Bideford Match Result

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A beautiful day greeted an almost full house for Bidefords Monthly Coarse Match competition. Craig Lamey landed 4 large carp on banded pellet in the margins on the pole. John took 3 on the pole on peg D , Pete landed the largest on the day with a pole caught specimen on luncheon meat, it went 14lb 14oz off peg I. Several good bream,carp and a nice perch made up the backing weights.

1st   Craig Crash Lamey 53lb 12oz

2nd John Lovell 27lb 5oz

3rd   Pete Slade 22lb 4oz

Rare sights at Bratton Water

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One of the joys of fishing is the wildlife we see whilst at the waters edge and at Bratton Water there have been some exciting sightings in recent weeks with owner Mike Williams sending me these images he managed to capture of an osprey and a great white egret! Mike tells me the fishing has been excellent recently with some stunning brown trout tempted by visiting anglers. Dry fly and small buzzer nymph patterns always tend to work best at this picturesque water.

The fishery is renowned for the superb quality of its brown trout that have been caught to double figures.

A stunning brown landed earlier this spring by Danny Ford.

Wistlandpound Fly Fishers enjoy brown trout sport at home venue

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Wistlandpound Fly Fishing Club held their Edwards Cup Floating line competition at their home venue.  The competition was for the best brace of trout and was won by Dave Mock who landed who two trout for 2lb 15oz, Close behind was David Eldred with a brace totalling 2lb14oz and in third Paul Grisley with a single trout weighing 1lb 9oz.

Salmon news from Torridge and Taw

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A wonderful 10lb spring salmon has been caught from Little Warham Fishery on the Mid Torridge . The fine fish was tempted by Gary Pearson, who is usually a familiar face on the River Taw. Gary was was enticed this season by the beauty of Little Warham and the River Torridge. Gary caught the fish during the late afternoon in rainy, cloudy conditions, during this continued period of low water – which is very encouraging to us anglers. The fish was photographed and returned safely. Well done Gary, your first Torridge salmon.

The long spell of dry weather has been frustrating for salmon and sea trout anglers though some have ventured out and enjoyed success on the Lower beats of both the Taw and Torridge. Steve Maddox fished Barnstaple and District Angling Associations water at Newbridge to bank a stunning 18lb fresh run salmon. Steve told me it was his first and gave an amazing account before being brought to the net.

On the Lower Torridge five salmon have been tempted from Half Moon Beats below Beam Weir all of them double figure fish including a fine 12lb springer to experienced rod Charles Inniss.

A few sea trout are also being tempted including fish to 3lb on middle river Torridge beats.

Learning the way to tempt more bass

When the rivers are low and salmon and sea trout are hard to find many fly fishers are turning to the the estuary where the silver flanked bass can provide exciting sport on both lure and fly. Nick Hart provides tuition in Fly Fishing in both fresh and saltwater, in rivers and still waters. His latest pictures show some happy anglers making the best of ideal conditions where the estuary meets the sea. Investing in guided fishing can make a huge difference to your catch rates boosting success over many years into the future.


North Devon Tackle Enjoy top sport at Jennets

 North Devon Tackle Club…Held their latest match at Jennets Reservoir where they enjoyed some great sport.
Norman Martin Won the match with 40lb 7oz. Runner up was Simon Poynter with 36lb 5oz and third Kevin Wilton with 31lb 7oz. Forth place went to Peter Seaward with 24lb 12oz.
Norman fished the venue a couple of weeks before the event and enjoyed success with a 19lb 14oz Carp.(Below)
In addition he landed 121lb of bream and 7lb of roach. (below)