition

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The long overdue New Year’s Fly comp! 🐟
Today Bulldog hosted the New Year’s fly fishing competition that had been postponed due to January’s appalling weather conditions.
The lake was stocked with a healthy number of rainbow, tiger, Spartic and brown trout ranging from 2-8lb.
An early start for Nigel & Tom as preparations began for the day. Tea urn on, log burner lit and the bacon starting to crackle 🥓
After the starting peg draw, a bacon roll and a cup of coffee our competitors were eager to get started!
With conditions set perfect for such an occasion the starting horn blasted and we were off! The record for fasted fish hooked stood at 15seconds from our Xmas comp. This was smashed by Alex Murray! A mere 5 seconds into the comp, the moment his fly touched the water it was hammered and he was locked into a hard fighting rainbow! 🐟
Fish came hard and fast leading us to have an action packed morning! A highlight was certainly seeing Nick having line stripped off his reel multiple times as he battled a Tiger trout of 6lb1oz!
Time for some lunch! On the menu today was roast beef, roasties and Yorkshire pudding 😋
Back at it after lunch and the short break was enough time to calm the spooked fish and sure enough lines started pulling tight once again. 🎣 One by one anglers reached their 6 fish limit and the talk soon turned to who was going to bag the top prize 🏆 Tom was keeping the score card hidden and the tension was building as many bags looked promising!
4 o’clock came and the final horn sounded! Finally it was time to reveal the winner and runners up!
Top results as follows:
1st – Steve Hunt. Total bag weight 24lb9oz
Prize: A meat bundle from our farm shop!
2nd – Nick Tamlin. Total bag weight 23lb1oz
Prize: A voucher for 4 anglers to have a legendary Bulldog ‘belly buster’ Breakfast
3rd – Andrew Facey. Total bag weight 21lb3oz
Prize: A 3 fish ticket
Biggest fish of the day:
Steve Hunt – 6lb10oz Tiger
Prize – A brand new filleting knife 🔪 purchased from Barnstaple Bait & tackle.
Last place prize will be awarded to Mr Bill Pink next time we see him 👀 this is because we were reliably informed by his brother Roy that the reason for Bills unexpected absence was due to having one to many ports at his beaters day yesterday 🤣 hope you feel better soon mate! 🍻
A very popular addition to Bulldog fishery is the gutting/filleting service Nigel & Tom provide, the service has a charge that 100% of goes to the Veterans charity!
With all the fish weighed, gutted & cleaned and prizes given out we said goodbye to our anglers. All of which commented on the enjoyment of the day 😊
We feel happy that our second competition was a success! And we look forward to the next one! 🎣

South West Fly Fair 2025

The South West Fly Fair makes a welcome return to Roadford Lake on Sunday 23 February. The fair is sponsored by Turrall amongst others, and is always a highlight in the region’s angling calendar.

The day will include:

  • ‘Have a go’ fly tying room with help from experts
  • 10% season ticket discount for all attendees
  • Tackle trading stands
  • Casting and fly tying demonstrations
  • Expert advice from trout, sea and coarse fly fishers
  • Meet local fly fishing clubs
  • Raffle with great prizes
  • Food and drink available at the onsite café
  • Find out more about coaching and tuition available throughout the South West
  • A chance to catch up with old friends and new

Bring the family along too – plenty of activities for all ages. Bring your bikes and wellies to explore the lake.

Entry is £7 for adults online in advance (£10 on the door) and free for under 18s. Entry includes car parking and a raffle ticket.

Book in advance to avoid disappointment!



Combe Martin SAC’s Six Hour Rover Result

The winning fish an eel of 18lb 10oz was caught by Jonathon Stanway with his brother Ross Stanway securing runner up spot with an eel of 12lb 2oz. Third was Ollie Passmore with an eel of 11lb 15oz.

Jonathon Stanway with his winning eel
Ollie Passmore with his eel of 11lb 15oz

Conger dominated catches during this six hour evening competition with members fishing various marks on the North Devon Coast. The conger seemed to be on the feed in a big way. I fished with club secretary Nick Phillips and we landed close to twenty eels, sadly all were less than 10lb. I did hook what felt like a very big eel and was dismayed when the 7/0 hook I was using snapped an event that has never happened to me in over fifty years of fishing.


Chairmans report

An interesting year with potential areas for the club to grow. The fun and species league based around Ilfracombe has generated an influx of new members and as a club we need to ensure this initial enthiusasm doesn’t dwindle away. How we do that is of course up to the members?

The core of the club is still specimen based but there has been a change in the way we fish with less social interaction and a more insular approach. Reduced access to the coastline is an issue as an increasing population leads to ever more restrictions on parking and access.

The challenges we face as a club are common to most clubs and we need to address areas where we can perhaps offer more to the membership. Though all a club really provides is a place to come together and share a common love of angling.   It is a concern that Nick and I have been at the helm of the club for forty years or more! If there is a future then at some point some young revolutionaries will have to kick us out.

Fish recorders report

38 species from Ilfracombe Pier and harbour area!

Toby Bassett caught – 34 of them!!!

Specimens fish  – 51 over 100%. Kyle landed – 20 of these

(49 in 2023)

Gilthead bream seem to thriving in the estuary and I suspect there were more 100% smoothound caught than recorded? A big change in what is being caught in the estuary with smoothound and gilthead bream caught as far up as Fremington Quay.

The winter fishing on the Open coast has been difficult with small conger and dogfish dominating catches. Good to see a few big pouting caught but the numbers of pouting and whiting are a fraction of those in past decades.

The summer bass fishing was good in the estuary and for some periods on the open coast.

