There’s a month left in Bristol Channel Charters and Reel Deal cod competition with a few decent cod likely to be boated when the weather permits.
Summers coming time to book those shark excursions!
Steve Dawe is on a mission to catch 52 species in 52 weeks and is doing it to raise money for The Stroke Association following a massive stroke that impacted upon a close angling friend of Steve’s. Steve has agreed to write about his aims on NDAN in a feature that will follow soon. In the mean time above is a picture of the huge 19lb spurdog Steve boated on Tuesday January 30th whilst fishing on John Barbeary’s boat Bluefin.
Pete Gregory was also on the trip and enjoyed sport with spurdog and bull huss. ( Below)
The North Devon Coast is a dangerous location especially during the winter months and keen sea anglers live on the edge. Despite plenty of warnings of the dangers of the sea events make the news every year some of them tragic. I have with kind permission of the Ilfracombe RNLI repeated their latest news post from social media.
In the early hours of Tuesday morning both boats were launched to the assistance of three fishermen cut off near Sandy Cove, Combe Martin.
The pagers sounded at 1.25am and the volunteer crew soon mustered to launch both boats despite a frosty start for their vehicles. The All Weather Lifeboat, The Barry and Peggy High Foundation and our Inshore Lifeboat, The Deborah Brown II, made their way to Broad Sands beach and soon located the casualties.
All three were caught out by the tide, although experienced fishermen they had underestimated the rise of tide, and a 1.5m swell was running in choppy seas. When realising their difficulty one took the decision to raise the alarm but with no phone signal, he moved across the rocks and was taken into the water by the swell. The casualty was wearing a flotation suit but had a backpack and waders on, so had a struggle to free himself. He managed to kick off his waders but was battered on the rocks, he then wrestled to make his way to land and picked up a phone signal to call the Coastguards and raise the alarm.
The Ilfracombe Coastguards brought him back to Ilfracombe Lifeboat Station, while his two friends were picked up by the Inshore Lifeboat and transferred to the All Weather Lifeboat, and taken back to Ilfracombe Lifeboat Station.
The injured casualty said ‘ I never imagined I’d end up in the water and had serious concerns for my safety’
These anglers normally carry vhf but felt it was such a good evening it wasn’t worth carrying. Also mentioning that 112 can be picked up more easily would be advantageous. The casualty had to climb to the main road barefoot to get a call out.
The Coastguards administered first aid and the casualties were picked up for home. Volunteer Second Coxswain Carl Perrin said ‘ it was a very favourable outcome which could have been so easily a far worse result’
Both boats were back and ready for service at 3.45am.
If we are honest most experienced sea anglers have had a few close calls. There are always lessons to be learnt and one of those has to be knowledge of the tide and weather conditions. I know Outer Stone Broadsands well and have fished there many times. It is a low water mark that I would only fish during settled conditions. Access is via a gulley that dry’s out for a short time over low water. An observation I would make is that it is easier to cross the gulley as the tide drops but far more difficult to get back if the water is at the same level on the flood. It is imperative that the rock is vacated in plenty of time as the tide floods.
The wearing of waders adjacent to deep water is questionable as falling in wearing these will make getting back to shore difficult. The wearing of flotation suits or aids is to be recommended but is not common practice. The carrying of a mobile phone to raise the alarm if all goes wrong is essential. The carrying of a lifeline is also a wise addition to the anglers pack. It is also unwise to fish alone. Always let someone know where you intend to fish and an approximate time of return.
The RNLI and Coastguard do a sterling job in rescuing those that get it wrong and are to be applauded.
Steve Pinn gives an account of his second session on Willow Lake. Almost a blank until the sun came out on the last day. This was when the larger fish came out, just before an amazing Devon sunset (only 17Ib but another willow, mint beauty). Had to wait until an alarm call at dawn on the last day when the smaller fish of the 2 woke me with a screaming run, I’d had similar runs from a swans leg but this time it was for real. I emerged to temps of -4, a heavy frost and the smaller of the 2 fish which wasn’t weighed but was a beautiful linear. You can tell by my disheveled appearance that I have literally just woken up in the picture!! Both fish were had on a new delivery of 12mm nuts tipped with a very chopped down fake corn and a red hair stop on a bed of red maggots and freeby 12 millers. A memorable second session of 2018 not just for the fish but also the wonders of nature. Angling Artist Thanks to David Blackaller for supplying the good luck, the sunshine and the camera skills.
