Kracking Day Ticket Carp from Paradise

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Sean Mutch, 25 From Braunton , North Devon has been on a mission to catch a 30lber from the Kracking Carp Lake since last Summer putting in 15 nights of trying but still no success, so he decided to come back for day’s session to give it another try.
Finally, after all the blood, sweat and tears, Sean’s moment came and he ended his quest by catching an amazing New PB 39lb 8oz Mirror!! The Fish in question has a rather rare Z marking on it, we can now make it official that the Fish is named ‘Zebra’, so Sean, you can tell your mates you’ve caught a Zebra!!
Sean caught the Mirror from Swim 4 in the margins on a 10mm CC Moore live system boillie and pop up, plastic tiger-nut mounted on a KD Rig over a handful of chopped boillie and CC Moore roasted nut Spodmix Fished with dead slack lines.
It just goes to show that if you put the effort in and never give up that anything is possible.

We had Rob Maylin stay with us last week with his Wife and Son for a Family Holiday as well as some fishing.
Rob decided to have a go on the Kracking Carp Lake in search of his 1st Fish of 2017.
Good job he did, because he landed this Beauty in the shape of a 32lb 12oz Mirror!

Rob Said –
“1st fish of 2017 for me, this beautiful ‘Orange’ 32.12 from Anglers Paradise caught from the Kracking Carp Lake. Red Spicy fish doing the business combined with an ESP size 6 Choddy straight out of the packet!”


Anglers Paradise

Footnote – North Devon Angling News

Rob Maylin is one of the founders of the modern carp fishing era his books Bazil’s Bush and Fox Pool are both collectable books now and reflect the carp fishing ethos of the late eighties and early nineties. The birth of the full time carp angler obsessed with catching the biggest at all costs with a beer or two on the way!


Stafford Moor Sunday Open

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The Sunday Open on Tanners lake was fished in heavy rain and gusting wind. Despite this  Mark Lazelle put together a winning net of 106lb 6oz  fishing 11mm pellet down the edge and cage feeder.

  1. MARK LAZELLE Peg 18 Tanners: 106lbs 6oz
  2. MARTIN HEARD Peg 35 Tanners: 69lbs 7oz
  3. MAL KING Peg 11 Tanners: 56lbs 6oz
  4. DUNCAN EDWARDS Peg 34 Tanners: 55lbs 11oz
  5. KEV OSBOURNE Peg 27 Tanners: 47lbs 0oz
  6. KEV SHEARS Peg 25 Tanners: 43lbs 7oz
  7. NATHAN UNDERWOOD Peg 6 Tanners: 38lbs 7oz
  8. ZAC NEWTON Peg 36 Tanners: 32lbs 13oz
  9. TONY BURSLEM Peg 1 Tanners: 31lbs 14oz
  10. IAN GRAY Peg 9 Tanners: 29lbs 2oz
  11. JOHN LACY Peg 13 Tanners: 28lbs 14oz
  12. MARK HAYMAN Peg 3 Tanners: 28lbs 12oz
  13. PHILL COLES Peg 32 Tanners: 11lbs 1oz


Whilst this is primarily a website on fishing in North Devon from time to time its good to look over the horizon. My long time fishing mate Rupert Morrall has been on a family fishing holiday to the River Ebro in Spain where they made some impressive catches, This image of a catfish caught by his son Aidan caught my eye and I thought it worthwhile sharing with readers.

Colin Joy has just returned from Costa Rica where he has been enjoying some fine sport with Rooster Fish to 80lb

Colin also enjoyed a long and exciting tussle with a Black Marlin estimated at 500lb. The mighty fish was released at the side of the boat.

Jacqui Joy with fine Costa Rican hound fish a close relative of the garfish we catch off Ilfracombe Pier!


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Well Meteorological Spring is officially here, but I feel we can see the signs for ourselves, primroses, daffodils and snowdrops are in abundance and Magnolia trees are starting to blossom. The last few weeks have been kind to us, the weather has been reasonably mild and the water temperatures are at ideal spring levels.

