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Whilst the recent rain has not been welcomed by summer holidaymakers it has brought a much needed rise in local rivers that has brought a run of salmon into North Devon’s rivers. I fished the Middle Torridge on Saturday and whilst I did not connect with any salmon the river was in prime trim. Several salmon have been caught on beats on the Upper Torridge which indicates that the salmon have forged up through the river system and are now well spread out.

Little Warham Report – From Amanda and Anthony

After a series of good spates with occasional overcast days, last weekend Anthony caught a couple of fresh salmon with the biggest being 9lb. He also caught a 5lb sea trout. The second spate saw a 13lb salmon caught by a visiting rod. Gary Pearson one of our seasonal rods also caught a 6lb Grilse. Anthony also caught another salmon and see trout over the weekend.

Friday August 4th Johnathon Hellyer, one of our seasonal rods caught two salmon of 12lb and 6lb.  Anthony caught a small sea trout and a 14lb salmon!!

Walking the river bank it is evident that the season is passing by all too quickly with spiders webs glistening in the grass and hazelnuts swelling in the trees. The salmons flanks are also starting to take on those richer autumn hues as what is perhaps the best of the season approaches.

Ian Blewett was among successful anglers on the River Taw landing and returning this cracking specimen from a Middle Taw beat.

I have also heard of a 16lb salmon from the Day Ticket Weir Marsh and Brightly Beats of the Taw where several salmon have been tempted in recent weeks. Tickets can be obtained from the Rising Sun at Umberleigh.


Decisions- Whats your top fly?

EXE VALLEY FISHERY – Voted into top 50 of UK Stillwater Trout Fisheries

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It looks like the work to improve Exe Valley Fishery and most notably Anchor Lake is paying off as the venue has just been voted as one of the Top 100 UK Still-waters by the Trout Fisherman magazine.  In fact the fishery entered the top 50, reaching 42nd place, even better news, this year the water remains open to anglers after last year’s disastrous summer when I had to close.  There is no doubt that the cooler air and heavy rainfall have helped, but extensive work to clear weed has also assisted.


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Many Match anglers would be delighted to top 100lb; Steve Shaw fished a match at the Prolific Stafford Moor to double this weight!

Winner of Stafford Moors Fisho Festival 2017 was Steve Shaw (MOSELLA) who won from peg 1 on Tanners lake with 203lb 8oz!
Twenty anglers contested the competition on Tanners Lake.
Steve won £1000  and the four section winners won £295 each with second in section winners received £140 each.

Bratton Water Fishing Well

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Bratton Water is fishing well with the lake is in excellent condition and the water  bright and clear with water temperature at  13-14c. The recent rain has freshened things up and weed growth has not been significant despite a long dry warm start to summer. Mike Williams tells me that most fish are being tempted on small dries and nymph patterns.

Check out Bratton Waters updated website just click on the advert below.


Carp at Stafford Moor

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Brandon King who is 14 years old on the inlet swim on Beattie’s lake with his new personal best a 29lb 4oz beauty using Sticky Baits Manilla boilies.

Tim Vick who had 10 carp to 20lb 4oz in the double swim on Lodge Lake  spit using Sticky Baits Krill boilies.

Simon Tregidgo and son Archie who had 7 fish out of lodge lake using Mainline tutti fruity boilies & half a yellow pop up.

Steve lands big Stafford Eel

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Steve Pinn landed a personal best eel at Stafford Moor Caught on a tail hooked 4″ dead bait at first light. The Moor has produced several big eels over recent years to over 8lb and has the potential to produce a really special eel as the eels live undetected in the lakes feeding on the abundant small fish and high protein carp baits.