A must go event in the West Country Angling Calendar
The South West Fly Fishing Fair will be held at Lakeside, Roadford Lake for its fifth consecutive year on Saturday 24 February, 10.00am – 4.00pm. This event, sponsored by Cortland UK, has become a regular fixture in the West Country’s angling calendar as anglers prepare for the start of a new fishing season. Each year the event has built on the success of the previous Fly Fair and the 2018 show will be bigger and better again!
The show will be opened at 10.00am by one of the country’s most respected fly-fishing gurus, and Patron of the show, Charles Jardine. There will be fly-tying demonstrations from both local and nationally renowned experts, with a chance to ‘have a go’, as well as the opportunity to pick up useful tips and valuable advice.
Other activities throughout the day include casting demonstrations, fly casting lessons and clinics for both newcomers to the sport and experienced anglers feeling a little rusty after the closed season as well as casting competitions and the opportunity to try float-tubing or kayak fishing!
There will be Trout cooking demonstrations and a variety of live Trout for people to view including Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout and Blue Trout.
Trade stands will be selling tackle and equipment at bargain prices and there will also be rod making demonstrations.
The introduction of a second hand tackle sale was very popular in 2016 with anglers bringing their unwanted equipment along and having it sold on their behalf. This will be taking place again in 2018.
It’s a terrific event and the only one of its kind in the South West!
Entry is only £3.00 for adults and under 18s go free. The bar will be open for refreshments throughout the day and parking will be free.
For more information please contact Ben Smeeth by calling South West Lakes Trust on 01566 771930 or email [email protected].
Adam Atkins and dad John caught ten carp up to 21lb 14oz from swims 2 & 3 on lodge lake using Sticky Baits Buchenberry pop ups and Manilla all caught on Gardner Ronnie Rigs size 6 bought from the on site tackle shop.
(Below) Leon Vledder fished on swim 6 the Rhododendron Bush swim on Beattie’s lake to land a 23lb mirror fishing with Sticky Baits 16mm Manilla boilies.
(Below)Jason shipway caught six carp out up to 19lb from the inlet swim on Beattie’s lake using Mainline cell Boilies.
(Below) Lewis clarke had this 19lb 14oz catch from the beach swim on Beattie’s lake using
C C Moore live system 10mm pop up it was Lewis’s first time here. Lewis was here with dad Alan Clarke.
Dan Welch secured victory in Combe Martin SAC’s Winter Rover landing a specimen spurdog of 12lb 3oz ( Above)
In runner up spot was Matt Jeffery with a specimen bull huss of 10lb 13oz(Below). Matt also took third place with a spurdog of 8lb 4oz.
Several conger were also landed to 15lb along with rockling and dogfish.
The end of competition meeting was held at Cook Island and proved to be a great venue with friendly banter and in depth discussion on the weekends fishing and tactics.
I joined seven members of Bideford & District Angling Club at Clovelly this morning to carry out a beach clean of the foreshore and harbour area. Following issues with angling related litter Bideford Club were determined to show that anglers do care and condemn those who drop litter and tarnish the majority of anglers who do take their litter home. In all we collected 16 bags of rubbish of which I would estimate 1% was angling related. The vast majority of the litter was plastic and its long levity was illustrated quite starkly by this old Ski Yogurt pot that I googled to find it probably began its life in the mid 70’s.
Children’s plastic toys were also abundant along with plenty of household containers. Some of the debris has undoubtedly come from waste that had been dumped on the cliff-side by villagers in times gone by to be dislodged as the cliffs subside and the sea pounds the upper foreshore. Giving up a couple of hours to pick up the unsightly waste from the foreshore brings home the immensity of the plastic and waste issue that is caused by our modern lifestyle. There is a minority of anglers who add to this problem with their own debris but society has a big problem as could be seen as I drove home along the Atlantic highway with its littered verges.