Stafford Moor – Cold Weather Carping

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Jack Gabriel fished the Summerhouse swim on Beatties lake & had 2 fish last up to 22lb 10oz fishing with Mainline cell & Sticky baits Manilla boilies in a 24 hour session.


Dean Farley and Guy Richardson fished up on lodge lake swim 1 where they banked 5 carp between them using Mainline cell, Sticky baits Manilla & Nash squid scopex boilies.


Wimbleball Fly Fishery – Opening Friday March 23rd

Wimbleball Reservoir Opens for Fly Fishing after a significant stocking under the management of new Fishery Manager Mark Underhill.

The first stocking at Wimbleball 2018 saw the introduction of 300 fully finned Rainbows up to 4lb with another 4000 to follow before opening day on March the 23rd. Day Tickets for a five fish limit cost £25 which is excellent value from the look of the fish being stocked.

For details and to book contact Mark Underhill on 07758561412 or email :- [email protected]

Typical of the quality rainbows being stocked into Wimbleball

A delivery of boats for use at Wimbleball in the coming season.


News From Paradise – The Big Fish Off ITV4

Big Fish Off
The latest series of the Big Fish Off is scheduled to air on ITV4 starting on the 29th March at 8pm. Not sure when the episode that was shot here is on, but there are sure to be some cracking episodes with a load of laughs, can’t wait. The show will be discussed on Soccer AM this Saturday,17th March and there will also be clips from the forthcoming series.

The Big One
If you’re planning on visiting The Big One Show between the 24th and 25th March in Farnborough, Hampshire, then make sure you pay the Anglers Paradise Team a visit! They will be on stand 28a along with Deception Angling. Zyg and Zenia will be there to greet you. Over the course of the weekend there is an opportunity to win a holiday for 8 people. For a lucky few, or probably the early birds, they’ll be a chance to take away a sample of the “Twist” which is one of the Paradise Baits range, produced exclusively by Burton Bait Rollers.
All the big angling names will be there, as well as their products and hopefully there will be some cracking deals to be had. “We hope to see you there for our 1st ever show, we are very excited!!”

Fish Moving Well
Lee Abbott one of our estate staff lost a big fish on Kraking Carp the other day. Fish are moving well now that the milder climes are here, were glad to see the back of the cold spell we had the other week, even we experienced snow even though it “never snows in Devon”

(Above)A sample of a the carp resident in the Day Ticket Kracking Carp Lake.

Special Easter Offer
We still have Fisherman’s Majestic on offer (sleeps 4) on March 31st normally £900 a week, for the offer price of £700. Fabulous views across Dartmoor at a saving of over 20%. Offer is on a first come first served basis. Come and join Rose and myself for. Apart from the offer there is still are a limited number of villas available over Easter.

Anglers Paradise

Stafford Moor 2018 – Silvers Festival

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Winner of Stafford Moors March Silvers Festival 2018 is Mark Goddard who won with just 5 points and a total weight of 98lb 8oz ! Mark also won the Largest bag of 37lb 9oz from peg 10 on Pines. In second place was  Des Shipp who had also 5 points with a total weight of 85lb 6oz.  In third place was Dave Smith with 9 points and a total weight of 82lb 15oz. Jo at Stafford Moor said “Thank you all so much for a fantastic week, really enjoyed seeing you all again and meeting some new faces. Thank you for your amazing support.

Spring News From Exe Valley

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Exe Valley is fishing well as spring arrives as this latest report from the fishery illustrates.

Reading from the returns archives Mr Tomkins recently tried a sporting ticket and worked nymphs for 4 fish over a few hours before switching to a stripped Blob which gave him another 5 fish in just half an hour.

Other returns mention the depth of the fish with the word “deep” used consistently along with “cold” including Mr Hobdens comment which made us chuckle “Bloody Freezing!!  But good sport!”  There is no doubt that wrapping up warm is required to enjoy a day at Exe Valley but if you put in the effort the chances are you will be rewarded with some action.

Mr Hobden banked 4 fish during his chilly session, but John Slaven had an even more fruitful day with 5 taken and 4 released, noting that it had been a “Cold day but worth it.  Fantastic!”  Johns bag tipped the scales to 15lb 2oz with a best fish of 3lb 2oz

John will hope for an equally impressive bag in just over a weeks’ time when on Sunday 18th March Exe Valley will host its annual Troutmasters Fish Off to determine who will head to the final later in the year.  This event is already well signed up with around 15 anglers attending but if you have an invite and have yet to contact us, there is still time, if you are quick!  Please note that the fishery will be closed to regular day tickets on 18/03/18 until after the match which is due to end around 2pm.

If you are going to practice beforehand or if you are just heading to the fishery for a pleasure day it would be well worth packing Blobs, Snakes, Blue Flash Damsels, Apps Worms and a few buzzers.  Floating lines with long leaders (fished slow) will work well but in recent weeks intermediates and medium sinkers such as the Di-3 have been well worth trying.

And to round up this catch report please note that Lobbs Lake will be open by the end of the month (in time for Easter) with further details regarding the fishing that will be available on this venue posted next time.

Many thanks for reading and look our for more news soon.

For more news & pictures please check out our social media sites, Exe Valley Fishery Facebook & Exe Valley Fishery Instagram

Spring Time

Its seems that spring is slow to arrive and just as we think its getting milder another cold snap is forecast. But any day now we will get that first real day of spring when warmth prevails and balmy air descends.

There are of course signs that spring is here as daffodils, primroses and celandine’s line the hedgerows and roadside verges. Frogs spawned a couple of months ago now and their spawn is already transforming into tadpoles. It will be soon be the turn of the toads to converge onto lakes and ponds their birdlike croak echoing around. Any time now we could glimpse that first sand martin and then that true harbinger of spring and summer the swallows.

As anglers we are of course very aware of nature that is around us and this is all part of what fishing is all about. I am always filled with optimism as the days grow longer and the chance to fish evening sessions in daylight arrives. Of course many plans are made and time is as ever less plentiful than desired. In just a couple of weeks the clocks spring forward.

There will be the chance to cast a fly across the river for spring salmon. Flick a dry fly upstream for wild brown trout or fish a buzzer on a Stillwater for hard fighting rainbows.

Carp anglers will relish the warming water knowing that carp will become more active and as a result will search for food maybe even coming onto the surface where a chum mixer will be slurped down with that delightful sound of summer evenings.

If you’re a sea angler your thoughts will be turning to bass, smoothound and ray. It will of course depend upon your favourite angling style what you seek. The bait angler will enjoy sitting back waiting for the nodding rod and screaming reel. The lure fisher will be more mobile searching for fish casting here and there searching for that electric tug on the line.


I could ramble on but I am sure you get the vibes that I am trying to convey that excitement at the arrival of new a season and fresh piscatorial adventures. I hope to report on your catches over these coming months, not just the fish but also an appreciation of all that angling means. So please feel free to send me your successes, stories and any images of the angling world you enjoy.

Many thanks go to those who sponsor this site and support this project.


Stafford Moor Carp on the feed again after the cold snap

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(Above) Chris Dyer had this stunning 23lb common  from the summer hut swim on Beatties  fishing with Sticky Baits signature squid and Sticky Baits Krill boilies.

(Above) Brinn Jones fished  on Lodge lake today on a day ticket, fishing swim 15 he tempted four fish using Nash Key Kray boilies.

(Above) Adam Atkins and his dad John Atkins  had three carp up to 22lb from the beach swim on Beatties lake fishing with Mainline Cell, Sticky Baits Manilla & sticky’s Buchenberry pop ups.