The lake itself is looking superb, the water is crystal clear and the trout are cruising just below the surface, nymph activity is increasing so now is the time to dig out those nymph patterns.

Eric Battison recently proved the point with a double 6 fish ticket; nymph fishing a damsel with a blue flash was by far his most popular fly. But don’t be tempted to stay big, on another day buzzers will be equally as deadly, in fact we are witnessing some good early season buzzer hatches with red’s and blacks being the favoured colours along with gold head and bloodworm patterns.

With the mild end to winter, don’t confine your tactics however to the nymph, as well as the buzzer many other species of fly have been hatching including some pond olives so keep a keen eye in the margins and if you can match the hatch you may be in for some bonus dry fly fishing.

Richard Nickell with a fine brown trout ready to stock!

Annual Fly Fair Attracts Over 250 People to Roadford

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Simon Kidd of Snowbee talks to Fly Anglers

The South West Fly Fair got the Trout fishing season off with a bang on Saturday (25 February) as fly fishermen flocked from all over the region to attend the annual show, held at Roadford Lake and hosted by South West Lakes Trust.

This was the fifth year for the show and it keeps going from strength to strength. It’s the perfect opportunity to grab a bargain from the leading suppliers in the South West, talk to the organisations involved in running the fishing the Westcountry has to offer or get in some casting or fly tying practice before the season kicks off.

The show was opened at 10.30am by one of the country’s most respected fly-fishing gurus, and patron of the show, Charles Jardine and featured fly-tying demonstrations from both local and nationally renowned experts, with a chance to ‘have a go’ as well as the opportunity to pick up useful tips and valuable advice.

Charles Jardine tying Flies

Activities throughout the day included casting demonstrations with Charles, who gave an entertaining and impressive display with the Trout rod, and Gary Champion, a local expert who travels worldwide teaching people to fish and give demonstrations.


Over 40 people took advantage of the free fly casting lessons and clinics for both newcomers to the sport and experienced anglers feeling a little rusty after the closed season. There was also the opportunity to try float-tubing with the British Float Tube Association. The chef from the local angling hotel, the Arundell Arms, gave a fantastic demonstration on ways to prepare and cook your Trout once you have caught it with samples to taste.

There were a variety of angling conservation organisations including The Westcountry Rivers Trust, The Salmon and Trout Conservation Trust UK and two local custom rod makers, Alan Riddell and Luke Bannister, who has built up an international following for his beautiful hand-crafted split cane rods.

(Above)Artist and Author Robin Armstrong

South West Lakes Trust’s Trout suppliers, Milemead Fisheries and Torre Trout Farms Ltd, were on hand to talk to anglers and show a sample of the fish they could expect to catch in

  1. There were some stunning Golden, Tiger, Brown, Rainbow and Blue Trout on display for people to view. Those looking for new fishing opportunities in 2017 were able to speak to representatives from various fishing clubs throughout the region and ‘Get Hooked’ magazine who were also on hand to advice.

There was also a large selection of angling trade stands including impressive displays from the shows sponsor Turrall, with the opportunity to handle, try and buy this year’s latest equipment as well as an astounding selection of fur, feathers and specialist fly-tying equipment from suppliers based all over the country.

With 250 visitors to the event, it proved to be as popular as ever and South West Lakes Trust are already looking at a bigger and better show in 2018.


The 2017 Trout fishing season on the South West Lakes Trust Rainbow Trout reservoirs starts on 4 March and Brown Trout on 15 March. Full details and this year’s prices are on the Trust’s website –

Stafford Thirty For Lee Brooks

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(Above)Lee Brooks caught this 31lb 9oz mirror from the summerhouse swim on Beattie’s lake using Sticky Baits Krill boilies (purchased from the shop)  this is Lee’s new Personal best.

Ryan Labdon with his 21lb 8oz catch from Beattie’s lake fishing with Sticky Baits white chocolate pop ups on the inlet swim on Beattie’s lake.


