Sea Angling – Results round up.

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Jazza John secured the top spots in Appledore Shipbuilders monthly rover with flounder scaling 1lb 105/8oz and 1lb 93/4oz. In third was James Atkinson with a whiting scaling 157/8oz. Jack Pike took first and second in the junior section with flounder of 1lb and 157/8oz.

Antony Smith weighed in a thick-lipped grey mullet of 3lb 2 1/2oz that was the only fish weighed into Bideford Angling Clubs Monthly Sea Rover. The fish was tempted on a half a side of mackerel. Grey Mullet were once considered a summer species but recent seasons have seen the species caught all year round from marks along the North Devon Coast.

Large numbers of small conger and dogfish are proving a nuisance out on the open coast with baits devoured before larger specimens get a chance,

North Devon Match Group Winter League Winter League No.2 Millpark

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1st Martin Turner -28lb 5oz

2nd John Lacey – 24lb 7oz

3rd Peter Slade – 7lb 12oz

4th Ben Hathaway – 6lb 8oz.

Martin drew on the stream side and fished a 10mtr pole with hemp,tares and casters for roach, he also had a bonus carp mid match on a method feeder , John on the next peg got of to a good start on the pole over groundbait, finishing with a great net of roach and bream. Pete could not find the bonus roach but still managed third spot with a net of nearly 300 small roach. Floating leaves and a mid match down pour made fishing difficult at times.

No Fishing – Today!

Fishing tends to have a big influence on my day to day life beyond just going fishing. My long suffering wife Pauline inevitably gets drawn into this world and often accompanies me on piscatorial related ventures. On Saturday November 4th we attended a memorial to the late Mac Mc Carthy at North Molton’s Old School Room. The event was a fitting tribute to Mac whose enthusiasm and warmth contributed a great deal to the local angling community. Whilst his role as Treasurer of South Molton Angling Club and the River Taw Fisheries Association was important and carried out with  the expertise to be expected of a man with a sound banking background it was his passion for life, fishing and community that shone brightly.

Update – The memorial collection raised £125 towards cancer research.

Mac McMcarthy at Head Falls on the river Mole a project that Mac worked on with the River Taw Fishery Association.

Mac always made me very welcome as a member of the local press and invited me to several meetings with the South Molton Angling Club that I of course ended up joining as a social member. I have fond memories of trips to the river with Mac to view habitat improvement work and as a guest on the beat he rented on the Taw. I have a couple of salmon flies Mac gave me residing in my fly box that will one day I am sure entice a silver salmon.

(Above ) Mac with a fine salmon ( Photo courtesy of Ed Rands)

After an enjoyable hour chatting in the village hall over a glass of wine and tasty nibbles we set off to enjoy a walk and a breath of fresh air. It was appropriate that we chose Landacre as our destination a place where Mac often exercised his dogs. I know this as Mac told me of the salmon he saw spawning in the Barle during late autumn and winter. Like myself I am sure Mac was drawn to the river in the hope of glimpsing the salmon for surely when not fishing the next best thing is to look for fish.

There has been a degree of doom and gloom relating to the Exe and Barle this season with catches far below those of past seasons. A fact that has been noted across the country on many rivers. The light was not quite right for spotting salmon in the clear waters and whilst I caught the occasional glimpse into the river I could not at first see any salmon. We did however reminisce about summer days when we had brought James to picnic by the river and catch minnows as I had also done when I was a child.

I as I Looked down the river that twisted through the autumn landscape a salmon leapt from the water a brief split second and an image to save in the minds eye with a thousands others that can never be frozen be captured with a camera.

Further down river I was also thrilled to see a salmon as its movement caught my eye. I of course had to walk onto the bridge and peer into the water below. What salmon have travelled beneath the spans of this ancient bridge I pondered?

From the river we headed to Dulverton for a coffee and a browse around the shops. Lance Nicholson’s tackle shop is always worth a look with its racks of quality rods and pleasing selections of flies for both trout and salmon. The bookshop, “Rothwell and Dunworth” always has a good selection of fishing books and on this occasion I was tempted and purchased a copy of “Sea Fishing” by the Late Clive Gammon. Clive is one of my favourite authors and this tome will undoubtedly carry many words of wisdom despite its publication date of 1969. The cover picture reflects how times have changed for the better with several tope carcasses gracing the cover. Flicking through the pages brings a view of a bygone age that I can easily relate to on this day of reflection.



Twelve carp catch at Stafford Moor

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Bruce Julian  landed 12 fish using Sticky Baits Manilla , Sticky Krill Wafters and Manilla bait spray from the summer hut swim on Beattie’s Lake.

His partner  Alice Mann captured this beautiful images whilst accompanying Bruce at the venue and illustration of how much more there is to fishing than just catching fish.

Double Figure cod

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The cod competition is underway and 45 years waiting for a double figure cod came to an end for paul Chidgy when he boated this handsome 15lb 12oz cod on Dan Hawkins boat off Watchet. Double figure cod are the main target of the Watchet and Blue Anchor Charter boat fleets over the coming months but there should be a few ray and conger to bend the rods in between cod.

The netting report from Zyg and Rose at Anglers Paradise

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The netting report from Zyg and Rose at Anglers Paradise

Our annual Netting revealed our biggest ever Catfish weighing in at a record weight of 90lbs 11oz, we also weighed in two 60’s to 68lbs and four 70’s to 78lbs from the Main Carp Lake, which is the largest of our holiday lakes and home to the biggest head of carp and the largest predators on the complex. The fish were safely re-located to stock ponds while works are carried out on the lake and will be re-homed following completion.

The record for Wels Catfish was discontinued in the late eighties at 60lbs, this was due to fish being introduced at 100lbs or more from the Continent. It took me 4 years to get official planning permission from MAFF. I am particularly proud as our Catfish were introduced as small Catfish spawned in this country, the biggest about 10 inches, well under 1 lb. We are the only venue with proper provenance to have stocked Catfish and also bred them on our fish farm.

In addition to the physical work of netting the lakes, we take the opportunity to raise funds for local charities, some of this year’s nominated charities are Air Ambulance, local food banks, defibrillator for Ashwater etc.
The nutty netters come from far and wide to help in the netting, raising funds through such activities as Race Night, Bingo, Fishing Match, Archery, Quizzes and Disco culminating in a Bonfire and Fireworks spectacular on Friday 3rd November.

A particular thank you to Phillip Warren Butchers and graziers of Launceston for their generous donation of hot dogs and beef burgers.

Anglers Paradise