Specimen bass for Kevin Legge

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Combe Martin SAC member Kevin Legge landed this fine bass of 9lb 2oz from a local beach. The fish was tempted using Ammo mackerel and returned alive to the sea. I expect to see a few double figure fish caught over the coming months on both lures and baits. Big baits after dark on the beaches have a proven track record though there is plenty of room for experiment with bass that can be tempted using a wide range of tactics. Big bass venture into surprisingly shallow water where free-lined baits on light tackle can bring surprising results?



Kevin Legge 9lb 2oz bass 

Fish From Paradise

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Julia Marston, a Sandwich Bar Owner, 55, from Heathfield, East Sussex had a week to remember at Anglers Paradise after catching a wide variety of Specimens to say the least! Julia caught an amazing Personal Best 55lb 5oz Catfish from our Day Ticket Specimen Cat Lake. Julia caught the Monster using 20lb main line, very strong fluorocarbon hook link, running 3oz lead, Catmaster Size 2 Barbless Hook with 2 20mm Mainline Salty Squid Boilies. Julia said – “My heart was beating so fast, my hands were shaking, I could not believe the size of this fish!! I don’t think I will ever catch anything as big as this Cat, it really is a Fish of a Lifetime”!


Julia also caught 2 Personal Best Koi’s of 8lb 4oz AND 10lb 4oz Koi from the Koi Lake both on a Fruitella 15mm Mainline Boilie, and to finish off she caught a PB 3lb 8oz Golden Orfe from the Specimen Tench and Orfe Lake also on Fruitella Boilies – What a week!


Jackie Charlton (below) 47, an accountant from London caught ‘Simon’ the Koi at 13lbs 8oz from the Specimen Tench and Orfe Lake which smashes Jackie’s previous 2lb Personal Best! It’s a very special Koi that doesn’t come out often, and being the Only Koi in that Lake makes it a very special Fish when you do manage to catch it! It’s certainly one of our favourites! The fact that Jackie saw the Koi and then caught him was just great, we think her Hubby was slightly envious…

Jackie caught the Koi float fishing using a small pole float with sweetcorn as bait, feeding pellet and sweetcorn.




Sea Trout and summer grilse

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DSCF2660The Taw and Torridge are both at low summer level now but despite this a few salmon and sea trout are being caught. Bob Lewington fished the Weir Marsh and Brightly beats on the Taw to land a brace of fresh run grilse and Len Francis fished the beat to land a 3lb grilse. Charles Inniss tells me that several small sea trout have been landed from beats throughout the river Torridge along with one or two salmon. It is hoped that the rain that is forecast will freshen the river and bring in a few more fish.

Stafford Moor Open Match Results

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Wednesday Open –

1st Kenny Cole = 127lb 14oz

2nd Trevor Tester 96lb 12oz

3rd Paul Goulding 80lb 15oz

4th Roy Coleman 73lb 1oz


Sundays open match on Tanners and Woodpecker.  Continental payout .

Winner of the day was Phil Hardwick Woodpecker peg 34 with 107lb 6oz fishing 8mm pellet on the wag well done Phil !

In second place was Paul Goulding Tanners peg 34 with 47lb 8oz

In third place was Ricky Johnston woodpecker peg 16 with 79lb 2oz

In forth place was Zac Newton Tanners peg 32 with 37lb 13oz

In fifth place was Paul Tidball woodpecker peg 24 with 76lb 9oz

In sixth place was Andy Wilkinson Tanners peg 35 with 32lb 2oz

Our silvers winner was Robin Wills woodpecker peg 8 with 20lb 1oz


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John Forster organized an open match at Mill Pond near Berrynarbour where competitors enjoyed some great sport at this tranquil water. John commented that the day was enhance by plenty of friendly banter and the frequent glimpse of kingfishers darting to and fro. Below are a few images of competitors and their catches from this delightful venue that is renowned for its silver fish sport.

1st Nathan Underwood 35lb8oz
2nd Kevin Shears 28lb 5oz
3rd Andy Gray 22lb14oz
4th Rob 22lb5oz
5th John Forster 17lb 13oz








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A quick round up of the last weeks news received whilst I was away fishing in Norway where we sampled some supreme sport landing many fine fish. Mackerel are now starting to show in greater numbers with several quality bass landed. There is news from the Welsh shoreline of a shore caught porbeagle shark an amazing feat of angling. It was good to see that the anglers released the fish at the waters edge resisting the temptation to drag it ashore for a trophy shot. A porbeagle from the shore has to be a possibility from the North Devon coast but would require time, determination and a slice of luck. I remember reading article on Jack Shine who famously landed several porbeagle from the West coast of Ireland.

Nathan Clements secured the top two places in the latest North Devon League heat landing a fine smoothound of 13lb 1/4oz and another of 12lb 21/4oz. Third place was taken by Graham Snow with a thin-lipped mullet of 3lb 121/4oz. Nathan and Graham were both fishing for Bideford “A” team.

David Atkinson fished on Teddie Boy out of Minehead  and broke the Appledore Shipbuilders Angling Club Boat record with a fine smoothound of 20lb 8ozs.

David Atkinson fished on teddie boy out of minehead today and broke the Appledore Shipbuilders Angling Club Boat record with this smoothound of 20lb 8ozs
David Atkinson fished on teddie boy out of minehead today and broke the Appledore Shipbuilders Angling Club Boat record with this smoothound of 20lb 8ozs.


13835563_10210214238740169_1505374714_oBideford& District Angling Club member Nathan Clements enjoyed an action packed session after smoothound landing six fish including four double figure fish the best two weighing 12lb 15oz and 12lb.13838172_10210214238300158_1949252942_o

Combe Martin Sea Angling Club member Graham Snow fished the Taw estuary to tempt a fine brace of thin lipped grey mullet scaling 4lb 1oz and 3lb 13oz. Fellow club member Shaun Quartly also enjoyed success landing a personal best bass of 9lb 1oz. Kevin Legge landed a bass of 9lb 2oz that was tempted using Ammo mackerel.




posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0

South West Lakes Trust’s Coarse Waters are providing some excellent sport for the areas anglers with some stunning specimens being landed.

Chris Connaughton had a cracking days fishing last week at Jennetts reservoir, Bideford. Chris Banked this clonking 28.00 common, part of a 6 fish catch on the day ticket venue. Chris also had another fish over 20lb at 21.04. Fishing tight to the far marginal trees (a prolific hot spot) worked for Chris.
Chris Connaughton had a cracking days fishing last week at Jennetts reservoir, Bideford. Chris Banked this clonking 28.00 common, part of a 6 fish catch on the day ticket venue. Chris also had another fish over 20lb at 21.04. Fishing tight to the far marginal trees (a prolific hot spot) worked for Chris.
Chris Martin has been in the action again at day ticket venue Lower Tamar. Chris, a venue regular, had this stunning 22lb mirror which was part of an 8 fish catch.
Chris Martin has been in the action at day ticket venue Lower Tamar. Chris, a venue regular, had this stunning 22lb mirror which was part of an 8 fish catch.