Coarse Section Monthly Comp. Results April 8th Tarka Swims

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1st Martin Turner 22lb 1oz

2nd Ian Owen 14lb 15oz

3rd John Lisle 14lb 6oz

4th Peter Slade 11lb 14oz (silvers)

5th Stephen Craker 6lb 6oz

6th Antony Bentley 5lb 5oz

Fifteen anglers showed up to fish the first match on Tarka since last year on a lovely warm spring day that tempted a few carp to show, Martin Turner  drew the shallow end on peg X and fished bread on a long pole for victory with 4 carp . Ian Owen caught 2 good mirror carp on a method feeder on peg Q for second, John had a big common on the next peg on a pole for third. Pete Slade took fourth and the silver bag with a nice net of skimmer bream from the deeper peg N on the long pole and soft pellet.

Bass are about!

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Combe Martin SAC Member Chris Bonds fished a local mark to tempt this fine bass of 8lb 1oz. The fish took crab and king rag presented on a long flowing trace. The bass was returned alive in line with current legislation that allows no bass to be retained for the table by recreational anglers.


Wistlandpound Fly Fishing Club – Blagdon Competition Result

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Paul Grisley secured victory in Wistlandpound Clubs April Trophy at Blagdon Reservoir. His eight fish limit bag of rainbow trout totalled 21lb 3oz. Colin Combe was runner up with 8 for 17lb 8oz and David Eldred third with 8 for 16lb 12oz. The biggest trout of the day was a rainbow of 4lb 6oz to the rod of Paul Grisley.

I shared a boat with Matt Kingdom who gave a lesson in how to catch trout completing his eight fish limit by lunch time and going on to add another ten trout. I fished similar tactics and even scrounged a couple of Matt’s successful flies to land a brace of trout. Sometimes the difference between success and failure is due to a subtle difference in technique or tackle. Blagdon is a truly historic trout water that can provide exciting sport especially at this time of year as the trout feast on the thousands of buzzers that hatch from the lake when conditions are right. In a few weeks time it will be thrilling to hear the pleasing screech of the swifts as they swoop across the lake. The first swallows should be showing any day soon.

After many years I have replaced my old trout fishing bag with a new one. The Snowbee XS – Bank & Boat Bag is highly recommended with numerous practical and functional characteristics.

Record From Paradise – 53lb 2oz

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Report from Zenia at Anglers Paradise.

Steve Elsbury, 35, has caught a 53lb 2oz Mirror known as Silver Back from Peg 1 on our Day Ticket Venue Nirvana’s Kracking Carp Lake, which is not only the new ‘Living’ Devon County Carp Record but is also the biggest EVER Carp to have been caught in history at Anglers Paradise!! The current record Carp to be caught from Devon was from Emperor at over 54lbs known as Smirk which is sadly no longer alive which makes Silver Back at 53lb 2oz as the NEW’ LIVING’ COUNTY RECORD!! Massive CONGRATULATIONS to Steve Elsbury – What a Catch!!! We are absolutely over the moon for you!!

Anglers Paradise


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Water temperatures are slowly rising and this normally gets the catfish moving. The latest report from Anglers Paradise come right on time. The first few weeks of springlike weather often see the cats go on feeding frenzy with multiple catches likely especially from Eldorado’s catfish lake that has very good head of fish. If you want a fish of lifetime try the Day Ticket Nirvana lake which has cats to over 50lb!

With the temperatures rising, the Cats are showing!! A 35lb Cat came out of Eldorado’s Bottom Cat and Carp Lake and here’s Jack Sparrow who caught a Personal Best 47lb 3oz Cat from Nirvana’s Specimen Cat Lake on a Krill Wafter on a running rig with a pva bag of smashed up halibut pellets and ground bait. As you can see Jack caught the Catfish at night and had to do a self-take so the quality of picture isn’t great but you can still see the size of it!

Anglers Paradise

Jon treks North for giant Skate

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Globe trotting North Devon angler Jon Patten made the long trek to Western Scotland to target the huge common skate that dwell in the deep-waters. Jon was fishing aboard top Charter boat ‘Size Matters” skippered by Kevin Mckie and sponsored by Shimano. The team are working on a feature for Sea Angler Magazine due for publication later this year. The fish Jon is playing in the picture was brought to the boat and was estimated at 202lb and was subdued using 20lb class tackle and was hooked in 500ft of water.

Image courtesy of Ashley Clarke

It is fascinating and rather sad to note that huge giant skate like this were once tempted from the waters off Lynmouth. Over fishing wiped these magnificent fish out in our area. The populations in Scotland and Ireland are now protected and angling is strictly catch and release with the fish photographed after measuring before disappearing back into the mysterious depths. The anglers fishing for these magnificent fish bring a huge benefit to the local economy and help with important research into the species. The fish have no commercial value as a food fish and are very slow growing.