I am hoping to see a big increase in fish recorded from the boats this season now that we have a Charter boat skipper in our midst. I would like to recruit a few new members wanting regular boat trips. As members they will have secure access to regular trips and a reasonable rate.

As regards to fish entries they are a valuable source of historical data for the club so please send in your fish. Either via email, Watts App, Messenger or good old phone.

2024 Trophy Winners

Cod Trophy     Kyle Bishop 18lb 5oz   Shore

Bass Trophy    Kyle Bishop   9lb 9oz  Shore

Mullet Cup       Graham Snow   5lb 3oz Thick lip – Shore

Conger Cup       Kevin Legge     26lb 9oz   Shore

Flatfish Cup       Nick Phillips     Flounder 1lb 4oz

Shore Shield       Ollie Passmore – Gilthead bream – 6lb 10oz

Medway Cup     Wayne Thomas – tope  – 41lb

Ray Shield    Shane Pavio Hookway – S/E Ray 11lb 4oz

Wrasse Trophy  – Kyle Bishop  – ballan wrasse 4lb 8oz

Predator Award –  Kyle Bishop – spurdog  15lb 3oz – Shore

Burgess Trophy   Zephyr Laramy-  Gilthead bream – 5lb 2oz – Shore

Scouse Shield     – Ross Stanway – 1lb 2oz

D Kyte Award      – Dan Welch – 6 mullet – total – 593%

Out Of Limits    – Skate  136lb

Merit Award  –    Kyle Bishop

Thornback Cup     – Shane Pavio Hookway   9lb 6oz

Specimen League –    Kyle Bishop

cod 18lb 5oz 152.6 S
spurdog 15lb 3oz 151.875 S
tope 43lb 10oz 145.417 S
conger 26lb 1oz 130.312 S
bull huss 15lb 150 S
Smoothound 13lb 4oz 132.5 S

Runner up

Shane Pavio Hookway
bull huss 11lb 12oz 117.5 S
small eyed ray 11lb 4oz 112.5 S
bass 7lb 4oz 90.625 S
conger 20lb 5oz 101.563 S
pouting 1lb 6oz 91.667 S
thornback ray 10lb 90.909 S
141.667 S

 Fish of the season –

Winter –  Kyle Bishop – cod – 18lb 5oz  152.6%

Spring  – David Brooke – gilthead bream  4lb 1oz – 135.417%

Summer  – Ollie Passmore – Gilthead Bream – 6lb 10oz – 220.833%

Autumn    – Graham Snow – Thick Lipped – 5lb 3oz – 129.688%


I spent an hour or so working through the results of the 2024 Combe Martin SAC – Ilfracombe Harbour fun & Species Competition the results are below.

Well done to all who have taken part throughout the year. We had a very good uptake at the start of the year and special thanks go to Toby for his enthusiasm and efforts in recruiting new members. The number of species caught across the membership was amazing. The club sub group has added a different dimension the club and it is essential that this is continued. The club has its AGM on Friday 31st at the Mariners Arms, Braunton and it would be really good if as many as possible attend. This is your club and ideas are required.

I suggest we have a sub group coordinator or maybe a meeting at Ilfracombe for a chat and get together and maybe a combine with the first fish of the year.

To continue the club species total accumulator on both an annual and ongoing basis.

Arrange events throughout the season maybe Winter, Spring , Summer & Autumn. Plus at least one social meet at Ilfracombe in conjunction with one of these events?

Please Bring ideas to the AGM….

Total Number of species caught by club members – 38

1st – Toby Bassett – 34

2nd – Daniel Welch – 31

3rd – Ross Stanway – 30

4th – Nigel Oliver 24

5th – Gary Prout 21

6th– Lenny Lake – 19

7th Solly Welch – 18

7th – Ted Childs – 18

8th Paul Lorrimore – 13

9th – Charlie Stanway – 10

10th – Andrew Laramy -9

Zephyr Laramy – 9

Wayne Thomas – 9

11th – Jake Stanway – 7

12th – Matt Childs – 6

A sub group meeting is to held to look at how the league will proceed in 2025.

The AGM was attended by 19 club members. The only substantial change was that competition entry for standard competitions has risen to £10 reflecting changing times and relative value of money. A £5.00 entry fee had been in place for over twenty years. The increased entry fee makes the prize money more attractive.


Bideford & District A.C Rod and Reel Match results date 26.1.25.

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B.D.A.C.Rod and Reel match results date 26.1.25. Today the weather was terrible very wet and very windy,10 anglers fished the match today and fishing was hard going. Today’s winner was Darren polden on peg 17 fishing to the cage with a nice bag on carp for
24lbs 2nd place was Keith Mountjoy on peg 14 with 19lbs 12oz fishing in the margins on the tip and 3rd place went to Keith Copland on peg 8 with 5lbs 7oz. The next Rod and Reel match will be on the 23.2.25 at Tarka.

Family Flounder Bash 2025

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Well, despite some appalling conditions,Barnstaple Bait & Tackles FAMILY FLOUNDER BASH went ahead with a good turnout of hardy (or mad) anglers braving the elements.
Plenty of fish were weighed in, plenty of raffle tickets were sold and over £200 was raised for the Children’s Hospice South West! We must say a big thanks to The Ebberley Arms for their hospitality and of course to David Jenkins for his help in running the event.
Big congrats to all the winners which were as follows:
1st – Max Chapple
2nd – Jack Chapple
3rd – Kayden Wolton
1st – Richard Chapple
2nd – Taz Wolton
3rd – Scott Bowden
4th – Dave Bowden
‘The Chapples’
Thanks to everyone that took part and we look forward to seeing you on the next one in the Autumn! In the mean time, enjoy these pics of the day and a nice shot of some of the flounders before being returned safely back to the estuary.