As the wind swings to the East and temperatures plummet the catching of fish becomes a struggle especially for carp. This doesn’t deter the hardiest anglers who will fish in any weather wrapped up in warm clothing and snug within their bivvys. As always the real bonus is being out by the water witnessing nature in all its glory and if the fishing is quiet then all the more chance of savouring those sunrises and sunsets. Steve Pinn spends many hours fishing Stafford Moor and captures some wonderful images including these stunning shots taken from the bivvy.
Bideford Monthly Rover
(Above) Biggest trout of day to Danny Ford at 5lb 12oz
Wistlandpound Fly Fishing club enjoyed great sport when they visited Exe Valley Fishery for the second heat of their Winter Challenge series. Dave Mock won the competition with a five fish bag of 19lb that included a 4lb rainbow and a tagged trout that earned Dave a tenner. In runner up spot was Danny Ford with five for 18lb 12oz and third David Eldred with five for 18lb 8oz. The biggest trout was a fine rainbow of 5lb 12oz for Danny Ford. The trout averaged 3lb and battled hard in the cold clear water. Overall winner of the winter challenge after 2 heats was David Eldred with 28lb 9oz. The first heat was held at Blakewell Fishery early in January.
A Stafford Moor Twenty
North Devon Match Group Winter League No4 Oaktree Lakes
Holsworthy Sea Anglers- Enjoy top sport on “Bluefin”.
Many thanks to Paul Cozens for the report he posted on their club trip off Ilfracombe. A stunning conger and plenty of spurdog.
Holsworthy Sea Anglers enjoyed a great day afloat with skipper John Barbeary and crewman Paul on the Bluefin out of Ilfracombe. The ten anglers; Andrew Braunton, Robert Gould, Steve Dawe, Adrian Pett, James Pett, Brian Hopcraft, Stuart Lockyer, Graham Verral, Steven McDonald and Paul Cozens. After an hours stop close in for some doggies and a bonus 25lb conger for Adrian Pett they pushed out to the spurdog mark. Over went the mackerel and squid baits and it wasn’t long before they were hauling the spurs aboard along with a few bull huss to 12lb and a very welcome 45lb to 50lb conger for club eel specialist Steve Dawe. The spurdog fishing was frantic with the party losing track of the numbers caught with many of them over 15lb and best one going 17lb to Steve Dawe a new personal best. Steven McDonald had the most spurdog ending up with 14 of them!!
Paul Cozens stated that it was once again a great days fishing aboard Bluefin.
Combe Martin SAC member Ross Stanway fished a rock mark near Ilfracombe and hooked a specimen conger weighing 22lb 8.5oz after carefully weighing the eel in a weigh sack it was time for a photo. The eel proved camera shy and took its opportunity upon being released from the weigh sack and in Ross’s words; “Took off like a Bob sleigh team down over the rocks.”
The eel was one of twelve eels caught with four of them over 10lb.(Above) 10lb eel that posed for the camera!
Ilfracombe shore marks are producing conger, whiting, dogfish and occasional ray. Proceed with caution particular if fishing at Capstone one of North Devon’s most productive marks but also one with many dangers.
Veals Mail Order Managing director Harry Brake has undertaken several trips to North Devon in search of the elusive spurdog and was rewarded with a fine personal best scaling 13lb 10oz. The fish was tempted with mackerel head and guts whipped on to a pair of Varivas 6/0 Big Mouth Extras, 25lb Varivas yellow sport.
Exe Valley Introduces Catch & Release Permit Options
The latest News from Nick Hart at Exe Valley
During the 15 years that I have been involved with Exe Valley Fishery, firstly as an instructor and then as the manager, the only option available has been to catch & kill any Trout caught.
However times are changing rapidly and increasingly I talk with anglers who don’t want to dispatch fish and fill their freezers. I also meet plenty of anglers who are put off by the thought of reaching their limit and then having to head home prematurely, cutting short their enjoyment & experience.
Therefore after a number of successful catch & release events, such as this one in December 2016, I have decided to introduce a new trial permit.
The Catch & Release options will start on Tuesday 7th February 2017 and will be available until Sunday 9th April 2017. During this time we will listen to your thoughts and welcome feedback. If the fishery is well supported during these changes the options will be made available throughout the year, other than during periods of high water temperatures. Full details will be available at the fishery regarding the rules applied to catch & release. The key points include:
– Catch & Release available on Anchor Lake only
– Rubber mesh nets only (we can loan nets)
– Barbless flies only (not debarbed – barbless flies will be available for purchase in the shop)
– Fish to be released must not be removed from the water.
– No Boobies.
– Kill tickets – Fish limit must be killed prior to Catch & Release.
Catch & Release Permit Options & Prices (07.02.17 to 09.04.17)
10 Fish Catch & Release Only – £25
2 Fish Kill & 2 Fish Release – £30
3 Fish Kill & 3 Fish Release – £35
4 Fish Kill & 4 Fish Release – £40
5 Fish Kill & 5 Fish Release – £45
Although there is an increase in permit prices, the first for several seasons, the new structure with the inclusion of catch & release offers some of the best value small stillwater fishing in the West Country if not the UK.