Stafford Moor Open Result

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Stafford Moor Open/ League Match continental payout.

The match was on Oak Tree & Tanners with Twenty Competitors

The winner was Andy Dare on peg 12 with 99lb 9oz fishing 6mm down the edge .

In second place was Phill Waters peg 3 on Tanners with 40lb 1oz

In third place was Ian Croxton peg 9 on Oak with 78lb 3oz

The silvers winner was Ian Gray peg 36 Tanners with 10lb 8oz


Appledore Shipbuilders and Bideford 24 hour Rover Results

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Michael Toogood’s terrific haul of eight spurdog that included seven double figure fish took the top three places in Appledore Shipbuilders twenty four hour rover. The three biggest scaled13lb 4oz, 12lb 8oz and 11lb 7oz. Cameron Atkinson landed a fine flounder of 2lb 4oz and returned the fish having heard of Michael’s staggering haul of spurs.


Phil Vanstone won Bideford and District Angling Clubs twenty four hour rover with a specimen whiting of 1lb 81/4oz. Dick Talbot was runner up with a whiting of 1lb 71/2oz and Phil Vanstone third with a bull huss of 8lb 15oz.

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Chay Boggis took a rest from sea angling and visited a local still-water where he landed a double figure pike scaling 11lb 8oz. The fish was tempted using half a mackerel bait and was the only run during the eight hour session. The venue produced a twenty pound plus specimen a few weeks ago. Pike waters are few and far between in North Devon and anglers are reminded to take great care of the fish that are surprisingly delicate creatures that do not tolerate poor handling. It is essential to carry a large landing net, unhooking mat, carry long nosed forceps and always use a wire trace and suitably strong tackle to ensure the fish do not break free to trail lost trace and line. There is nothing sporting in fishing light!


North Devon Match Group – Winter League 3 Mill Pond

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North Devon Match Group enjoyed some fine silver fish sport at Mill Pond Berrynarbor.

Kevin Shears landed a fantastic 38lb 10oz of roach and hybrids on caster over hemp on the long pole ,for a convincing victory. John Lisle took second with 4 carp on the method and pole, third Martin Turner had all roach on caster. Andy’s 4th place was boosted with a stunning chub.

1st Kevin Shears 38lb 10oz 2nd John Lisle 24lb 7oz 3rd Martin Turner 23lb 8oz 4th Andy Gray 11lb 7oz

Kevin Shears – Stunning net of silvers

16121379_611165932400947_625320288_oJohn Lisle with one of his four carp


Martin Turner

16106135_611166969067510_833927953_oAndy Gray – Chub estimated at 4lb

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CATCHS FROM THE COAST – Topped by spurdog haul

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A bitterly cold North West Wind battered the North Devon coast last weekend making fishing conditions difficult. Those that ventured out did manage to find a few fish that often move close inshore during rough weather feasting upon food dislodged by the surging waves. Michael Toogood fished a local shore mark in the early hours to make a terrific haul of eight spurdog seven double figure fish the best 13lb 4oz.


Michael Toogood -13lb 4oz spurdog

Combe Martin Sea Angling Club postponed their club event at Clovelly as a result of the conditions. A few members did venture out though and fished various marks along the coast that they judged to be safe enough to fish. I enjoyed a short session and was pleased to land a bass on my first cast a change from the more seasonal codling I was hoping for. A reminder, all bass have to be returned alive now with a total ban on retaining fish until July 1st. Rob Sciones landed a near specimen dogfish of 2lb 11oz.

Rob Sciones 2lb 11oz dogfish
(Above) Unseasonable bass
(Above) Dan Welch – Winter codling




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Matt Martin had his first 20lb carp from Lower Tamar over the festive period. Weighing in at 21lb 8oz Matt tempted the fish at long range using a single Master Baits wafter boilie. Well done Matt on landing such a superb looking specimen during the winter months when large reservoirs are a far greater challenge than well stocked commercial carp waters.


Wistlandpound Club – Visit Blakewell

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Wistlandpound Fly Fishing Clubs winter challenge match at Blakewell fishery saw twelve members competing . All members caught their four fish limit by early afternoon with those who bagged early enjoying socializing with fellow members. Winner of the event was David Eldred with four for 10lb 1oz. Matt Kingdon was runner up with 9lb 10oz and Colin Combe third with 9lb 3oz. David Richards landed the biggest fish a quality brown of 3lb 5oz. Biggest rainbow weighed 3lb 3oz to Colin Combe.




Dave Richards -3lb 5oz brown trout
Matt Kingdon in action!

Whilst it is still winter and we may get an icy blast or two before the spring arrives it was hard to believe that spring was not starting to arrive as we walked to the water. Green shoots of blackthorn on the hedge and daffodils emerging from the soil. The sound of a song thrush drifted through the mild air. I chatted with fishery owner Richard Nickel about the forthcoming salmon and sea trout season. It will soon be upon us once again daffodil lined river banks, summer migrants swooping over the water and with luck that tightening of the line as a salmon seizes the fly!


With mild conditions it was never going to be a challenging day and most anglers caught easily. I caught my bag using a bead headed black and green tadpole, a varied retrieve proved effective. After completing my bag I took a stroll around the lake chatting with fellow club members. I was also shown a few fascinating behind the scenes projects including a project to restock freshwater pearl mussels into the Torridge. We were also shown future generations of stock fish. A 2lb rainbow takes around 15 months to rear and a 10lb fish 3 years.

2018 stock fish!


Richard always spins a good yarn!
