Appledore Shipbuilders Results

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Twenty Three anglers fished Appledore Shipbuilders Roving Competition last weekend and struggled to find fish big enough to bring back to the scales – Hanna Curtis won the competition with a ballan wrasse scaling 3lb 51/2oz.

This weekends 24 hour Rover attracted less angers who caught more fish!

Winner was Kevin pike with a conger of 22lb 10oz and second Jack Pike with a conger of 16lb 15oz. Graham Snow was third with a thick lipped grey mullet scaling 3lb 1/2oz. The conger caught by Jack Pike sets a new Junior record for Appledore Shipbuilders.

A brace of conger at the weigh in!


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Jon Patten was fishing for spurdog from a North Devon shore mark and was surprised when a smoothound grabbed his fish bait presented on a 6/0 hook. Smoothound traditionally arrive in early May. Recent seasons have seem them caught right up until Christmas. So the question I pose is early or late?

North Devon Match Group Championship No. 2 Jennetts Reservoir

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North Devon Match Group Championship No. 2 Jennetts Reservoir

(Above) Winner Martin Turner

Some stunning nets of silver fish from Jennetts Reservoir in North Devon Match Groups latest competition. A great test of the all round match anglers skill set.

1st Martin Turner 23lb 10oz

2nd Nielsen Jeffery 16lb 13oz

3rd Kevin Shears 14lb 10oz ,

Section Winners

Wayne Mitchell 13lb

kier Durrant  10lb 14oz

(Above) Nielsen Jeffery

(Above)Kevin Shears


posted in: Sidebar, Young At Heart | 0

I am sure that many young people have started on a path to angling as result of a trip to water with their grandparents and I would suggest that there is no better gift to give than a lifetime of angling.

Colin  Brown introduced his grandson, Daniel aged nine to the joy’s of fishing at Blakewell Fisheries.


(Below) Billy Daykin visited Blakewell to land a  5lb 4oz rainbow in a bag totaling 8 lb. He used a blue fly that was homemade.


A Message from Bideford Angling Club

Pete Skinner of Bideford & District Angling Club contacted me and asked me to stress that despite the closure of the clubhouse. Bideford and District Angling Club is very much still in existence, still running sea, game and coarse competitions and the Tarka swims lakes complex is still open and taking new memberships. All renewals and applications for membership can be made at Anglers Heaven, Market Place, Bideford. By kind consent of Tom Wade. The clubs results are a regular feature here on North Devon Angling News.


47lb 6oz Mirror from the Kracking Carp Lake

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BIG Congratulations to Arron Fisher who has caught a 47lb 6oz Mirror from the Kracking Carp Lake, not only is he the first angler to catch on Kracking Carp this year so far but this fish is also Arron’s New UK Personal Best Carp, as you can imagine, Arron is pretty chuffed with himself and quite rightly so!

The Kracking Fish have been brought on for many years by our team from Tiddlers at Ounces to THIS BIG, so we are very proud to see anglers go onto catching them and making New PB’s!

Arron said –

“Well here she is, the ‘Jewel of the Lake’ and a new English PB at 47.06lb. I am absolutely buzzing to have caught her especially as it is the first fish out of 2017. She couldn’t resist a 12mm CR1 pastel pop up on a armohawk size 8 chod hook fished with a bag of CR1 crumb and HOB Blitz and hemp. Also a massive thank you to Andrew Moores for driving out and doing a great job on the photos.”

Anglers Paradise

COMBE MARTIN SAC – End of Winter Rover

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With sport dropping off on the coast there was a low turnout for this club event with just seven members fishing marks all along the coast. Bites were few and far between for some members with small conger and dogfish providing most sport. Rob Scoines fished small baits close in to successfully target rockling landing close to a dozen the best three weighing 1lb 2oz, 1lb 1oz and 15oz to take the top three places.

February Carp Sport at Stafford Moor

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The milder weather has encouraged carp to start feeding so dust off the cobwebs after the winter and set out to the waters edge!

Steve Pinn landed a cracking new Beatties personal best of 23Ib on Dynamite Baits tutti frutti (testing for Joanne Combes) balanced with fake corn – Best of 7 with Keith Maker who had 4 of the 7 fish including a 22 pounder – A great session for February !