Rory Hewitt and Henry Gayton won Bideford and District Angling Clubs Junior Pairs Match at Tarka Swims. Bideford are to be congratulated for all the sterling work they have undertaken to encourage young anglers. The club lake has been a huge benefit providing an ideal location close to Bideford at a very reasonable cost.
I called into Blakewell Fishery on the way home from Barnstaple just in time to meet Roger Ackriod weighing in a four fish bag of quality trout to 4lb 2oz tempted on blood-worm imitation.
The fishery re-opened today September 10th after extensive weed clearing work on the lake that has certainly paid dividends with the water now crystal clear and the bank-side vegetation still lush and green. After a cup of tea and coffee Pauline and I took a walk around the lake to capture a few images on re-opening day. The early autumn sunshine shone into the clear water giving glimpses of several fine trout that I feel sure would have seized a well presented nymph. John Nickel informed me that several double figure rainbow trout have been stocked along with some pristine brown trout. The next few weeks will see some fine trout landed by visitors to this fine still-water with small imitative patterns most likely to succeed.

The weather forecast was far from good with strong winds and heavy rain forecast but it was a Friday night and after a week at work the coast was beckoning. A phone call from my good mate Kevin Legge sealed the decision and a short session was planned to coincide with high water. We knew a sheltered spot and with top quality waterproofs there was no excuse not to go.
One of the beauties of bass is that they can be caught on a wide variety of methods and one of my personal favorites is to free-line holding the rod to feel that electrifying pull as the bass intercepts the bait. First cast I had a good pull and missed it. Second cast and I connect with a pleasing bass of around 3lb 8oz that is carefully returned. I expect more takes but that is the only take I get all evening. A couple of hours later Kev gives a shout and I scurry over to slip the net under a bass that we estimate at around 6lb. The fish gives a good account of itself on the light tackle and rounds off a pleasing excursion. The fish is tempted on a large flapper of Ammo mackerel.
Joanne Combes reported on the open match on Tanners and Woodpecker lakes. Stating “Was hard fishing today as we have a lot of rain in the last 24 hours so a lot of cold water which affects the fishing.”
Any fishery that can produce top three bags on a hard day has to be pretty good in view!!
SUNDAY OPEN – September 4th
1st BEN BROXSON Peg 1 Woodpecker: 165lbs 1oz
2nd DAVE STOCKTON Peg 34 Woodpecker: 163lbs 1oz
3rd JOHN MCGAN Peg 32 Woodpecker: 109lbs 10oz
Zenia at Anglers Paradise sent me this story and picture of a first fish. Great to see the futures anglers getting started.
Just been sent this adorable picture of the beautiful Chloe Wyatt that just caught her 1st Ever Fish, she overcame her fear of Maggots, chose her own hook and reeled in this lovely Mirror from the Pixie Lake, she will be 3 at the end of this Month! She is on holiday with her Mummy, Daddy and Grandma.
Zenia Gregorek “Love it! So great to see the younger generation enjoying the sport we all know and love”

Ben Smeeth Countryside and Angling Manager – Sent me these reports of stunning fish and images from our local South West Lakes Trust Waters
John Deprieelle spent some time on day ticket venue Lower Tamar last week and had this to say about his session:
‘Well the carp fishing didn’t go quite to plan so I took bailiff Bobs advice and went to the very end peg which looked great and had fish everywhere in front of me. I lost a big fish within 30 mins of casting out and that was it. I had a few bream though and this 9lb fish was the best of the bunch taken on an 8mm pinapple pop up. The sunset was amazing!’
Ryan Wilshere caught this cracking 27.10 Common from day ticket venue Jennetts Reservoir recently. Ryan fished the far margin from the first few pegs and the fish fell to a Mainline Essential IB pop up fished over a scattering of essential cell boilies. (Below)
Blakewell’s Fly fishing Lake will re-open on Saturday 10th September ’16
Blakewell thank all customers for thier patience during the past couple of weeks,saying “time to dig out your gear, grease up your line and get down here to bag yourself some hard fighting trout!”
As autumn descends and temperatures drop these small still water trout fisheries come into their own providing the opportunity for great sport and a means of keeping in practice when the rivers close for salmon and sea trout fishing.
Shore fishing has been hard going in recent weeks from what anglers have been telling me though some excellent fish have been landed. The next few months are generally the most productive of the year with a wide range of specimen fish available for those prepared to put in the hours and effort. I hope to have plenty of pictures and reports on here in these coming months.
Appledore Shipbuilders & Bideford Angling Club Monthy Rovers
Terry Dymond won Appledore Shipbuilder’s monthly Rover with a bass scaling 6lb 141/2oz. In second place was Heidi Green with a rockling of 1lb 61/4oz and in third Graham Fisher with a gilthead bream of 3lb 81/4oz. Chelsea Babb dominated the junior section with wrasse scaling 3lb 7oz, 3lb 5oz and a bass of 3lb 3oz.
Terry Dymond’s bass also took top spot in Bideford’s Monthly Rover.
Combe Martin SAC Fish of the month –
1st – Liam Stevens bass 15lb 8oz
2nd – Derek Ferret – bass 13lb 3oz
3rd – Ross Stanway – rockling 1lb 13.5oz
Kevin Legge has enjoyed some success in recent weeks landing a blonde ray of 10lb 1oz and several smoothound.
Dan Spearman targetted grey mullet and landed a fish of 3lb 14oz. (Below)
Dan Spearman rockling -1lb 10oz (Below)
Colourful Fish from Paradise
The latest report from Zenia at Anglers Paradise demonstrates the wide range of beautiful fish to be caught at the complex.
Sam Whapshott, from Bexley, Kent caught a Personal Best 11lb Koi from the Koi Lake caught on Dog Biscuits, what a beautiful Fish! (Below)
Steve Macdonald from Woonton, Herefordshire had a BIG Surprise when he reeled in the Big Koi from the Specimen Tench and Orfe Lake at a whopping 15lbs!! Jackie Charlton caught him during the first week of July at 13lb 8oz so he’s put on a lot of weight in just a few weeks! Steve said – “Caught this cracking fella on the last day of our holiday with you. I had wanted to catch a double figure carp and a Koi so I was made up when my last cast of the day on the Specimen Tench and Orfe Lake resulted in this 16lb beauty, making it my new Personal Best!
The rig was a very simple 11mm bait-tech pellet banded onto a size 8 hook on a running ledger rig cast close to the lily pads. We had enjoyed a great day on the lake with loads of Golden Tench, Blue and Golden Orfe and an 11lb 14oz Grass Carp. It was a day well worth braving the wind and rain for!”. (Below)
Tommy Flower and his Wife Stevie from Bexley, Kent, had a rare fishing session together on the Specimen Tench and Orfe Lake. Tommy normally targets the Carp and Stevie is new to fishing, so this was a change from the Norm! Tommy and Stevie caught many Colourful Specimens including Golden Orfe, Blue Orfe, Koi Orfe, Golden Tench, Two Tone Tench and Grass Carp using Maggots as the hook bait. Here are just a few of the Specimens they caught! Watch Out Tommy, looking at the size of Stevie’s Catches, she’s one to watch! Always great to see Couples enjoying the Sport, hopefully the start of many Fishing Days out together. (Below)