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Anglers Paradise’s Lure Weekend proved to be a great success with Andy Payne making the headlines with what could be the UK’s first ever catfish on a lure. The huge catfish estimated at over 60lb was tempted on the first day of the weekend and helped to secure a victory for the seven man team captained by Nathan Edgell of Fladen Tackle. The fully subscribed event attracted lure-fishing contestants from all over the UK and was generously sponsored by Fladen, Quantum Specialist, Fox Rage and Drennan. The Individual winner of the event was Tim Halls who landed four species including perch, rainbow trout, brown trout and blue trout. The individual biggest fish were won by James Thomas who landed the events biggest pike at 85cm, Phil Burke who caught the biggest perch of 31.5cm and Dominic Cooke who caught the biggest trout a fine brown trout of 69cm.

(Middle) Dominic Cooke with the weekends biggest trout
(Above)Phil Burke winner of the events biggest perch
(Above)James Thomas and team captain Ben Humber of Fox Rage with the weekends biggest pike
(Above)Zenia Drury Gregorek, Ben Humber, Zyg Gregorek, Tim Halls(Overall winner),Nathan Edgell, Rob Williams, David Drake, Joe Drury

(Above )The winning Team

Anglers Paradise is one of the UK’s best known fisheries with a reputation for its specimen fish, luxury accommodation, famous anglers and most of all for its colorful founder and man at the helm Zyg Gregorek. The complex was founded  after Zyg moved to North Devon in the late 1970’s transforming a marshland into the angling holiday and day ticket destination it is today.

The true heart of Anglers Paradise is the Safari Bar with its walls lined with pictures of big fish and memento’s of Zyg’s globe trotting exploits. It is to the bar that many anglers have returned after a day by the water to recount their tales from the waters edge. The room is certainly unique and oozes angling history with antique rods and angling related paraphernalia all around.

The 2017 Lure Fishing Weekend was certainly a friendly competition with lure enthusiasts who had travelled from all over the UK quickly making new friends and greeting fellow piscator’s from past events.  The weather conditions over the two days proved to be a little challenging with cold winds and rain chilling contestants to the bone. However spirits remained high throughout the event with the warmth of friendship and plate fulls of hot food thawing out the chilled anglers.

(Above) The windswept trout lake

On the Saturday night the auction of a 1913 Fishing Gazette book and an Orvis rod raised over £150 for local charities. Since its formation Anglers Paradise are proud to have raised many thousands of pounds for local charities. Anglers Mail contributor  Bill Rushmer who has visited many times was close at hand to assist with the auction.

The Saturday night auction raised over £150 for local charities.

The competition was fished on four lakes with the teams of seven rotating over the two days with constant tuition from the four team captains. As an occasional lure angler I certainly learned a lot about modern lure fishing techniques with information and tactics shared willingly between anglers.

(Above)The entire cast of the Lure Fishing Weekend.

Thanks go to the events sponsors, Fox Rage, Drennan, Quantum Specialist and Fladen Anyone can Fish

Many thanks also to Joe Drury for organising the event, to Zyg Gregorek for Anglers Paradise and to the Gregorek Family and all the staff at the complex.

Anglers Paradise

Big perch on the lure – Upper Tamar

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Chris Lambert and Adam Moxey have had another great Perching session from the boat at Upper Tamar Lake. Chris had this to say about their day: The previous couple of visits have been really tough but we are yet to blank….famous last words! When we arrived it was a bit on the windy side. I wasn’t exactly beaming with confidence but the first drift produced a 3.08 perch to my rod on a 3inch black shad fished on a 7.5g jig head, the wind dropped off nicely allowing us to fish a lot more effectively. We went on to take a dozen good sized perch mainly fish in the low 2lb range topped by a brace of 3’s at 3.05 and 3.03 both caught by Adam on the 2inch spikey shad.

Chris Lambert with a fine Tamar perch
Adam Moxey displays a superb Tamar perch

Furzebray – Charlotte 45lb 8oz

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South Westerly Winds have encouraged carp to feed in local lakes with Aaron Seldon landing Furzebray Carp lakes biggest resident Charlotte at a weight of 45lb 8oz. Graham Kelly also enjoyed success at the venue landing Sovereign at a weight of 33lb 8oz and Adam Shore landed the Mint Common at 31lb.